Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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:eek:ah, thanx.^^ possible, I never looked at it that way!! Its a chick drink. Of course I would think Eric would love the opportunity to throw in his buddies faces that the bottle is for his 'girl'!!!

The only thing I thought was maybe because he didn't like the drink himself. he was all like "that green stuff" & "whatever" like maybe he thought it was disgusting.

The fact that he bought the bottle for her & put it in his shelf was a biggy in my eyes. It was a little like saying
"heres your own coffee cup for when your over here". or "giving her her own drawer". I thought it was so cute.

Its a shame that they never went OUT anywhere but at the same time I love that they DIDN"T because that meant that everytime they were together it was just the 2 of them, at his house, talking, goofing around, & doing "other things".

I wish Monday was already over, i'll be shocked if we get any EDeN w/ this epi revolving around Calleigh. I'll be making sure I have a puke bucket next to me just in case. Eric loves Natalia!!! What are these writers doing?? I feel like the epi "dead air" was ended w/ a big fat TO BE CONTINUED & this is like us sitting here still waiting for the conclusion to air. Ugh.

EDeN pic of the day! Love the way he looks at her...
I'm not sure if anyone realizes it but the "Stand Your Ground" episode was important if you're and EDeN fan. Granted it mainly about Calleigh and there was only one decent EDeN scene in the whole episode and that was when Eric and Natalia were searching over the car.
Allow me to explain.
When the promo photos for this episode were put out on the web, one picture in particular got CSI-Miami fans whipped into a frenzy. The picture of Delko with his arm around Calleigh. For Calleigh/Eric fans this was practically the rapture.
But that is not quite how the episode turned out.

Here's what's important:
1. Jake isn't going anywhere. Some thought this was the end of Jake and Calleigh. Far from it, those two are going to keep seeing each other.
2. There is no real "in" for Eric in this situation. I believe that Eric suspects that Calleigh and Jake may still be seeing each other and now it looks as if he's going to accept it an move on. The door on Calleigh and Eric isn't totally closed but, as I see it, it did close a bit more.
3. The door for Eric and Natalia is still open in this case and I think just was opened a little wider.

Now, if we could only find out about "Rich the shooting instructor". We should know more about him in the next epi.
:D :D :D :) :) :) :D :D :D
Ok, that makes me feel better^^^. Im hoping too that this meant Eric has seen that Jake is alright for Calleigh & he'll move on. I agree, Calleigh & Jake will still be together. Oh, & I did manage to not puke...yay! I'll admit him comforting Cal was sweet of him but I also saw it no different then when Natalia was comforted by Horatio in "internal affairs" & we all know theres no "love" there. Its bothered me that TPTB haven't had EDeN discuss him & Cal as a couple but at the same time it releives me because I think it just shows us that there isn't a romantic future for e/c, so why bring it to surface if its not going to effect them. Ya know what I mean?

Did anyone notice her & the "gun" comment? Again, to me that was another sign for what is coming into her story later.

All I can really say is ...
1. Natalia's arc hasn't played out yet, whatever will happen to her or whatever shes involved in could put some focus on EDeN. Im anxious to see how Eric reacts to "whatever happens". The writers played off Calleigh losing a friend (Eric) when it came down to nearly dying. I think the writers need to do the same here...I want to see how Eric would feel if it was Nat in the hospital bed & he thought he could lose HER. Losing someone close or nearly losing them is enough to bring out their true feelings. In Calleigh's case, it showed her just how much of a friend she saw in Eric, her concern for him was focused on. In EDeN's case, their feelings are MUCH DIFFERENT!!

2> Whats important is that TPTB have proved several things about Eric since hes been w/ Natalia. Calleigh didn't make him more sensitive & respectful to women...Natalia did. The writers showed that Eric was changing in S4 (when he was w/ Nat). Part of that was due to his sister but I think alot of it was that he was well on his way to falling HARD FOR NATALIA. If not already. ;) Yes....the door is still open.
Been a little destracted during the last couple couple of episodes. So, I haven't really caught the moments. I am however, watching early season 4 eps right now on A&E. Te he...
^^^ Yes I know, ive been in lala land too the last few days w/ s4 reruns. "skeletons" & "collision" was on last night. So great...they were perfect! They are STILL perfect. The end of "collision" just screams how much Eric was really falling for her. Especially considering this was actually AFTER they stopped having sex. For Eric Delko, thats a biggy!! I cant say it enough... the writers have got to plan on reuniting them. Theres just no way all the emphasis you see on the 2 of them was meant to be ...a story for the time being.

I hope we get more info on Rich next epi. Im more than ready to see where this is headed. She seems really focused on her work though lately, so im really hoping we see her turning him down again & not all into him. Regardless, I believe hes scum, no doubt. It won't last, then she can realize Eric is the only one she can trust & they can get back together! :D
In the CSI Miami forum, the spoiler for the next epi "My Nanny " is already up. There's no mention of "Rich the shooting instructor" mentioned in the guest cast and their is nobody listed in "recurring cast". It could be that the producers are switching around episodes again and we'll see him later or that they may not be pursuing the Rich and Natalia angle anymore. Hmmmm. I think it's too soon to say that "Rich the shooting coach" is out of the picture. So stay tuned. :confused: :confused:
mjszud said:
I seriously almost had a heart attack when his face appeared right next to hers, but then she went & said she needed space? It was cute but at the same time very odd coming from her. Did anyone else think it was strange that she said this to him? I thought at first maybe there would be a little arguement between them later in the epi, but no. She looked pissy to me. Was I looking at it different than you guys?
Hmm... I don't remember how I was looking at it at the time. I think I was too busy squeeing because of how close he was to her. :p

But now that you mention it, she did seem a little aggravated.

I'd like to think that he was coppin' a feel and she didn't want anyone to see so she asked him for some space. ;)

...And then they resumed later, of course. :p

mjszud said:
I know there are carwashers here so please don't shoot me but I have to say I'd rather have Ryan cozying up to Sam than interfere w/ EDeN, last night made me happy just hearing that hes "flirting w/ the new girl". I just absolutely do not want her to start dating him.
I seriously believe that we have absolutely NOTHING to worry about as far as Ryan and Natalia getting together goes. They're totally over with. All that we'll get now is their kindergarten relationship where they hate each other one episode and like each other (as friends!) the next.

doublehelix said:
I think if Nat was in a bad mood she would have said "Eric, get the #@!%#*& out of my face."
I have the BEST picture of that in my mind. :lol:

mjszud said:
I am so thrilled for this to come, I hope she didn't have some crazy love affair w/ him when she was married.
I managed to get my hands on a portion of the script and from the little that I read, it seems like she was close to him. At least close enough for her to be honestly concerned for him.

Who knows... Maybe it'll turn out that she did have an affair with him. Remember what Nick said last season? "Let me guess... She slept with you, didn't she? You and about a hundred other guys."


doublehelix said:
In the CSI Miami forum, the spoiler for the next epi "My Nanny " is already up. There's no mention of "Rich the shooting instructor" mentioned in the guest cast and their is nobody listed in "recurring cast". It could be that the producers are switching around episodes again and we'll see him later or that they may not be pursuing the Rich and Natalia angle anymore. Hmmmm. I think it's too soon to say that "Rich the shooting coach" is out of the picture. So stay tuned. :confused: :confused:
No, I definitely think the Rich storyline is going to go on. I know that a comment is supposed to be made to Natalia that has something to do with Rich/the shooting range in an upcoming episode... might be this one. I'm not positive, though.

I hope that we can get this Rich storyline over with soon. If it isn't resolved by the time the last new episode airs, I'm going to take a road trip to LA and fling rubber bands at both the producers and the writers. (Not as a way to say "Stop this effin' strike already!" but more of a "Get Rich out of the picture so that Natalia and Eric can get back together!") :)

And a heads up to everyone... Someone put my EDeN: This I Promise You video up on their website and said that they made it. I just want to let you all know that the "someone" is not me. I'm trying to find a way to get in touch with the person but so far I've had no luck. :(
HI BVFAN!! That sucks that someone would do that!!

I noticed too that Rich was not in the cast list. This is the epi where she is questioned by Ryan, though, so it could be that Rich is just a "mention" in this epi, a little sneak peak of whats to come later probably. Im only hoping that Ryan will give her a light warning of him & that hes not jealous...icky! I really believe that Ryan knows something about Rich...I just do.

Agent Mike...I could see an affair between them only because like BVFAN mentioned; Nick's comment about her sleeping around, also because I could see if Natalia was in this awful marriage & gave into this Mike guy, Nick found out, that could've been what he was so irate about to make him break her arm. Another reason is because the writers are playing off this "relationships w/ colleagues" thing. Jake is to be in that same epi, so it makes me wonder how it will all revolve around each other. I guess its also possible that they could play it as Natalia & Mike being really good friends, (like e/c) but others & Nick thinking it was more like an affair. I hope its that one opposed to the other. ;)

I would just rather them make Nat & Mike's story reflect off of e/c's story. Clearing up relationships & how their viewed & that some are just meant to be close friends & others (Jake for Cal, Eric for Nat) are meant to be more! ;) ;)I could go for a story like that!

I think Natalia should shoot Rich. :D "Oh, im so sorry, I missed the target"! :lol:
I am not convinced that Natalia and Agent Mike had an affair. When they met up in the "Chain Reaction" episode, their meeting did not seem to have the tension/feel of two people that may have carried on an extra-marital affair. Personally, if an ex-mistress had called me up asking for a favor I would be less than willing to meet with her. In the episode Agent Mike was willing and didn't seem too surprised that Natalia was calling in a favor. I tend think things of a different nature was going on.

I don't think for a second that Natalia was "sleeping around" even when she was married to Nick. I also think that Nick's comment to Eric about "a hundred other guys" was meant to mess with Eric's head than anything else

I do think that Nick is connected in Nat's and Agent Mike's relationship in some way. I am not entirely sure how. Maybe Agent Mike was aware of Nat's bad marriage and may have tried to help, thus setting Nick off in a rage. Nick was quite likely insanely jealous and controlling and may have become suspicious of their working relationship. Maybe Nick saw them together in some innocent situation and it set him off anyway. Could be any number of things.

What I am most curious about is what Natalia knows about the boyish-faced FBI agent and how she came to know about it. I know it is supposed to be revealed soon. An earlier post stated that Agent Mike IS NOT THE BOY SCOUT HE COMES OFF AS and he had a darker side. Whatever it is, it is definitely enough for Natalia to have some degree of control over him.
Finding out will be interesting
I hope your right DHELIX. I didn't see any romance either but w/ this show, ya never know. I'd like to see them as just close friends as I said before. Natalia has already been in a relationship w/ Eric, & her husband, a date w/ Ryan that had Eric believing for a while that it was more; Id hate to see yet ANOTHER bedbuddy of hers, plus I think it would score her some brownie points w/ Eric that she remained faithful in her marriage...even though im sure Eric would totally understand it if she was cheating on Nick. I still don't want it to be like that, though!

I tend to believe that Nick said those things to Eric for 2 reasons: 1) to give Eric a bad impression of Natalia so Eric would stay away from her. 2) Nick's guilty concious of his own infidelity led him to believe that Natalia was cheating on him every chance she got.

Can't wait for mid-season!!! Shift writers...shift, please!
Was it ever brought up that Nick cheated on Natalia? I don't tend to remember anything of the sort. Could be! My impression was that Nick and Natalia had a marriage that was twisted, crazy and abusive but I never thought that either cheated on the other. I've been wrong before though.
As a previous noted
In a future epi a murder is supposed to occur and the victim is a confidential informant of the Agent Mike, who was apparantly sleeping with this informant as well. I gues it is here where we find out the nature of Agent Mike and Nat's relationship

This is gonna be interesting.

:confused: :cool: :confused: :cool:
I don't recall it actually being said on an episode that hes a cheater, but I remember reading it in a review or interview (don't remember which :rolleyes:) that he came across as being unfaithful. Its possible I guess that he wasn't, but with the way he was with Natalia & going after Valera the day after he slept w/ Nat makes me think its likely that he was. Im so glad Eric kicked his ass in that epi; it was so great! We need more of that "Eric watching over Natalia" goodness!

I wonder if Natalia knew about his affair w/ this girl. This epi could go in so many different directions, it should be exciting! Im just waiting for the big twist & sooo hopes that it will put a little "oomph" back in EDeN.

So far Natalia has made 2 comments about danger & death in the last 2 epis. Next Monday's epi is a repeat of "looks could kill" where Nick returns. Maybe a hint of whats to come???? :D The writers have already played off her being a "murder suspect" & they pushed Ryan down the old "lose your job" game. It would seem lame to make this "twist" revolve around her career. I really believe that she will get into some serious danger, don't know how or w/ who or how serious it will be, but I think its coming. Hopefully (if it happens) it will bring back some much needed emotions in Eric. For Natalia, that is!!!
Well EDeN fans lets take stock of what we saw. Only one scene with our two hopefuls and it wasn't too much either.
We also saw Ryan's comment Nat's "hours logged in at the gun range". This turned out to be, IMHO, a big nothing. Not only from the way Ryan brought it up but by the way Natalia responded. I sort of pictured that Ryan would make that comment with a "wink and a nod" implying that Nat was falling to the charms of "Rich the shooting instructor". To which Nat would reply with a sly grin or something of that nature.
Well, Ryan seemed to bring it up more like a friendly joke/tease and Natalia responded with a sort of "Ugh! Is this shooting course done yet?" Could be that Nat is getting close to her actual qualifying test. Either way it was not the response I expected. I posted before that I would have figured on seeing more of "Rich the shooting instructor" is there was some sort of romance brewing. I also didn't see anything looking like Ryan was jealous or anything like that.

The one scene where we saw Eric and Nat together didn't really give us much. I have noticed one thing, in this show and in others, when Eric is fingerprinting something and Natalia is in the room, she always tends to stick around to watch the process. She does not leave. Maybe this means something, maybe it does not.

Lastly, there was the scene in the home when Calleigh and Eric are searching the son's room for the knife. Eric's comment on "I just haven't met the right girl" and then there was Calleigh's reaction. I could see it about three different ways.
First-Translated "Calleigh! I Love you. Please have my children"
Second-"Sorry Calleigh! You're not the one."
Third-Stating it as a matter of fact. He just hasn't met the right one yet.(What a dumbass! He has, he just does not know it yet.)
Anyone else have different view on that scene?

:confused: :rolleyes:
yeah i was like you had the right girl but you screwed up. I dont know if he expect to meet this girl outside work but he should not cause he has a hard job and i think a outside girl would not understand it.
That scene wanted to make me puke! Possible pregnancies & babies are EDeN's story, not Calleighs. I was screaming at the tv "yeah Eric remember when you thought NATALIA was pregnant, you brain dead wreck". What is the matter w/ him? I think the writers are experiencing the same memory loss as aparently Eric has. Do they think us viewers have forgotten about that episode? Granted, Eric & Natalia were both freaked (who wouldn't be) but the signs were there...Eric was still there holding her hand, smiling saying that he believed that he was the only one she had been with. Natalia was happy that Eric made a point in saying "WE". Neither one were disgusted w/ the idea of having a baby together. They were facing it together! AndIt didn't SCARE Eric that much because he still wanted to continue seeing Natalia (offering her a hug); Nat was the one so freaked enough to slow it down, not Eric. I don't blame her considering at this time Nick was still in jail & that would've been scary for the baby & her.She was probably more scared for safety reasons than being scared of having Eric's baby. She was & still is the right girl! Eric must of woke from his death bed last year thinking that it was still S3. No, you idiot, you are forgetting S4 & half of S5!!! You are forgetting the girl that really had feelings for!

Is Calleigh so into herself that she can't see where Eric's heart was prior to this new feeling for her? I wouldn't hope so. The comment was pushed & all it showed me was... yep that just means Eric is fully ready to slow down (enter Nat) & so is Calleigh (already has entered Jake). Im just waiting for him to wake the f--k up!

I was pleased w/ the Ryan/Nat scene. I saw it the same as you did DHELIX. I thought she would give a hint that she was seeing Rich, though. Not that I want her too, but this arc w/ her is really dragging out. I was hoping to see a little something by now. Since when is H, Calleigh & Eric the ONLY people on this show? I think i'd rather watch Nat take some action w/ this gun instructor more than this crap w/ e/c/j.

BTW...Im so glad you've come over to discuss things w/ us VEGGIE! :D
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