Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

First I have to say that I've watched the scene three times already and I can't wait to see it again. :drool:

Even though it wasn't romantic and flirty it was so full of emotion and concern that it made me fall in love with this ship all over again. I love how Calleigh lowers her voice when she speaks to him about stuff like this, like she has this special tone of voice that's reserved just for him. Also I loved how he opened up about his process to her.

Of course "we never talk about it" awwww I wanted to squeal!!! :D

Then when she said "I feel for you" I was like: what the crap is that supposed to mean!!!??? No Calleigh: I have feelings for you. That's the way it goes!!! :lol:

Anyways, then when she stopped him about going to Stetler and the "us" line, more squealing!!! Although, yeah we know it could mean anything but still, "us" aww.

The last scene when Horatio walked out of the dining place I was really hoping we would get a closure scene with EC and when they did and they smiled to each other and said it was their secret, awww again! :D

Ooh and of course her saying the "cheat sheet" was her, tsk tsk Calleigh. But she just cares so much for him...;)

Oh and I almost forgot about the tape!! There's this woman at work, her name's Calleigh... I sooo want Ryan to react to that at some point!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

First I have to say that I've watched the scene three times already and I can't wait to see it again. :drool:

Even though it wasn't romantic and flirty it was so full of emotion and concern that it made me fall in love with this ship all over again. I love how Calleigh lowers her voice when she speaks to him about stuff like this, like she has this special tone of voice that's reserved just for him. Also I loved how he opened up about his process to her.

Of course "we never talk about it" awwww I wanted to squeal!!! :D

Then when she said "I feel for you" I was like: what the crap is that supposed to mean!!!??? No Calleigh: I have feelings for you. That's the way it goes!!! :lol:

Anyways, then when she stopped him about going to Stetler and the "us" line, more squealing!!! Although, yeah we know it could mean anything but still, "us" aww.

The last scene when Horatio walked out of the dining place I was really hoping we would get a closure scene with EC and when they did and they smiled to each other and said it was their secret, awww again! :D

Ooh and of course her saying the "cheat sheet" was her, tsk tsk Calleigh. But she just cares so much for him...;)

Oh and I almost forgot about the tape!! There's this woman at work, her name's Calleigh... I sooo want Ryan to react to that at some point!!

Yes!! the tape. I can't wait to see what (if anything) Ryan will say. I'll bet he spills something to Natalia about it. Next week should be Really Interesting to say the least.

(BTW my family is getting so tired of listening to me bitch and moan about the S L O W N E S S of the writers in getting them closer than ever. Thanks for letting me wax poetic about them. You guys rock!):)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Oh and I almost forgot about the tape!! There's this woman at work, her name's Calleigh... I sooo want Ryan to react to that at some point!!

I soooooo hope that the writers don't forget about that one. I'm really interested in what Eric said about her. To bad he stopped the tape. What happened to that tape? Maybe Calleigh could find it somehow. I know it's a long shot but I would really like something like that to happen. I would really like to see her face if she heard Eric say something beautiful about her or about his feelings for her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Oh and I almost forgot about the tape!! There's this woman at work, her name's Calleigh... I sooo want Ryan to react to that at some point!!

I soooooo hope that the writers don't forget about that one. I'm really interested in what Eric said about her. To bad he stopped the tape. What happened to that tape? Maybe Calleigh could find it somehow. I know it's a long shot but I would really like something like that to happen. I would really like to see her face if she heard Eric say something beautiful about her or about his feelings for her.

I know!!! Her reaction to hearing him say something like that about her is something I would pay to see :lol: They do have the tape since they took everything from the vault and there was the one about CSI-Eric Delko among them. So if, the operative word being if, they decided to do something about it, they could.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Calleigh saying "I feel for you" was her way of saying two things:
1) She cares for him...deeper than friendship. As of right now this might be the only real admission of feelings we get from her concerning him b/c it is her way of saying she cares deeper than a friend.
2) She understands that it must be hard for him and she wasn't saying what she was saying to put him down or discredit him but to give him confidence and let him know that she is there for him and just that she understands and if needs someone; she is there.

Apparently there were alot of tapes of him and his therapist and I too am very interested in knowing what, if anything, he had to say about her to his shrink. I think it would be interesting to see if she were to hear them....might help get her over her hump to know that he not only cares about her but credits her with his progress in recovering.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

My God, I loved their scenes tonight. But I´m finding myself getting more and more impatient and not being satisfied with what we´re getting :(
But sure their scenes were, as always, great. But still, you know, I want something concrete to happen already...
Anyway, I reacted to the "us"-thing aswell. I was like :wtf: !!! WHAT did she mean by that??? But being totally devoted to the ship and all, I immediately think (or hope) that she means us as in You and I...
And the tape. Oh, I so hope Ryan says something about that in the next episode...
Come on!!! Give us something juicy!!!:drool:

Okay, I'm wondering if they're already together, especially because Calleigh told him, "do it for us." It seems a lot more personal than, "do it for us=the lab."

If they're already together I'll be pissed because after watching Lisa Edelstein do a pole dance wearing nothing but a pair of frilly panties I better well damn see Emily giving Adam a lap dance and then getting it on like retarded monkeys in heat. That is all.

^ Oh my god!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:LMAO

BTW can anyone link the promo for next week, PRETTY PLEEEEAAASE???
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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

This is the lnk for the promo:
Thanks to our great Hcrazy!!!!

Oh, my God...I can't wait to know what's going to happen to Calleigh, that scene is a bit cryptic, don't you think?

Ooops, we posted it together...:guffaw:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

My God, I loved their scenes tonight. But I´m finding myself getting more and more impatient and not being satisfied with what we´re getting :(

See, I'm really happy with what we're getting. What do we really expect? I mean, Miami's never been one to focus so fully on it's characters so the little scenes we've been getting are more than adequate when you think about it relatively. Though, again, relatively speaking, it's nothing compared to the H-Drama. I'm liking what we have so far and I can't wait for the next episode.

That promo looks great, thanks for bringing it over. Don't forget you can edit your posts, love. Tis better than posting twice.

Humm, I know that promo focused on H and didn't give any hints as to EC stuff (aside form the lab). But what do you guys think we'll see? Wonder if they'll be any continuity from the last on with regards to EC.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

Humm, I know that promo focused on H and didn't give any hints as to EC stuff (aside form the lab). But what do you guys think we'll see? Wonder if they'll be any continuity from the last on with regards to EC.

I think they will give us some continuity this time, I don't know why, maybe because from what I have seen in the promo Cal will be in danger again and in this episode Eric lookes like he feels so sincerely guilty for what happened to her. I have the feeling there will be some good EC moments...
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

My God, I loved their scenes tonight. But I´m finding myself getting more and more impatient and not being satisfied with what we´re getting :(

See, I'm really happy with what we're getting. What do we really expect? I mean, Miami's never been one to focus so fully on it's characters so the little scenes we've been getting are more than adequate when you think about it relatively. Though, again, relatively speaking, it's nothing compared to the H-Drama. I'm liking what we have so far and I can't wait for the next episode.

That promo looks great, thanks for bringing it over. Don't forget you can edit your posts, love. Tis better than posting twice.

Humm, I know that promo focused on H and didn't give any hints as to EC stuff (aside form the lab). But what do you guys think we'll see? Wonder if they'll be any continuity from the last on with regards to EC.

I don't know if we will get total continuity with regards to E/C but I have the strong feeling we will get something to carry us over the summer. Whether it is going to be a "YAY" or "WTF" moment, like we got last year, is anyone's guess.

You are right with regards to Miami never solely over focusing on their characters....that has never been the show's style.....It has always meant to be a procedural, like L&O. Only in the last few seasons have we seen more and more of the personal lives of our CSI's. The show was never designed to "go home" with its characters but I think with the increasing ways of other shows and the increasing plots of them going home with their characters; it has forced the writers of all 3 shows to tweak the structure a little bit. But a ship/romance will never rule or take center stage on this show; which is something I can say I am happy with. I hate it when two characters get togehter and then the show becomes all about that I am happy with the scenes we are getting b/c they are infused into the story but it isn't the main focus. Which is why I think a long term ship could last on show like this would never be the main focus or thrust in our face on a constant basis. Adam and Emily do a great job together and this storyline brings a little more emotion to a show that has been all about the procedures of forensics and crime.

However, if after the season finale we still haven't gotten anything that shows some sort of progression to the next level for these two I will be moderately disappointed as well as upset. This push/pull thing between them has been going for over a season and half now with growing intensity....either sh*t or get off the pot with it!! I know what the writers are afraid of, but c'mon take a chance!;)

I love E/C and the scenes we get between them but this is starting to slightly wear at my nerves; as you can so plainly see ;)
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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

I'm doubting we'll see any continuation of the CDs with Eric's therapist sessions on it. It would be great if there was, but I just think we won't hear any more about it.

As for confirmation of a real relationship between Eric & Calleigh being brought out in the final episode next week, that's another area where I'm feeling really pessimistic. I don't think we'll get even that. While I know the promos are misleading, they still seem so Horatio centric. I'd love to be proven wrong in this ;). Either way, I really hope we don't get a repeat of what we got in the final episode last season...Calleigh with someone else and Eric seeming very pissed about it. Now that would really suck!

Speaking of the show not delving much into the private lives of the's that way with everyone but Horatio. With him and his private life its all drama, drama, drama. For once, I'd like to have a season where it's not all about him and his drama. :scream:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

For once, I'd like to have a season where it's not all about him and his drama. :scream:

Oh, please :rolleyes:.

I agree with you, Delkolover. CSI, particularly Miami is backpedaling now to get more character growth out of the episodes. I mentioned that in the 'is Miami developing into more of a soap opera' thread. Now that it's coming up against things like Bones, which is a very character based show, it's realizing how important connections with characters is.

Personally, I love how little we get. I know that sounds really odd, especially with how much I complain about the lack of EC - hypocrite, much - but the work/character balance makes each moment more significant. Though they seem to have gone over board with Horatio, I think they've gotten the case/romance balance just right with Calleigh and Eric now.

They seemed to shut it all of in season 4, but they pulled it back. The best days, for me, were back when they talked about things. I remember those days. With Eric complaining about 'H stirring up the neighborhood' and Calleigh dealing with her dads visits. The nice character moments we got seemed to be perfect. Then, again with season 4, things changed. The balance was shifted. I hope they're got it back now because I'm loving the interactions.

But, like you said Delkolover, they need to take it to the next level.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

You´re right about the show never "going home" with the characters... I guess I´m just getting either a bit spoiled or a bit impatient. Maybe if we just get a kiss or a hint of a date or something, maybe then I´ll calm down :lol:

I hope we get some E/C scenes next week. Actually my first thought after seeing the promo was: Maybe we´ll get some good E/C scenes. Maybe a concerned Eric...:drool: (again...)

That promo looks great, thanks for bringing it over. Don't forget you can edit your posts, love. Tis better than posting twice.

^You´re right about that. Don´t know why I did that... Guess I´m tired after a long day of studying for my exam ;) Not thinking straight anymore:)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1

They do need to take it to the next level...however while I think we will get a little something that points to that next level I don't think it will all happen in the finale. We will get a little something that will give us a hint or a squee as to the possibilities next season could hold...I am hoping that something like last season doesn't happen again this season b/c then it will just reinforce that the writers are going around in circles b/c they simply want to toy with us and not actually progress this 'thing' between Eric and Cal. And that is what needs to happen; a progression. Big or small we need to take another step in some direction.

I think there might have been some confusion so I just wanted to clarify where I stand on what I think we might get in the finale.
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