Eric/Greg Leggo Our Greggo Thread #13

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I don't want to be grumpy but writers can even check this place and see how many opportunities they have. So many thing are to explore about Greg.
Hey I will take the paycheck those writers take. :D And I will write good material for Greg.
Take me with you:lol: But seriously, they really need someone to tell that it's time for Greg. We know that David Rambo likes him but he needs more support. We want Greg!
It feels like we are asking for so much, but we really are not. If they can do a Nick focused ep, why not a Greg one? :(
It's really odd 'cause after some time even writers would like to make some change and have a nice idea like giving episode for Greg. Why we're waiting so long?
CSI does have a few new writers this year from Battlestar galactica, I'm hoping Greg will get his due. He's already got more screen time this season than any other. This may not be the season for Greg, the first half was focused on Grissom leaving and now the focus is mostly on LF. I believe his time will come.
Well like I have said before, if I do not see any major Greg action this season, I will be writing the show after the season ends, letting them know we want to see Greg get at least one good focused episode next season.

In a way, Fannysmackin' was partially Greg focused. It was more about them working on his case once he was beat up. Now Post Mortem was really about him mostly, but it was the trial and overall I hate courtroom stuff on tv, but Greg made that one worth it.
As much as I loved Post Mortem I really didn't care for the civil case story line. I think they could have done so much better, like Greg's guilt of killing someone or him making a decision whether or not to carry a gun.
I still want more about his not wanting to carry a gun. Maybe it would be interesting if him and Langston had a conversation about it, because obviously Ray is not carrying a weapon either. So now we have two CSI's not carrying guns.
Not carring a gun can be a really interesting detail to know, especially when Ray isn't caring one too. Conversation about this is a good idea but when writers will have this simple idea?:scream:
Like I said, I always feel like we are asking for too much, but really we are not. :(
I have a feeling we will not see too much Greg this week since it is said to be a highly Nick focused episode. Hopefully we will be surprised though.

I wish we would get a new Eric interview.
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