Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #11

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I knew I should have done this before I left as I'm visiting my parents in "Hicks-ville", Wisconsin lol and their internet connection is super slow (like I gave myself and my daughter a mani-pedi while waiting for the page to load). Actually, they live in the same town as Eric's great uncle. I would go stalk...I mean...keep in touch :lol: but I think my parents would wonder lol.

So since I have to view the pics on my phone and then use the computer to actually post...yeah. :D I'll have to just be simple.

The runner up is Dizzney with the Hat photo. I love it. The curls and the fact that I think it might be his "I'm a little tipsy" smirk is so cute! :adore:

The winner is Wojo with the Condom photo. I love the look on his face. I think it says serious joke cracking all over it. Congrats!!

Have a great weekend everyone! I'm headed to the beach!
Enjoy your visit with your parents, AmericanHoney!
Sorry I missed this great theme...I got home from work at 9:45 pm...I am supposed to leave at 4:30, left at 9...gah...

Congratulations, Wojo!
Happy, happy Friday everyone:)!
Thanks AmericanHoney!

New theme, I've watching Tru Blood again (its about vampires if you don't know) and it inspired the next theme. We will continue with the previous theme inspired by tru blood.



have fun, up to 12 in 24.
I am having a bit of computer trouble this morning so I have to just name the winner because of it. Sorry bout that!!

The winner is...egeria with this inspecting something] photo, because I think it is so funny! Congrats enjoy your Greg time.

Thanks Wojo!

I cant log in to Talk from my computer for some reason so am posting from my phone!

For a theme (and inspired by Eric's recent interview) how about a comedy! Post a funny scene, or expression, or a pic of Eric/Greg/OC laughing...anything goes!

Up to 12 in 24 hours please!
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