Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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hey guys. i've been too busy to post many pics lately.
:lol: swamiCSiaholic, what is your name? coz your username is kind of hard to type! :D
yeah, that made me laugh too. i always make people laugh :lol:
Yurek, those pics are great! love the car one and the whew one :D
yup, my collection is way over 200 now aswell! :lol:
yeah it is kinda long isn't it, well you can just call me swami if you want, thats my nickname and what loads of csitalkers have taken to doing coz they gave up :lol: but my real name is Bethan (or beth for short but not bethany) its welsh, it means consicrated to God :confused:
Wojo said:
I found these latest pics of Eric from March 8th, they are only thumbnail size unless you register for them but then you get medium size pics with watermarks (wireimage)but I thought I'd share anyway. You havve to pay otherwise.
Click me!

Oh, he looks very nice.
hey guys! :D
ok then, i'll just call you Swami but Bethan is a lovely name! :) i like it!
great pics Yurek! i never have the time to post many pics at the minute but i save all of yours :lol:
pmsl at the funny face one and the Archie one :D :lol: :D
What episode is the "one of the best greg epsiodes" from?
thanks csimonkey :) u live in the UK right? We have Living Lengend on tonight yay never before seen (well by us anyway)

Pmsl at the funny face Yurek , and isn't the 'best ever episode' from who shot shurlock? (can't spell)
yep i do!
i know! i go hyper on Tuesday nights.
and i love csi friday on Living and CSI Sunday on Five US :D :D :lol:
i will post some pics in a minute ;)
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