Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Wow. I was rather unexcited about this episode. And then I watched that clip and I wanna watch it now!! :eek: :D

I don't know...if they're already together, then they're doing a damn good job of hiding it, which they need to stop so we can see them make out against a wall, with hands roaming and tongue and ... yeah. :lol: :D I don't know though; I still get the feeling that Calleigh is holding back. Starting a relationship with Eric is a big deal, and I don't think she's quite there yet. Or, maybe that's just me wishing they'd make a big deal of it when they do get together instead of it just happening. But yeah, I do agree with you, Caro - the hand-holding, and the open vulnerability from Calleigh? She's being a lot more liberal with that in front of Eric than she used to be.

Whether they're already together or not, she's in love with him. Aww. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I have to work tonight, so now finale for me. And no House! OMGNO!!

I still get the feeling they're together. Either they're together or nearly there. They're so casual about physical contact now, and Calleigh is actually SULKING in front of Eric. When have we ever seen Calleigh sulk, much less in front of anyone? She's actually sitting in a little wooden box and pouting and then Eric comes in and she pouts some more. It's girlfriend behavior!

I hope I'm wrong, because I really wanna see them get together, but they're holding hands like it's nothing now, whereas months ago that would've been a huge awkward thing.

I used to watch ER a lot and then stopped because it got so crappy but then someone sent me a link to last week's scene between Luka and Abby. I hate mushy romantic bullshit, but I seriously wouldn't mind seeing something like that between Eric and Calleigh. I can see it, too, Eric trying to be all verbose and romantic and Calleigh interrupting him and then TONGUE! "Do you know that I love you more than I can explain?" sounds like something Calleigh would say, too.

Sucks you have to work, babe :(. Play catch up when you get back okay? I always like to hear what you have to say.

I loved that ER scene (it's beyond perfect) too because it wasn't all mushy and romantic. They weren't, 'I love you sooooo much', 'I love you to my darling, dearest'; they were talking. And that's something I can really see Eric and Calleigh doing. They will talk about it in that way because that's just who they are.

I wondered, I really did. I'm not sure if they're more like that now because it's happened so many times, or if they are together. I hope not. I too want to see them have that moment.

And Jessica, I agree. Calleigh's not like that around many people - no one else that we see, actualy - and it's obvious. She loves him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I still get the feeling they're together. Either they're together or nearly there. They're so casual about physical contact now, and Calleigh is actually SULKING in front of Eric. When have we ever seen Calleigh sulk, much less in front of anyone? She's actually sitting in a little wooden box and pouting and then Eric comes in and she pouts some more. It's girlfriend behavior!

I hope I'm wrong, because I really wanna see them get together, but they're holding hands like it's nothing now, whereas months ago that would've been a huge awkward thing.

I used to watch ER a lot and then stopped because it got so crappy but then someone sent me a link to last week's scene between Luka and Abby. I hate mushy romantic bullshit, but I seriously wouldn't mind seeing something like that between Eric and Calleigh. I can see it, too, Eric trying to be all verbose and romantic and Calleigh interrupting him and then TONGUE! "Do you know that I love you more than I can explain?" sounds like something Calleigh would say, too.

When I watched it really did make me wonder... way too comfortable specially on Calleigh's part. They are really making us wonder and confusing the crap out of us :lol: It's actually kind of fun.

Oh I loved that Luka and Abby scene :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

It could go both ways, I think. They really need to show them getting together and should, but at the same time I get the feeling they don't want the relationship to take over the show. Which is understandable, but if you're gonna write a romance you need to show it however slightly. I also think there's a small window of time where you can effectively show that magical first kiss and then the start of the relationship and that window is closing FAST. If Jake is out of the picture (seems he is) and Calleigh's walls are down, and Eric is ready to commit and they're having little moments in every single episode, then I don't know what's keeping them. If there are obstacles, then they need to show them (at this point it seems there are none). But if they keep pussyfooting around it's just gonna get old and by the time we see them kiss for the first time it'll seem underwhelming. For example, if Calleigh had kissed Eric (or vice versa) at the end of All In, it would've been electric. If they were to kiss now, yeah, it'd be nice, but we would've seen it coming because it seems every week they get closer and closer and now everyone's wondering if they're together already. It kinda feels like they are.

For a show that seems to go all out and over the top over pretty much everything they've kept this romance surprisingly mellow. To be honest, I don't know how you can put Adam and Emily in a scene together and allow them to keep their clothes on.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

If there are obstacles, then they need to show them (at this point it seems there are none). But if they keep pussyfooting around it's just gonna get old and by the time we see them kiss for the first time it'll seem underwhelming. For example, if Calleigh had kissed Eric (or vice versa) at the end of All In, it would've been electric. If they were to kiss now, yeah, it'd be nice, but we would've seen it coming because it seems every week they get closer and closer and now everyone's wondering if they're together already. It kinda feels like they are.

True. In a way, that's very true. But to be honest, with the final episode tonight, I can see them throwing something in the way. Just because, well, they like to tease. :rolleyes:

If they don't, you're right. They're leaving it too long and pushing the angst too far. There's a limit. A line. I hope they don't cross it.

For a show that seems to go all out and over the top over pretty much everything they've kept this romance surprisingly mellow.

I love that about it! I'm so glad they've not 'Miami-fied' the EC relationship.

To be honest, I don't know how you can put Adam and Emily in a scene together and allow them to keep their clothes on.

I have to lol at that :lol:.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I have to work tonight, so now finale for me. And no House! OMGNO!!

I still get the feeling they're together. Either they're together or nearly there. They're so casual about physical contact now, and Calleigh is actually SULKING in front of Eric. When have we ever seen Calleigh sulk, much less in front of anyone? She's actually sitting in a little wooden box and pouting and then Eric comes in and she pouts some more. It's girlfriend behavior!

I hope I'm wrong, because I really wanna see them get together, but they're holding hands like it's nothing now, whereas months ago that would've been a huge awkward thing.

I used to watch ER a lot and then stopped because it got so crappy but then someone sent me a link to last week's scene between Luka and Abby. I hate mushy romantic bullshit, but I seriously wouldn't mind seeing something like that between Eric and Calleigh. I can see it, too, Eric trying to be all verbose and romantic and Calleigh interrupting him and then TONGUE! "Do you know that I love you more than I can explain?" sounds like something Calleigh would say, too.

I totally agree. He says "thank God you are ok" and they hold hands. Now anyother character that wouldn't be significant except for the fact that it doesn't bother her that he is holding her is almost like he has held it that way before only more initmately. As for what he says, if they weren't togehter or on the brink I don't think he would have used such heavy words. In the past he would have said something to the extent of "at least you are ok" or "it is a good thing you weren't hurt" For him to say "Thank God" he is conveying the emotional stake he has in her and really eludes that there might be something going on that we are not seeing.

I don't if they are already together just as long as WE are the ones to find out before everyone else does. I think it is a secret right now, even from us, but the next big turn of events with this ship will be for us (the viewer) to be privy to what is really going on with them. We are on the verge, the edge of the precipice so to speak. Hopefully tonight will take us one step closer to free fall . If it already hasn't happened.;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I can't wait for the finale tonight! Thanks for posting that link to the clip! :)

ok I think our thread title is pretty awesome right now cause it's how I'm feeling! I'm like "He held her hand!!!" "Wait, he held her hand... what does that mean!?!" LOL I want them to be together and I think they are or are flirting with the possibility. Either way I'm really excited and I can't wait! I've waited 6 years for these moments!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Just saw the clip and now... I'm hyperventilating... can't breathe... gonna pass out... *slumps over desk*

...And i'm back again. I am speechless. And that doesn't happen to me very often. Wow.

Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Just saw the clip and now... I'm hyperventilating... can't breathe... gonna pass out... *slumps over desk*

...And i'm back again. I am speechless. And that doesn't happen to me very often. Wow.


Ditto!! :D And remember to breathe...oxygen is very important to one's survival. Plus if you pass out then you won't see the ep!!!

Lets just hope that that is NOT the only E/C scene we get the whole ep!! Although, I think it were they wouldn't have released it to tease us as we wait for the ep to air!

I sooooo have my fingers crossed :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Is it time to pass out the Mojitos yet? If not then I'm already ahead of all of you!:lol:

Just saw the clip and now... I'm hyperventilating... can't breathe... gonna pass out... *slumps over desk*

...And i'm back again. I am speechless. And that doesn't happen to me very often. Wow.


Ditto!! :D And remember to breathe...oxygen is very important to one's survival. Plus if you pass out then you won't see the ep!!!

Lets just hope that that is NOT the only E/C scene we get the whole ep!! Although, I think it were they wouldn't have released it to tease us as we wait for the ep to air!

I sooooo have my fingers crossed :lol:

You've got that right!

I think that Eric and Cal are already together. They seem really relaxed showing emotion and touching each other, ESPECIALLY Calleigh. It just shows how much she does trust Eric. I mean, trusting someone with your life and your heart are two totally different things!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Under three hours and counting!! I can't wait. I have a feeling we are going to get more than the clip showed.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I hope they don't wait til next season. Not because of the waiting (I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more) but because I can't see them dragging it much longer without ruining it. Especially because there doesn't seem to be a reason that isn't completely speculative.

It would be different if there was some angst, but there is none. They look happy around each other, they're communicating, and they're being intimate. Jake is gone and the fact that they work together seems to be a non issue (for now). So really, nothing seems to be stopping them. I know they wanna be careful, but in Miamiverse it's been a year since Eric revealed his feelings for Calleigh and a lot of their issues have been resolved.

I think Johnny's availability is partly to blame. They wanted to play with the triangle some more but then suddenly Jake disappeared and the writers didn't have time to create a brand new obstacle. Sucks for them but E/C has enough potential for dramatic development on their own so they need to get on with it before the freaking Earth expires.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I hope they don't wait til next season. Not because of the waiting (I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more) but because I can't see them dragging it much longer without ruining it. Especially because there doesn't seem to be a reason that isn't completely speculative.

It would be different if there was some angst, but there is none. They look happy around each other, they're communicating, and they're being intimate. Jake is gone and the fact that they work together seems to be a non issue (for now). So really, nothing seems to be stopping them. I know they wanna be careful, but in Miamiverse it's been a year since Eric revealed his feelings for Calleigh and a lot of their issues have been resolved.

I think Johnny's availability is partly to blame. They wanted to play with the triangle some more but then suddenly Jake disappeared and the writers didn't have time to create a brand new obstacle. Sucks for them but E/C has enough potential for dramatic development on their own so they need to get on with it before the freaking Earth expires.

Yeah. It is time for this to move forward. Since JW is not available they had to create a different All In and Ambush to get things moving forward b/c of the lack of the 'triangle.' It seems to have worked but they can't keep this route they decided to taken up too long. The storyline would lose something.

I think it is pretty telling that Corey wrote this ep and that he is our biggest champion. It is possible that if they have finally decided to move the E/C ship forward, they gave him the reins, so to speak, to do that.

I mean with the stuff we are getting, I wouldn't mind waiting til next season, I would be upset no doubt but considering the strides they have made with them, I would understand. At the same time though, you have obviously exhausted or used up the obstacle you set out to use as the angst or propellent for this storyline; Jake. Without him now, there is really nothing keeping them apart other than eachother and as time goes on (and scenes continue) that seems to be less and less of an obstacle as well. So it is time to take the leap, the plunge, the great jump and get on with it!

What year is the end of the world supposed be?;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I hope they don't wait til next season. Not because of the waiting (I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more) but because I can't see them dragging it much longer without ruining it. Especially because there doesn't seem to be a reason that isn't completely speculative.

It would be different if there was some angst, but there is none. They look happy around each other, they're communicating, and they're being intimate. Jake is gone and the fact that they work together seems to be a non issue (for now). So really, nothing seems to be stopping them. I know they wanna be careful, but in Miamiverse it's been a year since Eric revealed his feelings for Calleigh and a lot of their issues have been resolved.

I think Johnny's availability is partly to blame. They wanted to play with the triangle some more but then suddenly Jake disappeared and the writers didn't have time to create a brand new obstacle. Sucks for them but E/C has enough potential for dramatic development on their own so they need to get on with it before the freaking Earth expires.

LMAO!!!:guffaw: I totally agree though. It is time already. Let's find out where this is going to go!
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