Lab Technician
Oh! I think I just saw that episode, I don't remember the scene though... but I remember I liked the episode even though there really weren't a lot of scenes between Eric and Ryan
I'm getting Curse of the Coffin next week I can't wait to see it
Anyway, one of the reasons I like Eric/Ryan so much is the history between them, the tension, the fights and most of that probably wouldn't have been there if Speed hadn't died
of course, it would have been nice to have Ryan brought while Speed was still alive and see those two people react with each other
it might have been fun to watch, the messy, scruffy Speed and the OCD Ryan
Anyway, even though I loved the tension I'm happy about the friendly atmosphere between them now
I'm getting Curse of the Coffin next week I can't wait to see it
Anyway, one of the reasons I like Eric/Ryan so much is the history between them, the tension, the fights and most of that probably wouldn't have been there if Speed hadn't died
of course, it would have been nice to have Ryan brought while Speed was still alive and see those two people react with each other
it might have been fun to watch, the messy, scruffy Speed and the OCD Ryan
Anyway, even though I loved the tension I'm happy about the friendly atmosphere between them now