Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Oh Jennifer, I think we can be friends (or at least start an anti-Horatio group) I honestly think that I like Jake and Hagen more than that man...okay...just Jake. Actually...I think I kind of miss Jake...not sure why, but I do.

Jodie, I'm amazed you actually followed my random train of thought. It got to the point where I was typing with this odd disconnect between my brain and hands.

I really hope the finale and the eps we just h ad leading up to it have/will fuel some good fan fiction! I definitely need to distract myself from productivity this summer :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Ok, so I thought last night's episode was very good in terms of EC. The locker room scene was awsome!! I loved how understanding and truly concerned she was for him. And the "we never talk about it" line was great, I love the way that she said it! There was so much feeling in the whole scene!! :D the "us" line confused me as well. Though it did seem like she meant it as more than the lab, but not quite you and me as a couple. Then the tape scene was great. Eric was great during it. And I certainly hope they do something with it. I can definitely see Ryan just letting what Eric said slip out. :lol: I loved that they ended the episode with them. And Eric and Calleigh were just so cute in it. I think the episode really showed how much they care for each other and how deep their relationship goes.

I definitely want some progression to happen in the finale. Though I'm not expecting some grand gesture because we aren't going to get one. I don't want the writers to rush into their relationship, especially after how long they've drawn it out. The longer we have to wait the stronger their relationship will be when they do finally get together. But at the same time I'm getting annoyed at how long it's taking. I just want them to be together!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Oh Jennifer, I think we can be friends (or at least start an anti-Horatio group) I honestly think that I like Jake and Hagen more than that man...okay...just Jake. Actually...I think I kind of miss Jake...not sure why, but I do.

Toward the end of last night's episode, when Horatio did his "Big Bad Horatio busted another one" walk out of the dining tent and into the sunset I thought to myself "please DON'T end it here". It would have been typical CSI:M fashion to end it with Horatio in that manner, instead of giving us a final scene with Eric & Calleigh to close out what happened with them... something I thought was sorely missing from SYG.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I too like the way things have gone between them (though painfully slow :vulcan:) but it's better than just this quick fling and then it's over.

What I would love to see in the finale would be something from Calleigh's side. Everything she does or says is so encrypted and could be interpreted in so many ways that I want something definitive from her. It doesn't have to be anything too big just enough for us to know where she stands. Eric's feelings have been clearly stated, Calleigh's not so much.

Isn't that the truth! I would love something like "I had a great time with you last night." That would tell us that they might be seeing each other. I don't need much just something to get me through the long summer.:cool:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

What I would love to see in the finale would be something from Calleigh's side. Everything she does or says is so encrypted and could be interpreted in so many ways that I want something definitive from her. It doesn't have to be anything too big just enough for us to know where she stands. Eric's feelings have been clearly stated, Calleigh's not so much.

But that's Calleigh. She's so incredibly evasive, I love it. While it'd be good for us to have some form of confirmation, I'm not sure if it'd be out of character for it to happen. It's very rare for her to be direct, especially when it comes to her emotions, so I'm not sure I could see her saying something that couldn't later be refuted. It's always the case where she'll say something that could mean one thing, but if it stands that she'll get hurt, she'll change what she means. That wonderful self preservation thing Calleigh does so well. All the times she's say 'I trust you' when really, we know she means something more.

I'd like to have some indication of her sincerity, but I think it'll be more actions and metaphors than direct words. But, like I said, I like that. We're not the average ship.

I totally agree with you. Still I think that if the relationship does goes forward there has to be a point were her feelings are clearly noted. Like I said, it doesn't have to be anything big, cause it's pretty doubtful she'll do anything like that. But just a step up from sweet smiles and concern. When she dated all the previous guys (Hagen, Jake, etc.) we never heard a heartfelt confession of her interest for neither of them, but we still knew for sure she liked them. I'm just saying that even if we hiphuggers know for sure she likes (loves ;)) Eric, it's not so clear to the rest of the world as it was when she dated these other guys. There was something more that made it clear.

Ok I hope that made sense I don't know if all I wrote will be understood :lol:

But I understand what you're saying and I completely agree that Calleigh's reactions are very, well Calleigh ;)

It made perfect sense. It would just be nice to get something from Calleigh that couldn't be interpreted in twenty different ways.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

i am very into the way the writers hold off on the relationship with EC because it makes us want lean forward in our seats with our popcorn and say "GET THEM TOGETHER ALREADY!" every time they have a little heartfelt moment and when it FINALLY happens (i hope it is a great angsty moment:drool:) i am going to fall off my couch and spill my popcorn everywhere!:bolian: while squealing

i also really just hope for a little moment in the season finale like an "almost kiss" that lets us know calleigh loves him too:)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

hey im kinda new to this whole shipping stuff. but i have to say eric and calleigh are the pair that need to get together the most on the show. and i also very much dont like jake lol
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

hey im kinda new to this whole shipping stuff. but i have to say eric and calleigh are the pair that need to get together the most on the show. and i also very much dont like jake lol

My apologies to the Cake Shippers out there, but (you knew there was a "but" in there somewhere didn't you?)<climbs on my soapbox> where has he been? Calleigh has been kidnapped and harassed by a sleezy PI and her so called boyfriend is nowhere to be found. With a boyfriend like that who needs enemies? <climbs off of the soapbox>. Whew! Sorry again but I had to get that off my chest.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I'm not too sure if I've been in this thread before, but I'm a huge DuDe shipper, I've loved these last few episodes, and all the Eric/Calleigh-ness.

Audrey2419 I agree with you. Where the heck is Jake? You'd think he'd care enough about his (ex?)-girlfriend to make sure she was okay after being kidnapped! I hate Cake but I do like Jake, I hope there's some Jake action in the finale. Maybe they'll make it clear that they're either together or they're not. I'm hoping not. :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

hey im kinda new to this whole shipping stuff. but i have to say eric and calleigh are the pair that need to get together the most on the show. and i also very much dont like jake lol

My apologies to the Cake Shippers out there, but (you knew there was a "but" in there somewhere didn't you?)<climbs on my soapbox> where has he been? Calleigh has been kidnapped and harassed by a sleezy PI and her so called boyfriend is nowhere to be found. With a boyfriend like that who needs enemies? <climbs off of the soapbox>. Whew! Sorry again but I had to get that off my chest.

I know! People keep saying that Johnny is unavailable because he has a new show, but they can still mention something about him so we know were they stand. He doesn't need to be there. Even though I have never liked him I still think the relationship should have closure and him being there is, IMO, is the best way to do it. But if that can't be done because of schedule problems they can still say something about him so we know what the heck is happening. Of course being the most important aspect of it all: were do EC stand right now ;)

Oh and welcome luf100 and alfalfasprout :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I still think Calleigh and Jake's relationship has already ended, and that's why he hasn't even been mentioned. Or, the writers have left a serious omission...that of writing in her boyfriend's concern over the kidnapping. Personally, I really don't care if we get to see any closure to the Jake/Calleigh relationship, I just want some confirmation of Calleigh's feelings toward Eric.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

If they ever mention Jake it will be something like: "Oh, that thing is long gone." Maybe Eric will ask Calleigh what happened with Jake when they get to the verge of getting together (though, I think they've been on the verge for a while now).

I miss Calleigh flirting. Do you remember first two seasons? She was all smiles and jokes and happiness. I understand that she changed, but I would like to see a bit of that old Calleigh back and I thing that Eric can make her happy again. I always imagine a moment between them (once they've been together for a while) where Eric says something like: "I had a great time last night... and this morning." and Calleigh smiles and blushes a bit. It would be out of character for nowadays Calleigh, but for first and second season Calleigh that would be really in character. There was a moment between her and John at the beginning of second season that I always liked (but I hoped something like that would happen with Eric) and it was when he tried to kiss her and she said: "Not at work." I can see something like that happening. It would be very Ericish to try to kiss her and it would be really Calleigh-like not to allow it (at least not at work).
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

It is to the point now with Jake that if the writers were to mention him or bring him back it would be worthless and a waste b/c it has been sooo long since we have either seen or heard mention of him. It would be stupid on their parts if they did something along those lines.

My gut tells me that they have been finished since "Stand Your Ground" and JW has been busy in his own right so it is possible the show couldn't get him back to close out his story but at the same time the writers can say that the viewer could infer, from what we saw happen between them in SYG, that they are over and done with and the lack of him is a testament to that.

I think the writers purposefully might have left it open at the end of the ep b/c his status of returning was up in the air....but with the way they left it, it could go either way. But again, to bring him back now after all this time or to even mention that they are still together would be stupid. Where was he then when she went through the ordeal in "All In"??? Even if they couldn't get JW they still could have mentioned him and they didn't. When Eric told her she wasn't going home alone, if they were still together, the opportunity was there to mention that she wouldn't be alone b/c Jake would be there or something to that extent. It or he wasn't my honest opinion, they are done and again it really doesn't bear mentioning on the show b/c it can be inferred from SYG.

Now, anything is possible with these writers but to go backwards after seamlessly moving forward w/o him is a writing/scritpting train wreck waiting to happen. And should the writers go down that road simply to prolong anything happening with E/C it is even worse. These writers can be bad at times but they can't possibly be that stupid.;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

gwasshoppa I just wanted to say that I read your fic "A Summer to Remember" and loved it!!! I couldn't stop reading it. I laughed so hard so many times with the sarcastic remarks and things that were just so well written. So just to say it was great. :bolian:

And about Jake... I understand what you're saying delkolover about it being so long since he was there that it would be pointless to bring him now. Still SYG left things too wide open and I do think somewhere along the line, they should tell us at least "it's over" or something to that effect. I mean in NY something like this happened with Danny and Lindsay since it was never clear if they were in a relationship or not throughout this season and then when Danny slept with someone everyone was asking themselves if he cheated or not, were they together or not, yada yada... I just think it created so much confusion since they left everything just out there for people to interpret that it was just... well meh. But I do agree that a lot has happened for them to still be together and that it would be weird for him to come back and still be with her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Delkolover, I agree with you. By omitting any mention of Jake since SYG, they have basically inferred that he and Calleigh are kaput. That is why I think they've already broken up.

But I do agree that a lot has happened for them to still be together and that it would be weird for him to come back and still be with her.

Now...THAT would be stupid if the writers did that! It would just be insanely stupid if they brought back Jake, or had a mention of him and Calleigh still being together after having not mentioned him since SYG, especially in the face of Calleigh getting kidnapped and Eric taking her home.
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