Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I don't know, if E/C went down that romantic road (which I don't think they will) If I were Calleigh & knowing all she does about Eric & Nat's past I would be uncomfortable about it. Especially considering him & Nat are still close. Thats kind of what I meant by there being an "impact". I think Calleigh just doesn't even want to go there w/ him. Not only because she considers him just a friend but because she also knows how he feels about Natalia & that hes confused.

Would anyone here be comfy starting a new relationship w/ a man going through PTS & only started paying more attention to you AFTER THIS. & right before this same man was into someone else, a co worker, no less? Gimme a break, Calleigh surely is aware of this!

Hmm, Calleigh busting EDeN together. Heres a scenario...something happens to Natalia in her home & the team goes in to collect evidence; Eric & Calleigh are in Nat's bedroom, Calleigh looks suprised when she sees dna in the bed & says she didn't know that Nat was seeing anyone. Eric then swabs his own mouth & gives the sample to Cal to exclude his dna from the crime scene. HAHAHA. :devil: :devil:
I had something different in mind. Calleigh would not "bust" EDeN in the sense of getting arrested or put under investigation but rather being "busted" as in being caught together in a private moment.
My Scenario:
Calleigh and Jake have one bruiser of an argument. Upset and distraught she storms out of his apartment. She winds up driving over to Eric's place and knocks on the door. He answers and quietly lets her in. She is very upset, and he asks what's wrong. Calleigh sits down and starts to dry. Suddenly, Calleigh hears the words in a familiar voice come from the bedroom "Eric, is everything OK?". There is Natalia dressed in one of Eric's shirts and little else.
No evidence, no crime just the stark realization that the great chemistry between Nat and Eric reasserted it's power.

I have no clue as to what is going to happen between Eric and Natalia this season. Maybe they won't but something could arise that would make the temptation of them reuniting
VERY HARD to resist. Department policy or not.
Yeah, they may not. But as long as they leave the relationship "open" & get this e/c out of their systems, meaning Eric gets a wake up call & realises him & cal are just friends, then I guess I can deal with it. They can't resist each other...Eric will be back to himself by the end of the season & then they could continue w/ EDeN in S7!!! There is still too much there...they can't ignore that.

That'd be a nice scenario for fanfic but for Miami they would probably never show that much "away from the lab" time. Ya know what I mean, nonetheless, the thought of her in his shirt gets me all tingly. I always imagined, too, that she probably loafed around in his house in his button up shirts w/ the sleeves rolled up; him in just his shorts :devil: :devil: I could just never picture either of them w/ another person...its so...EWWWW!

Ok, these previews go by fast but those 2 people showed kissing looks alot like Nat. Also, this model who dies who in the previews looks like Natalia, ends up having something to do w/ Joe LeBrock. Im so hoping that the target was for Nat. It would bring up some great EDeN moments.
Love the pics. As we know, one of my faves. I'm ready for tonights episode... Even though I can barely remember the commercial and last weeks. Te he. School project got in the way. :k But, based on the spoilers, I'm ready.
OMG.....there was an EDeN scene within the first fifteen minutes!!!! and it was kinda flirty the way 'Talia asked him for some space she she could work..and then she sort of chuckled. it was cute :D
YEEEESSSS! Okay, there was only one real EDeN scene in "Chain Reaction" but it was extremely encouraging!!!
Agreed?? BTW, it does not appear that Natalia was ever romantically involved with "Agent Mike" but now I am veeerrry curious on what she has on him.

:D :D :D :confused: :confused: :confused: :D :D :D
I enjoyed the Eden scenes. I liked the playfulness when she got on him about giving her space. He was close up in her hair. :D
I'm curious on what she has on him, probably something from the pass or something, probably something that friends do, hehe.

I loved the close scene that eden got. It was really sweet, and the whole space thing, was fun. :) Go get in her space more often E!
:lol: :lol:Ok so my theory was wayyy off on last nights epi, oh well! I seriously almost had a heart attack when his face appeared right next to hers, but then she went & said she needed space? It was cute but at the same time very odd coming from her. Did anyone else think it was strange that she said this to him? I thought at first maybe there would be a little arguement between them later in the epi, but no. She looked pissy to me. Was I looking at it different than you guys?By the end of the episode I was imagining this: Her & Eric have started up again & she told him that so Stetler wouldn't see them "being close". Maybe their hiding it :devil: :devil: or that she just can't resist being that close to him cus she might jump him!! I don't know but I can't help but wonder if something is supposed to evolve from that comment....good or bad. :confused:

Man, was I relieved when Mike turned out to be a 'nobody'. Damn spoilers...why didn't they just quote it as : Natalia uses her connections w/ an old fbi agent to get surveillance tapes! Who the hell writes these original spoilers? Yeah, what is up w/ "are we even"?

I know there are carwashers here so please don't shoot me but I have to say I'd rather have Ryan cozying up to Sam than interfere w/ EDeN, last night made me happy just hearing that hes "flirting w/ the new girl". I just absolutely do not want her to start dating him. That was too cute..."I got 'em, you can watch 'em". I love Nat, shes so awesome!

Awwww, they are too cute...silencer pic...thanks for posting SWITCH TO NIGHTS!! Look at the closeness....geez just kiss her already!!! :devil:

Well, I would not describe Nat's attitude as 'pissy'. I think she did send a clear message that she does not like his 'hovering'. I think if Nat was in a bad mood she would have said "Eric, get the #@!%#*& out of my face." She likes him but she not going to take his crap. Still, I found it encouraging.
Has anyone seen spoilers about next week? I am curious if "Rich the shooting coach" shows his face again. The less he does the better I feel about EDeN.
:eek: :cool: :eek:
I thought maybe she is keeping her distance from him because of Stetler; not sure if she even knows but Stetler could of made a nasty comment to her about it. Whatever it was about still made me think Hmmmmm, why is Eric getting sooo very close to her? Obviously CLOSE ENOUGH that she needed more room!! Im w/ DHELIX, it is very encouraging!!! I don't know about Rich, I haven't seen any in the spoiler thread but that doesn't mean anything. I don't worry about him anyway, im convinced hes bad & is out to get Nat for something, which could possibly have something to do w/ this...
The agent (Mike) from Chain Reaction is back in this epi; its called "Miami Confidential". The spoilers said that they find he is not the fbi boy scout everyone thinks he is . His CI is murdered named Rachel, & theres mention of HIS infidelity. Also, it says his past w/ Nat will be revealed.

I am so thrilled for this to come, I hope she didn't have some crazy love affair w/ him when she was married. I keep thinking about Eva saying "it doesn't end well"; if this epi is what she was referring to then im betting she'll get hurt or whatever comes of this will effect her job. She obviously has something on this guy; if he is afraid she'll talk then that could be a dangerous situation for her. Enter Rich..maybe! I want her to get hurt, isn't that awful?, but hey, I need some good EDeN & that would do it.

I need some help here...I was so into seeing if there was any hint of a relationship between her & Mike that I missed out on alot of their actual conversation, anyone remember the whole conversation & what about the video where the kid was being taken?
I didn't really see any hint of a romantic entanglement, but it is not to say there wasn't one. What is clear is that they worked together, probably closely, and she did something for him. As to what is anyone's guess
A extra-marital affair while she was married to Nick? Possibly, but I would put the odds at less than 50%. I do think the odds are greater that Nick maybe involved in some way.
Seems to me that what Natalia knows about Agent Mike is more of a professional nature and could ruin his career. The only item that gives me this guess is when Natalia said "Does what you know about Scott Lebrock trump what I know about you?"
I take that as meaning that Agent Mike did something highly unethical at the very minimum but more likely did something highly illegal. Maybe manufactured evidence, gave false testimony, took illegal bribes from suspects, shook suspects down, or became an informant to some criminal figures.

How Natalia found out, I am not sure at all. We'll have to wait and see. ;) ;)
Didn't she say something about "the blood"? It would be really interesting if they involved Nick. I just want Eric to jump in!! Wherever hes needed, I don't care in what way, I just want him by her side. Its where the boy belongs!!
Where are all my EDeN loving buddies at? EDeN needs our support, we can't give up on them. I won't ever!!

Ya know how we were all wanting the hug to trigger something in Delko? Well maybe were looking at it wrong. After last weeks little "can I have some space" comment had me wondering if the hug didn't trigger HER emotions & that shes trying to keep her distance from him cuz shes afraid of what shes feeling for him. & on top of that, her thinking that Calleigh has her eyes on him. I REALLLY hope its not because she is interested in Rich (TPTB just not showing us yet). I dont want that comment to be the writers way of saying that Nat has lost interest in Eric. NO NO NO!
Oh, & no signs of Rich for this monday so YAY..*Mj does her happy jig*. Then again, TPTB have their way of just shoving things in our face & Im almost afraid the next time we see Rich, him & Nat will have developed something already. Oh well, he'll end up hurting her sooner probably than later, so, bring it on I suppose. Eric better be there to lick her wounds afterwards though :devil:
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