Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Also halftime shows are only 15 mins, never an hour long... anyway yeah seeing Greg's apartment would be nice. I know Eric has approached producers in the past about seeing Greg outside the lab or with a love interest but it has yet to happen. Will it? Who knows.
If they did an episode with focus on him, it would be a great opportunity for them to show his place.
I hope so.
Geez, we've had a peek into like everyone's in some shape or form. Ha, now I'm sitting here trying to imagine what it looks like. :lol:

Teehee! Sorry about that, Jessica_Lynne! I have often wondered myself...I imagine it is pretty small, bare, and neat (maybe not what you might expect), but with tons and tons of music and DNA journals. Water in the fridge, "college cuisine" and Blue Hawaiian in the cabinets...Ok, yeah, I spend way too much time thinking about Greg :lol: and CSI!

Wojo- I hope it will happen...we can dream, right?
Dizzney- A feature episode would be the perfect opportunity to show us our Greg's place! I like it.

Well, thankfully, Eric/Greg does seem to finally be getting more screentime...maybe they have finally realized who much we all love him! Perhaps a Greg-isode is not too far away!
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Greg always kept his lab neat so I think his place would be neat too, but the way they talked about it it always sounded messy, but that was in his lab rat days. Maybe he is a neater person now, since he is more serious as a CSI.
Something that irks me is that last week, Greg got a good amount of screen time and this week, he barely got any. *sigh* But aside from that, it was an okay episode, maybe I'm bias because I've always been a bit bored by golf. I did like Greg and Sara's little conversation at the golf course. :lol:
Something that irks me is that last week, Greg got a good amount of screen time and this week, he barely got any. *sigh* But aside from that, it was an okay episode, maybe I'm bias because I've always been a bit bored by golf. I did like Greg and Sara's little conversation at the golf course. :lol:
Greg's screen time was not the best in this one, but Sara was in it. I still blame her for his lack of screen time. :lol:
Even though I complain that Sara hogs up his screen time, I do enjoy their scenes together. I still think he is probably the closest to her on the team. Yeah the game of golf is boring to me too. :lol:
I haven't watched the episode yet because I watched Supernatural first (they're both on at the same time) because there was a long hiatus (two fricking months) for SPN and I was having withdrawls... plus golf bores me and I knew I'd probably want to ffwd through some of the golf stuff in this ep. But it doesn't sound like I missed a whole lot since it doesn't sound like Greg was in it much. :lol: Which probably means I'll be doing a lot more ffwding then I intially thought. :lol:
True, Greg wasn't in the ep that much, but I knew it would happen eventually. He was having a good streak there so they gave him a break. I actually don't have a problem with it. Well, as long as they don't keep doing it.

However, I found the Greg and Sara scene VERY interesting.
Yeah I can handle one episode as long as it does not become a streak of him not being on for awhile. And unfortunately next week is a repeat already. :(
I thought the episode was beyond boring!! Greg and Sara's scenes were the only thing that kept me from falling asleep.
I totally agree, Wojo.
But I did like Greg's purple shirt in his first scene. It made me giggle considering its one of my favorite colors. :)
But yeah, I think it was an overall bad episode. Golf is not a way to gain my attention short as it may be. :lol:
Yeah it really was a boring ep like the sport to watch is boring too. It's unusual to see Greg dressed so casually with the hoodie on the job, but I like it.
I could not believe when it was twenty-something minutes into the episode and there still had been no Greg :(! To go from Lots-o-Greg for 4 episodes, back to season 9's mere Greg-glimpses was very upsetting...I really, sincerely hope this is not the start of a Greg draught. I enjoyed the Greg/Sara scene very much, and I think they work well together. Hopefully when the show returns in February, Greg will be back with much more screen time :).
Yeah I hope it is not the start of a drought too. That would not make me happy. Hopefully it was just this episode and then we will get more of him like we had been having.

I think his new expertise is A/V too. :lol: He is always doing Archie's job lately.
I asked this on another forum that I frequent and I was wondering...have you noticed how often Greg wears stripes? Does anyone know if this is a "Greg thing" or an "Eric thing"? Just curious...:)
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