Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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yes! finally a response! *sobs in happiness*

Welcome quickbeam! :D

Yes, I love Ryan and Eric ^^ they're just so good for each other if they could just open their eyes and see it!

I was looking for this thread and there has to be something wrong with my eyes because I kept missing it and then I started a thread and then the first answer I got was: there is a thread like this over here so this one is locked. I was like oops, my bad and then I came to this treasure :D

Hardy boys forever!!!!!

Sorry about the double post

But ah! now you-know-who turns out to be the mole, which is great, there is so much potential!

so much! gah! it's fantastic, this opens so many doors, so many fanfiction, so many ideas ^^

I mean YKW was in the way! and now YKW is gone!

Now Eric and Ryan can find comfort in each other after the whole painful ordeal that would leave them feeling used and hurt. Besides, if they have similar tastes in women, then couldn't they have similar tastes in men, ie: each other? :lol:
ooh, definitely :D

Eric would be hurt because it looked like he had the most feelings for Natalia and then Ryan comes to comfort him and then Eric realizes that he wasn't jealous of Ryan when he went out with Natalia but that he was jealous of Natalia going out with Ryan :D

And then they would have hot sex and they'd finally realize how good they are for each other

but just one question though: it seems that they're going to Brazil... but who is? The entire team or just Horatio and Eric and what happened with the lab? I mean, that would have a huge impact on the relationship between Eric and Ryan
Personally I have the feeling it'll just be Delko and H going to Brazil, but you never know. I dunno, it just seems that if only the two of them go, they can carry out their police brutality without anybody to stop them. :mad: :rolleyes:

On the other hand, the advantage of this is that Eric can start to miss Ryan so much (and vice versa), and when they come home, at the airport, Eric and Ryan can run into each other's arms and proclaim their undying love for each other. :D
It would be a beautiful way for Eric to realize how much he's in love with Ryan because of how he misses him and of course visa versa.

And yeah, a beautiful airport scene where they out themselves to all their collagues ^^ :D

But I had this wierd dream last night, I'd been watching Under the Influence before I went to bed and I dreamed that Horatio was Ryan's father :eek:

And when I woke up I was like: huh? :confused:

But then I started thinking, Horatio looks really surprised when he sees Ryan first at the scene and then he says to Calleigh at the end: It's in his blood

Yeah, it would be if Horatio was his father!!!! :lol:

And I thought that if Ryan and Eric get together Horatio would have this fatherly protectiveness thing :lol:

I'm just messing... it would be good fanfic though, I might have to try it :p
sorry for the double post, but I'm way passed my edit part

anyway, does anyone make banners for singatures? More precicly Eric/Ryan banners? Anyone? Please? *begs*

I've tried making them myself but eum I... *clears throat* I suck
Okay, we got a little side-tracked, but we haven't forgotten about the Featured Ship. This week, it's Eric/Ryan, a hot, slashy pair.

1) I missed the finale. Were there any scenes between them?

2) If they were going to get together, how would it happen?
Well I haven't seen the final myself, so I wouldn't know about scenes of them together

And how they're going to get together?

Well, personally I have the sneaky suspicion that they got together after Nailed and that was the reason why they got along so well. I mean there is loads of angst in Nailed that can be put to good use :D

on the other hand, you've got Silencer where I don't think they're together yet because I get the impression they're kinda flirting and then the entire thing with Natalia ... Ryan looked genuinly hurt when he saw Eric flirting outragelously with Natalia in the evidence locker

But Ryan could try to comfort Eric about loosing his sister and then Eric could finally tell him how much he really loves Ryan and then Ryan will kiss him and well... I'll try not to get sidetracked :devil:
The idea of Eric/Ryan is very hot indeed. I was wondering though if anyone had any recs for fics? Give me an addy or pm with a link. Thanks.
Thanks so much for the link, SwiftTales , so happy to read some stories I haven't read before...
I so like the Eric / Ryan pairing, don't know why, actually, except that they're sooo cute :D
I like it because there is so much sexual tension :D and they'd be really good for each other, if they just hooked up already

But they look beautiful together don't they? Eric's dark skin against Ryan's pale skin and .... *mind goes to the gutter*

:D They look really good together
I'm beginning to develop a fondness of clips showing Eric and Ryan walking side by side. They have this thing where they almost walk in synch. It's pretty awesome, and I bet it has some hidden significance ;)

Examples that I can think of at the moment:

In "After The Fall" there's a really good scene close to the beginning, about 7 minutes in.. I swear, it's almost like they're doing it on purpose. They walk up the stairs the same, then walk across a room with the same swagger, then turn to face a suspect at the same time. It's crazy. And I love it.

Another one that I know if is in 'Skeletons' about 3/4 of the way through, they walk towards a white delivery van together. It reminds me of something from Men In Black, only they're wearing white. :lol: This one's not quite as good as the 'After The Fall' one, but I was watching 'Skeletons' just now and couldn't help but notice it.

Who knew that two guys walking together could be so hott?? Well, ok, I did. I just have a thing for the way people walk. :lol:
Yeah, they look so good together and they do have that sync walk thing :D ^^

I just watched a clip from the end of Nailed, when they're walking towards the exit together and then they do that sync walk thing to :p :lol:

I hope in season 5 we'll get more in sync walking moments and much more friendliness and hidden touches because yeah,they are in love

They just need to get over themselves and over Natalia (b*tch) and start dating already :D

and more then just dating of course :devil:
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