Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1
I might move to Jodie-world (if you let me, of course).
I'm also a huge fan of hot, fiery kiss...
Maybe it would be sweet if Calleigh started rumbling and Eric just cut her off with a kiss. I actually miss old season one and season two Calleigh. IMO if she was with Eric, she would be more like that.
Reading Kaz's story has been giving me ideas. I now want a hot, fiery first kiss. They can do tender and sween another time. I want Calleigh and Eric to get really pissed off with each other and then.. then... to just... attack each other *nods* With really smexy kisses. A wild, passionate night later and they can declare their undying love, go to dinner and exchange sweet kisses on the beach.
All is well in Jodie-world.
I might move to Jodie-world (if you let me, of course).
I'm also a huge fan of hot, fiery kiss...
Maybe it would be sweet if Calleigh started rumbling and Eric just cut her off with a kiss. I actually miss old season one and season two Calleigh. IMO if she was with Eric, she would be more like that.