Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Oh surely it's not healthy for him.
He needs to take a step back as soon as possible if he wants to be fine. Of course Natalia right now is the only one who could help him but she needs to move on as soon as possible.
Natalia was the only person who along with his sister's cancer contributed to his maturation cause in my opinion before meeting Talia he was a little bit immature...but after their relationship he became so mature that I was so proud of him.

CHILLAX:guffaw: ok mjszud your daughter has just become my hero :guffaw:
"Not Healthy" is right!
And I tend to believe things are going to get even more unhealthy for Eric in the coming episodes.
Natalia was the only person who along with his sister's cancer contributed to his maturation cause in my opinion before meeting Talia he was a little bit immature...but after their relationship he became so mature that I was so proud of him.

i agree with that. he still needed a little work in the ego department but he was maturing with her. You could see a big difference between S3 Delko w/ women & then onto S4 after he started seeing natalia.
In Dead Air, he acted like a big baby though. In a way, it's a little understandable, Natalia slows down the relationship when apparently Eric wasn't ready too, then as soon as Ryan gave him the impression that he was getting vibes from Nat :)rolleyes:), making it look like Natalia was moving on already...Eric got his ego and his heart stomped on.
he could of handled it much differently, but I guess under the circumstances it was normal.
For that matter, natalia didn't show much maturity either when she chose to accept Ryan's invitation knowing good & well it was just to spite Eric. :rolleyes:
The damn drama...I swear. :lol:
that whole situtation makes this new situation all the more freaking ODDDDD!!

I don't know what will become of Eric, but there's got to be a point when the writers are going to have to finish w/ the constant reminder of his near death experience & move him on w/ other stories.
I don't mind every once in a while, a mention here or there, but i'd much rather see him back in Delko shape.
his personality & his appearance was much more appealing to me BEFORE the accident.
His self confidence & his hair growing back would do his character some good!!!
It's time for him to move on ....& move on with Natalia. Even if it's just them slowly rekindling the love & finding that great bond they have together.... THAT would be healthy for him!!! SOME GOOD OL' REALITY!!!

**akhemmm**...looks at banner & asks ....does he look unhappy???? Ummmm..No.
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Hmm, now that you mention it, I really want to see Eric with all his hair back... he just looks better that way. Maybe if he grows his hair, he'll get Natalia back!

But seriously, he was at his best when he was with her, so who's up for pushing him back in the right direction?
Oh I couldn't agree more with you:thumbsup:.
The authors need to give up with the story of his brain injury and all the stuff related to it...cause right now it really annoyed me:rolleyes:.
There are way different ways to develope one character like a love story and some drama and surely a bullet in his brain wasn't the best way to do it. He was such a stand up guy even before it...he was already mature. Thre really wasn't need to do it.
Now this thing (bullet and his new "fixation") is only going to ruin his character and his credibility (I'm really sorry to say it but for me he lost it:(). I can only hope to see Natalia helping him also with the stuff that is going to happen in the last two episodes.
I mean the cancelled all the troubles with Ryan's eye...they could the same thing with Eric....come on they already omitted a year of rehab...they can easily go on with scientific brutalities like this one:rolleyes:.

Yep he did a mistake in Dead Air...but surely the same mistake was made by Natalia who went out with Ryan in the same episode. So they're are at the same level of maturity and they can go on maturing together.

his personality & his appearance was much more appealing to me BEFORE the accident.
His self confidence & his hair growing back would do his character some good!!!
I coulnd't agree more with you. He was much better in every way before the accident. I can't recognize him more and it makes me sad to see him in these conditions not remembering how he loved Natalia and all the good things that happened between the two.
I want his hair back:devil:
Maybe we need to put together an Intervention for Eric;)

He was doing so well in S4 becoming more mature & learning about love with Nat, it came so naturally, there was no pondering or weighing out pro's & con's ...they felt it & went for it....that's the way love should evolve.
I don't know why they felt the need to shoot him in the damn head.:rolleyes:
Worst thing they could have ever done with his character...they could have had him near death without it effecting his BRAIN :wtf:
I long for the days that he is himself again & feeling secure...I hate seeing him like this.

Natalia should know more than anyone what he is going through. I can only imagine that after Nick broke her arm & she left him, that she went through some of those same insecurities & struggles with having to recover with the help of others.
She is also aware of the struggles with the job, having had problems of her own...between mishandling evidence & learning to shoot.
TPTB are missing out on what could be a really good story for them w/ all that these two are going through.
Yeah there were thousands of ways to have him near to death without affecting his brain (worst mistake ever):rolleyes: and I'm here, after more than one year, trying to figure out a possible reason for it but still I can't find it.
Probably he needed another little step for his complete maturation.....maybe the same thing was for Natalia but a bullet in his brain is not the best one:rolleyes:.

As for Natalia she should have been the one to help him immediatly and honestly I can't understand the choice of TPTB to completely exclude her from his troubles. If there's an expert in "troubles" (poor Natalia) who can help him is Natalia...nobody else.
It seems authors excluded her from this also seems they forgot her (except for her shooting that guy in the last episode).
What I can hope is that this was due to the strike and probably next year we'll have finally Natalia helping the guy...cause he really needs help:rolleyes:
Yeah there were thousands of ways to have him near to death without affecting his brain (worst mistake ever):rolleyes: and I'm here, after more than one year, trying to figure out a possible reason for it but still I can't find it.

Because it was the ONLY WAY TPTB saw possible to get Eric in a fu--ed up enough state of mind to forget his beloved Natalia & think of someone else....**achemm** for now that is.;);)
Pretty damn pathetic, i think.:rolleyes:

He will come back to us, the real Delko that we adore. He'll be a real man once again & we'll thank Natalia for it, cause only she can bring out the best in him.:D
Sometimes I feel like reaching in my Tv screen & just shaking both of them til they can't see strait. *then I lock them in a closet w/ popcorn & a bottle of Midori, & make them watch the year 1/2 before his accident*
Captain mjszud I'm ready to help you with your evil plan:devil: but I'd say mimosa:p.

That why I'm still watching the show cause I know he will finally come back.
Let's wait for the great moment to arrive cause we'll finally organize the biggest party ever for our EdEN.
Count me in too! Though I doubt they're gonna do that if you know what I mean... remember next time maybe we'll actually watch the movie? I would love for a repeat... so who else wants to help orchestrate this scheme? What else do you have in mind mjszud?
No they HAVE to have the's thier thing!:p Mimosa's are saved for someone else.;);)

Hmmm, I wonder if Eric still has that bottle he bought for her & kept at his house!!
See...if he wouldn't have put it so far in the damn back & it was up front then he might see it & REMEMBER HER!!! :eek:
****I wonder what Eric is going to do when a crazed EDeN fan beats his door down & starts whacking him with a Midori bottle?!?!?! ****:wtf:

you bring the confetti FLO, i'll take care of the drinks :thumbsup:

Just saw your post KARAMILU, let me think about it!!!
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WOW!! Everyone is getting pretty intense in this thread. BUT, it's not as if I don't understand why.
Hey, I'm still optimistic.
I still don't see any proof positive that E and C have gone anywhere beyond their friendship. The longer I see that, the better I see the chances of Eric and Natalia rekindling what they had previously. Only the second time they'll get it right and it will be something more and better.
IF anyone is going out for CINCO DE MAYO. Raise a toast for EDeN! Then another. Then another. Then another.
Damn, I forgot....& my husband is 1/2 mexican:rolleyes:....HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO to you too!!!:p

*raises glass* :beer: & to EDeN!!!!

(you have to understand my crazy sarcasm about the evil plans..hehe)
Im not worried, Im optimistic as well...the second time will be the charm :thumbsup: We just need Nat to bring Eric back down to earth, ya know. ;)
****I wonder what Eric is going to do when a crazed EDeN fan beats his door down & starts whacking him with a Midori bottle?!?!?! ****:wtf:

*bursts out laughing* Oh lord, that would be a sight to see! There better not be a shoot down, that's all I'm asking Eric not to do... oh, by the way, Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody!
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