Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Reading Kaz's story has been giving me ideas. I now want a hot, fiery first kiss. They can do tender and sween another time. I want Calleigh and Eric to get really pissed off with each other and then.. then... to just... attack each other *nods* With really smexy kisses :D. A wild, passionate night later and they can declare their undying love, go to dinner and exchange sweet kisses on the beach.

All is well in Jodie-world.

I might move to Jodie-world (if you let me, of course).

I'm also a huge fan of hot, fiery kiss...

Maybe it would be sweet if Calleigh started rumbling and Eric just cut her off with a kiss. I actually miss old season one and season two Calleigh. IMO if she was with Eric, she would be more like that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I now want a hot, fiery first kiss. They can do tender and sween another time. I want Calleigh and Eric to get really pissed off with each other and then.. then... to just... attack each other *nods* With really smexy kisses :D.

Yeah...preferably up against a wall. :drool:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Reading Kaz's story has been giving me ideas. I now want a hot, fiery first kiss. They can do tender and sween another time. I want Calleigh and Eric to get really pissed off with each other and then.. then... to just... attack each other *nods* With really smexy kisses :D. A wild, passionate night later and they can declare their undying love, go to dinner and exchange sweet kisses on the beach.

All is well in Jodie-world.

I might move to Jodie-world (if you let me, of course).

I'm also a huge fan of hot, fiery kiss...

Maybe it would be sweet if Calleigh started rumbling and Eric just cut her off with a kiss. I actually miss old season one and season two Calleigh. IMO if she was with Eric, she would be more like that.

I want to be in Jodie's world too :D

Oh Eric shutting her up with a kiss would be great....I could sooo picture it too b/c Eric would be doing what needs to be done; making the overall decision for Cal. I still think Cal is at the point where she needs someone to make the decision for her as far as that first kiss or step with Eric. While she likes to be in control, when it comes to her heart, at this point, she needs that push and Eric simply shutting her up with a hot fiery kiss would be just the thing ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

^^ Needs to be one of these. HE kisses her hard, really randomly and then there's a pause. The SHE jumps on HIM and kisses him back. That was we have the hot-Eric-attacking-Calleigh routine and the Calleigh-initiating routine.


And you're all very welcome in my word. But the PG-13-o-meter's still in for repair so...
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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Oooh...I like that idea better! Who's gonna write a story?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I love all this talk about fiery hot EC kisses. :devil: :D Because that's totally what it's going to be when they do finally kiss. I mean, they might try the soft, sweet first kiss thing, but after six years of building up the most perfect sexual tension ever, I don't see how EC kisses wouldn't be fiery and hot. :D They've waited too long for soft, sweet, and romantic. I mean, later on in their relationship, I do see them being sweet and romantic, but I think the first time has to be explosive, heh. And the longer they go without that kind of release, the bigger it's going to be when it happens. :D

Needs to be one of these. HE kisses her hard, really randomly and then there's a pause. The SHE jumps on HIM and kisses him back. That was we have the hot-Eric-attacking-Calleigh routine and the Calleigh-initiating routine.
Add in Jennifer's up-against-the-wall suggestion, (and some tongue, but I think that may go without saying :p) and could you just imagine how totally hot that kiss would be? :eek: Now that's the kind of kiss I want to see! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Eric kissing her randomly, little pause, Calleigh jumping at him and kissing him back, up-against-the-wall make out session, and then one thing leads to another... :drool: I can totally imagine something like that...

Jodie, don't worry about your PG-13-o-meter... As far as I'm concerned it can stay away from your world...;) We waited to long to have PG-13 limitation.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

^^ Needs to be one of these. HE kisses her hard, really randomly and then there's a pause. The SHE jumps on HIM and kisses him back. That was we have the hot-Eric-attacking-Calleigh routine and the Calleigh-initiating routine.


And you're all very welcome in my word. But the PG-13-o-meter's still in for repair so...

Now that, IMO, is how the perfect scene would go between them. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

^^ Needs to be one of these. HE kisses her hard, really randomly and then there's a pause. The SHE jumps on HIM and kisses him back. That was we have the hot-Eric-attacking-Calleigh routine and the Calleigh-initiating routine.


And you're all very welcome in my word. But the PG-13-o-meter's still in for repair so...

Now that, IMO, is how the perfect scene would go between them. :D

And I think that Jodie should write it! *nods* Yes. A hot and firey EC kiss please!

Reading Kaz's story has been giving me ideas...

I won't update otherwise! And as I kinda inspired it, I demand that you write it! *stamps foot*

Oohh! And I won't write that morning memory that you requested either :D.

EDIT: I walked away, was about to fall asleep and then BAM! An idea for steamy-angsty-smexy-first-kiss-ness popped into my head. You're still writing it though Jodie, and when you get your bum online I shall relay it to you. Think of it as a request! (PS. It's a little smutty too!)

Pretty please? :)
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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

And I think that Jodie should write it! *nods* Yes. A hot and firey EC kiss please!

I won't update otherwise! And as I kinda inspired it, I demand that you write it! *stamps foot*

Oohh! And I won't write that morning memory that you requested either :D.

EDIT: I walked away, was about to fall asleep and then BAM! An idea for steamy-angsty-smexy-first-kiss-ness popped into my head. You're still writing it though Jodie, and when you get your bum online I shall relay it to you. Think of it as a request! (PS. It's a little smutty too!)

Pretty please? :)

S'cuse me? :wtf: Heh, how about no :p And you're now bugging me online haha. I'll consider it along side the gazillion other projects you're forcing me to do.

So. Yes, it's a gazillion light years away, but I'll be leaving y'all for a month soon so I wanna get talking about it :) First EC scenes back. What do we want to see? If Caro's thinking is correct and they *are* together, what could we see? Them in bed (not in that sense before you all start - tis still CBS)? Or, if they're not, do we want heated tension? Contented ease? A mix? Talk people. I need contemplation to start now :lol: as I won't be there really for when we start getting spoilers :(.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Um... I'll try... TRY MY DAMNEDEST... but I'll try. I'm just incapable of going past PG-13... soo... you'll have to deal with JUST A KISS :( sorry.

Now... all I need is inspiration, which I've been lacking these days. I really wanna write a chapter fic for Miami! So... y'all need to help me and give me a hand with ideas... just PM them to me... I really love writing E/C. And this ship is totally going to happen if it hasn't already.

And... totally agree that they should show a totally heated moment between the two of them... all that hand holding and stuff is just no where near enough anymore. We need a hot fiery kiss! :scream:

Amanda <3
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

S'cuse me? :wtf: Heh, how about no :p And you're now bugging me online haha. I'll consider it along side the gazillion other projects you're forcing me to do.

You whaaaaaa? The only thing I'm forcing you to do it this. If you are referring to your Forever in Extremis fic, I'd like to point out that it was you who came up with that idea, you who wrote it and you who asked me for my opinion. And as for that project thing, well you signed up for that. So shush! :cool:

And a gazillion? Hardly :p

Um... I'll try... TRY MY DAMNEDEST... but I'll try. I'm just incapable of going past PG-13... soo... you'll have to deal with JUST A KISS :( sorry.

And... totally agree that they should show a totally heated moment between the two of them... all that hand holding and stuff is just no where near enough anymore. We need a hot fiery kiss! :scream:

Amanda <3

Just a kiss is fine by me! Anything EC is fine by me! So YAY! Get typing :D

But Jodie is still writing one too! We've struck a deal. :p

First EC scenes back. What do we want to see? If Caro's thinking is correct and they *are* together, what could we see? Them in bed (not in that sense before you all start - tis still CBS)? Or, if they're not, do we want heated tension? Contented ease? A mix? Talk people. I need contemplation to start now as I won't be there really for when we start getting spoilers .

Nooo, I don't want them to already be together. I want to see them get together. I mean, I want it to happen pronto yes, but on my TV screen so I can squeal and yell: LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE CBS! YOU'VE TURNED ME INTO A SCREAMING FANGIRL! Because who doesn't love that feeling?

For the first EC scene back, I'd like to see some of that flirty banter from the earlier seasons... that's the best kind of tension I think. It creates those little teases that make us all smile a little and say, "Dear God. Just jump each other. Like now." And it makes the payoff just that much better.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

EDIT: I walked away, was about to fall asleep and then BAM! An idea for steamy-angsty-smexy-first-kiss-ness popped into my head. You're still writing it though Jodie, and when you get your bum online I shall relay it to you. Think of it as a request! (PS. It's a little smutty too!)

Originally posted by Adorelo
First EC scenes back. What do we want to see? If Caro's thinking is correct and they *are* together, what could we see? Them in bed (not in that sense before you all start - tis still CBS)? Or, if they're not, do we want heated tension? Contented ease? A mix? Talk people. I need contemplation to start now :lol: as I won't be there really for when we start getting spoilers :(.

Kaz...I want to read that too. must write it! The smuttier the better I say.

For first scenes back, IF they are together (and I think they are) I'd like to see a scene in bed. Something simple where one of them, say Eric, gets an early morning phone call from Ho. You see Eric in bed, reaching out for the bedside phone...then after hanging up he rolls over and low and behold...there's Calleigh with him! He rolls over to tell her he's got to go, and of course he has to kiss her goodbye ;). Even better, it can look like she hasn't got any clothes on (you know, sheets pulled up under her arm pits, and her shoulders are bare) :eek:.

IF they aren't together, I'd like to see that hot fiery kiss Jessica mentioned. One that comes after a heated discussion and one of them snaps. Calleigh's giving Eric a piece of her mind and to shut her up, Eric kisses her...hard. She pushes back and suddenly HE's against a wall and she's kissing him back. Yeah...that's what I'd like to see :drool:.

For me, either scenario would be a :eek: moment, and then a :drool: moment. And then finally, a :) moment.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

You see Eric in bed, reaching out for the bedside phone...then after hanging up he rolls over and low and behold...there's Calleigh with him! He rolls over to tell her he's got to go, and of course he has to kiss her goodbye ;). Even better, it can look like she hasn't got any clothes on (you know, sheets pulled up under her arm pits, and her shoulders are bare) :eek:.

And think of the shirtless Eric!!! :eek: :D Man, that would only be the best scene ever. :drool:

And there's just something that's so damn hot about Calleigh being the one to push Eric against the wall. We've seen her get feisty in interrogations; we know she's got it in her to shove Eric against the wall and kiss him absolutely crazy. :D :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

And think of the shirtless Eric!!! :eek: :D Man, that would only be the best scene ever. :drool:

Oh yeah...shirtless Eric...all those muscles :drool:. Bare Calleigh and bare Eric...I think the television screen would explode with all the hotness.
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