Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I've totally abandoned this thread! I'm so, so, so, so sorry! Let me make it up to you...

How about a new EDeN fanvid?

So... what's up, my fellow EDeN shippers? I totally don't have the time to catch up here... anyone care to summarize the last 3252937562957 pages for me? *awkward smile*
No they HAVE to have the's thier thing!:p Mimosa's are saved for someone else.;);)
Ops I picked up the wrong couple;)

Anyway Happy Cinco de Mayo to everybody especially our EdEn:thumbsup:

****I wonder what Eric is going to do when a crazed EDeN fan beats his door down & starts whacking him with a Midori bottle?!?!?! ****:wtf:
:guffaw::guffaw:eek:k pleas mjszud stop it or I'm going to die laughing:lol:

**bring Confetti**
Well folks it looks as if as far as our favorite duo are concerned we are left with nothing. No scenes together. Oh well.

No big deal in this episode it wasn't an Eric, or Natalia episode anyway. This episode was for Alex and that's the way it should have been.

Let's keep hopin' folks!!:):):):):):)
They had a scene last night!!??!! Did you miss it?
I thought it was great. There was nothing encouraging but I did get a giggle when Natalia said "then what, what do we do?" & she said it EXACTLY the way Eric did in 'Skeletons':lol:
awww, recreating the moment...mmmkinda;)

It was definitly an epi for ALexx, & Im glad TPTB didn't ruin it with anything other than a good farewell to her.:)

Glad you made it back to us RISSAROSA...I will check out the video soon. I love your EDeN vids!!!:thumbsup:
I don't really know what to catch you up on, but I can assure you WE ARE NOT GIVING UP ON EDeN HERE!!!!!

From what I can tell these last two will involve a sleazy PI out to tear apart Horatio & the team piece by peice. I haven't seen anything on Natalia, but that doesn't really mean that it couldn't sneak up on us. Im thinking if anything comes out of Nat it wil be in the very last epi.
Eva had an interview & she says that there will be a cliffhanger, someone will be killed, someone will be shot & you don't know if they make it or not.
Can I just SCREAM THIS TO TPTB ....NAT NEEDS A GOOD KICK OFF FOR NEXT SEASON....I hope she is the one who gets shot!!! I mean seriously, she just got her gun & every other person on the show has had thier moment. Hell, Ryan had the finale last year when he was fired, so I WANT NATALIA laying on the ground in blood....or even better she gets shot in front of Eric & falls into him:p
Hmmmm....wonder what Eric would do if he saw his EX.. WHO HE STILL CARES FOR... facing DEATH???? ;)

:beer:Here's to an EDeN reunion in the future of Miami!!!!
I know it was just a little scene, but I think it added to the theme of the episode.They hardly ever talk about anything besides evidence so this was a good thing.

Man, you are being brutal to Natalia... but that would be great for us! I can imagine it... she gets shot and falls back, Eric catches her and he panics. Then he gets around to treating her-- do you think he'll give her CPR? If TPTB decide that Natalia's gonna be shot, then I hope it won't be too gory... it'll detract from Eric being worried sick about her. Natalia deserves at least that.
Where is my head today? I guess I must have left the room or something.
Oh well, I sentence myself to watching the latest epi again. Case CLOSED!!
Have fun watching then :)! Give us your thoughts on the scene... so do you think there's a possibility for an EDeN moment in the next episode?
DOUBLEHELIX, The scene is right after the one with Eric & Alexx at the warehouse when the kid gets stabbed. ;)
It was small, but I really liked how it was more those two who were working together to get Bryan out of a bad situation for Alexx's sake. H helped too, but really it was only Eric & Nat who literally went against protocol & purposely messed up the evidence.
I wonder if it will come back to bite them in the butt.

I don't want her to bleed to death or anything :lol:
I would just like to see her have some kind of important story that revolved around the ONLY thing that has been going on with her this past season..the gun thing.
& yes, the shipper in me would lovvve to see how Eric would react to it all.
He did jump from his chair when the box of evidence almost fell on her when her shoulder went out & we all got to see how comforting Eric was.
rubbing her arms up & down, holding her close...hehehe **MJ's getting giddy**
Yeah, I would only assume with thier history that we would see Eric get pretty freaked, not to mention that the sight of her in a hospital bed could have him recalling Marisol's death. & even Speed's.

KARA, I totally beg for some EDeN CPR!!! Just don't want to see her hack blood in his face...kinda ruins the moment, ya know!!!lol
I can picture Nat going down in slow-moe ; Eric catching her; blood running out of the corner of her mouth; Eric panicks screaming for rescue as he holds her & tells her not to die on him...& dare I ask for him to call her Talia as he is wiping the blood from her mouth with his hands. **MJ's getting fluffy now** fanficfanfic!!

Ah well, Im not going to dwell on that scenario cause im not at all for sure who is getting shot, but DAMN it would be soooo nice to see!!! meh..maybe next season we'll get Nat near death...or now...i'll take either.:cool:

As for next week, I don't think we will see any hints of Natalia & Eric. But...I do not doubt that time will come when EDeN is reunited...later, when the air has cleared & Eric gets back to being himself again.
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Natalia didn't compromise the evidence actually, she was able to get DNA off of the knife without compromising the fingerprint.

She should be praised for her experience and resourcefulness. Now, if we could only get Eric back on track.
Natalia didn't compromise the evidence actually, she was able to get DNA off of the knife without compromising the fingerprint.

She should be praised for her experience and resourcefulness. Now, if we could only get Eric back on track.

By the way, has anyone on this thread ever really drank a Midori cocktail?
Seriously, I am not asking as a joke. Mixed drinks aren't my thing, except for the exception of BBCs or Mojitos. What are they like? Any good?
Okay..yeah...well obviously my brain was stuck on EDeN & not what she was doing to the damn knife:lol: All I kept noticing was how he was constantly looking up at her face the entire time she was processing.;)

ah well.:alienblush:

You know that's funny DOUBLEHELIX...I have never drank one myself, but back in the day when I was a bartender I recall the bottles of Midori that would just sit on the shelf untouched because it was never popular.:lol:
Im more of a beer & an occasional Margarita kinda girl.
But were in the EDeN thread so HERE we HAVE TO HAVE MIDORI COCKTAILS!!
It's a must:p
:guffaw:mjszud your scenario is cracking me up. Really:lol:. You should write an EdEN ff. I know it woud be awesome:lol:.
Anyway I'm all for Natalia getting shot. She has had a gun for what? Two weeks? It's time for her to get shot. Everyone was shot in this show:rolleyes:. She should be the next one.
Plus Nat getting shot could be only a very good step forward for our EdEN. In "Deep Freeze" Eric almost destoyed the table while jumping towards Natalia (I was kinda "OMG they're gonna destroy the lab :lol:), and awww that was such a sweet moment w/ Eric holdin her very tight and caresseing her. So I don't see why Eric won't jump for a shot Natalia. This is the best occasion for the guy to show he still cares for her (we all know he cares for her, but they need to show it a little more or let's say in a better way).
As for CPR...I'm all for it:thumbsup:. I know Eric can do it (I'm ready to give him a Oscar if he does it) after a CPR Natalia would have to rest for a while w/ Eric taking care of her during this "holiday":devil:.

As for last night episode I'm really glad they didn't ruined it w/ shipping moments as it was Khandi's episode.
Yep, there was a very little scene w/ Eric and Natalia but I found it pretty cool.....maybe not too shipping but it was very good in this episode.
I thought it was great. There was nothing encouraging but I did get a giggle when Natalia said "then what, what do we do?" & she said it EXACTLY the way Eric did in 'Skeletons':lol:
Exactly my though mjszud
She never listens when you tell her she should write a fanfic, she'll look at you,like wth. MJ you totally should!

well, I don't want something brutal either, but I think her getting shot in front of Eric would be a great idea, something to show him how easily he could lose her, and that'll make him realize she's the one he needs!

..and we won't have to beat him with a stick
I'm all for an EDeN fic, lord knows we are sorely lacking in that department... ooh, maybe that ought to be a challenge! I would personally love to see different takes on this potential scene. MJ, you should write a one-shot on it... it was your brilliant idea after all!
you guys are so funny! :eek:
I only have enough time to think of all the scenarios, I don't know if I could actually put it into words & into a story. *thinks about it, though*
Maybe over the summer I will.;)
I shall title it The Adventures of Shorty & A-Rod ....:thumbsup:
No that one will have to be after they reconnect when she is shot!!!:D

Well I am only hoping for a Natalia getting shot ending. Even if it's just something of a story for her.
It would just seem natural though for her to be the candidate here.
She has just gotten her gun...the guy she shot a few weeks ago made a stupid comment about her aim...she made the comment about "it being scary out there" in the one epi...then there was her strange reaction to the dead's time for her to take one!!
Calleigh's had enough drama to last her the next two seasons:rolleyes:; Ryan got shot in the eye; lord knows Eric doesn't need to be shot again; & Horatio is invincible else is there.
Unless it's Frank, but he got beaten with a gun in the beginning of the season, so Ive got my $$$ on our dear Natalia!!
I can just see it happening!!
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