Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Yeah ya know what got on my nerves? Well when Jake "impulsively" kisses Calleigh she doesn't stop. :eek: :confused: Like she doesn't stop him. I don't understand like if ya didn't wanna kiss him why don't ya just stop there? :confused: She just kept on kissing him and also there was some tongue come on guys what is this a circus act or something? :confused: :devil:
Please somebody explain to me whats going on here! :mad:
Also Jake had his hand on her shoulder/neck come on here?! :mad: :confused: :eek:
Where on earth did you see tongue? It wasn't even an open mouthed kiss.

At one point it looked like Calleigh wanted to pull away, when she nearly opened her eyes, but he held her in place. In the TV Guide finale special you can see Calleigh's reaction to the kiss and it isn't exactly a pleasant one.
Well they didn't show her reaction in the finale. :confused: Um...the kiss looked more then you realize trust me I TAPED it. :devil: :eek: I can tell something like that. :D
I have it too. There is no tongue:


And at this point she began to pull back and he continued to force himself on her. Also, if I wanted to kiss a guy I wouldn't pull back, I would lean in, but Calleigh doesn't:


If a guy kissed me like that and then slipped me the tongue after 2 seconds I'd kick him in the balls.
alrighty thanks for the clarification! :D
yeah i guess ur right she tried to pull back but he just kept on going. God how Jake's so annoying and pushy! :mad:
If a guy kissed me like that and then slipped me the tongue after 2 seconds I'd kick him in the balls.
rotflmao :lol: :D yeah me too thanks
I like 2 and 6, heh. We always have the best titles.

The kiss looked much hotter in the promo, but what we actually got was a huge turn off. It was like Jake assaulting her or something. And her eyes were like, like she wasn't really enjoying it. Didn't she frown at one point? So not fetch.
If you guys one we can use one for thread #23 and another one for #24, that way we won't have to rack our brains trying to come up with a new thread title during 23.

Mariel, you suck. If you don't start posting again regularly we're taking your hip hugger jeans away.
No, don't take my hip huggers away! I've finally got them to that comfortable, worn-in feeling.

Anyways, I'll try but I can't promise. Especially since I feel so out of the loop, I think I watched MAYBE one episode this season.
Well, that's what happens when you're a bad Hip Hugger. You get your jeans taken away from you AND you don't get spanked.

Did you see the kiss? Come on, it was that hot and yet you didn't tune in next week? Tsk tsk tsk.
No, I didn't see the kiss! Remember? I DVRed it but it somehow got erased. Boo. :(

As for tuning in the next week, I totally didn't think we'd get so much Hip Hugger action two weeks in a row.
Dude, I gave you the You Tube link, remember? And then the week after that there was an even hotter E/C scene. Just make sure you tune in next season. And you need to write at least 5 fics during the summer. Chop chop.
Yeah can't wait til next season! :D
Do ya guys know when the next season starts? Lik september or watever? :confused:

Can I help with the fic you guys? Only if I'm aloud though........ :D :confused:
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