Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

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Hi kittdu, welcome to Leggo!! Greg has had so many awesome funny moments, it would be hard to pick a favourite eh?

So guys, now that the season is over and the big finale finally revealed, wanna watch a Gregisode this week? Maybe we could keep the day Thursday? I mean, it's not like it's a strict regimen here though right? :lol: So if we all watch a Gregisode on Thursday (or around Thursday) we can spend the week talking about it?

What do you think? is Thursday good? What should we watch? Early-Greg, mid-Greg or late-Greg? :lol: I have all the box sets so open to anything!
Gregisode Marathon a-hoy! I suggest going in chronological order to just see how much he's grown since the first ep. I only have the full seasons from S5 onwards, but it shouldn't be too hard to find the episodes so long as we know which ep we're watching in advance. =)
Gregisode Marathon a-hoy! I suggest going in chronological order to just see how much he's grown since the first ep. I only have the full seasons from S5 onwards, but it shouldn't be too hard to find the episodes so long as we know which ep we're watching in advance. =)

That's what I was thinking too...I love seeing how he develops and his progression from lab rat to csi is rather inspiring!

So suggestions for which episode to start with?
Well from Season 1, I think "Table Stakes" is a classic Greg episode. I mean he does the dancing in the headdress in it. Plus overall he had a bit of screen time in that ep.
I was thinking 'Pilot'. Just to watch CSI ten years ago from the day it started and how Greg was first introduced to us. So maybe he didn't have a huge part, but it would be nice to revisit CSI. =)
Hey guys!

I like this idea of watching Gregisodes throughout the summer. I might just take part in this. Have you decided on where to start yet?
I think the Pilot (and maybe the episode after that?) would be a good start for this week, and then next week maybe Table Stakes?

I'm open either way though :D
I would like to soak in the Greg-greatness as well. Either Pilot or Table Stakes sound good to me!
It is so nice to know that there are Greg fans here that are as obsessed as I am:lol:!

By the way, welcome, kittydu! It is always lovely to meet a fellow Greg fan!
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I vote for "Fannysmackin'"!! :lol: Not really, just having fun at kittydu's expense.

If we do the Pilot, I'll probably skip through it and watch only a few scenes. I find it almost unbearable to rewatch.
The Pilot only has two Greg scenes anyway, not a lot to talk about but it is his first episode. How can we not do a blow by blow of FannySmackin? :lol::lol:
Well FannySmackin was center in Greg though :lol:

Or maybe the one when the lab were Greg works explode ?? I dont remember the name :lol:

Or the one that was like in a weding that it was black and white ??

Im full of ideas now :lol:
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