Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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O.M.G. *Mo stares at that pic and forgets to breath for a she literally feels her brain willing her body to get pregnant...* Money shot indeed, I love you for that cap right there! Wow! And she does look very much like a little E/C baby...gah if only it was Cal instead of H there...she would have been unable to resist that, what red-blooded woman could?

And can I just say, despite all the angst and the jealousy...this eppy...that is what a finale should be people! Solid, good and with a cliffhanger that though severely annoying for our ship (severely!! :p ), totally guarentees we will all be tuning in, eyes glued to our t.v.'s come fall! And that is good television! :lol:

Now onto that kiss...totally caught Cal off guard and while she wasn't fighting it, she sure wasn't into it, no arms around his neck or even really leaning into it...and I loved how even when they were kissing the focus was still totally E/C...showing Eric's reaction and then having his and Call's eyes meet and her looking away like she knew she hurt him...angsty as hell, but still totally focused on our ship!! And that I LOVE! :D Okay Season 6 needs to start now...this summer is gonna go SOOO slow! :lol:
Thank you sooo much for the screen caps!! I LOVE the one them! Glad that little girl put a smile on Eric's face! He was sooo sad through out the entire show.

I actually really liked this episode...the E/C sextual tension was awesome!! Now we have to wait for next season!
Hey, Star! Where've you been?

Here's another one:


AAAAH, what a cutie pie! You know, both Eric and Calleigh have had significant scenes with kids this season. Calleigh with Emma and Eric with Holly. For god's sake, just have a kid together already. You can tell they're both dying to be parents, and what awesome parents would they be.

Calleigh's response to the kiss was kinda lackluster. While Jake was really into it, Calleigh was just kinda... there. At one point she even started to open her eyes. Her reaction to seeing Eric, though, wow. Both Adam and Emily were great in that scene.
Mostly trying to find a job. Which blows. Interviews require gas to get there and food so one doesn't pass out in the middle of them. And I like don't remember the last time I got to eat. My fellow Faerie Festival staff people are giving me gas money because they kind of need medical when we're expecting around 4500 people. but yeah. Life blows. And as much as I love Calleigh, being pissed at her sucks.

Okay, I tend to not like Horatio much (although I am absolutely in LOVE with how I wrote him in my fic Mourning Innocence. I have no clue how that happened) but I thought it was awesome how they started the season with him on that mountain in Rio and ended it with him on the building. It was a neat effect that tied things together.

Eric needs to punish Calleigh for being mean to him :devil:
I'm out of work, too. It blows.

You know, if you pay attention to the song at the end, when Calleigh's in the elevator and the camera focuses on Eric and then on her the soundtrack goes:

and no matter how you try
you never find the one you want

More love from the music department!

I don't think Eric would stay pissed long. If Jake broke Calleigh's heart, I think Eric wouldn't be able to be cold with her. He'd be at her door with ice cream and a monster sized bag of Doritos in no time.
Wow how can they leave us hanging there? :eek: How the hell are we supposed to survive the summer? :lol:
One good thing is that seeing the finale finally brought me out of my writer's block. I guess my brain was just too focused on the finale.

So what to say? I loved the scene with Eric and the little girl. It was so sweet, I 'ooohed' and 'aaahed' the whole time. That little girl was sure happy to get into Eric's arms and who would blame her? ;) Lucky kid :lol:

There was less Eric and Calleigh working together than I expected and I must say I was a little disappointed. But maybe it was better that way :rolleyes:

The discussion at the park left me a little puzzled I must say. I loved the fact that Eric was clearly jealous and say it out loud. It kinda threw Cal a little out of balance and it was fun to see. But I must say her answer to his 'it was different' kind of surprised me. For me Eric just said that because he compared the seriousness of his injury to Jake's (how he only got a scratch when the other cop died is so very illogical, I guess he is one lucky b** :rolleyes:). And I think that's why he smiled at her, because she gave him an answer he definitely hadn't expected to be that good. But it's maybe just me not getting it :lol: I only watched the scene three times. Maybe after another 20 times, I'll have another take.

I was kinda disappointed by the kiss. It looked hotter in the preview than it actually was. She wasn't in it at all and I had the feeling she only went with Jake because he had been hurt and she felt she owed him a date (especially after their earlier discussion). She so looked like she wanted to stay at the lab. Her look at Eric was almost one of apology and regret. Of course she knew she had hurt him (duh! after the discussion they just had), but she looked like she wished she didn't have to go.

Another thing, they changed the script a lot for this finale and now I'm wondering about one thing: Eric knows Jake is competition, but does Jake know that Eric is? I'm not sure. And that's to Eric's advantage ;)

So as a conclusion I'd say that my little shipper heart is happy. Sure Cal left with Jake, but she didn't look overjoyed by it or even eager. The kiss they shared was very one-sided and she clearly said she had no clue what she felt for Jake. That said after the trust line meant clearly that she knew what she felt for Eric and that the fact that they were co-workers was the main problem.

So now Eric has to play it cleverly. I'm sure he'll find way to convince her that the whole co-worker thing isn't that bad. Maybe they should make a trip to NY, it doesn't seem to concern people over there ;)

Okay enough for now and back to work and hopefully writing. There is porn that needs to be done ;)
Holy holy!
Somehow I don't understand people who are disappointed by this episode... I mean, that scene in the park - that was the best thing we could get, imo! Because that scene wasn't Calleigh rejecting him - that was Calleigh openly acknowledging that they have feelings for each other! Calleigh (!!!) told Eric that she wants more from him than what they have right now! That's the biggest thing we could get! Right? And OF COURSE she is apprehensive because of their work-relationship - she's still Calleigh. And I don't even think that the work thing is her biggest fear; she probably uses it as an excuse - her actual problem is not being in control of her feelings for Eric, because she's fallen just as hard as he has... And I think she can't really deal with that (yet!)
Ok, so yeah, that park scene was heaven!
What I also liked was the first Cal/Jake moment - Jake was all "Can we finally go out? Stop having excuses!" and then I nearly screamed with joy when she said: "Everytime we try, something happens. Should we just say it's a sign?" Jakey-poo, she just turned you down! ;) He didn't quite get that though.... Men! They just down get subtlety... :rolleyes:
Ok, then, the kiss... Not HOT at all! You're so right Elicia, the promo made it look hot as hell, but in the episode it was just Jake trying to invade her and Calleigh trying to keep her mouth closed... ;) I think that scene wasn't edited very well though... they should've shown the kiss ending...
Eric's reaction was excellent! And the look those two shared when the elevator doors closed was perfect! Perfect! E/C angst at it's best! I loved it! :)

Some caps from the final scene:




(She hurts as much as he does!)

Way to please an angst-whore's desires! *content sigh*
Yep, they LONG for each other. I think in the park scene, she had her relationship with Jake vs Her relationship with Eric already on her mind. That's why she was all gung ho about it when he asked a simple question. Although she didn't regret saying anything though and she gave him his answer. She's interested, she's scared. Don't give up, Dude. At least that's what I got out of it. :) She told him she knows how she feels about Eric, but Jake is safe for her cause she doesn't know. So, Eric just has to decide if he's ready and how to convince her it's ok to take a risk with him.

I agree that this finale was really great. I wasn't even expecting them to get out of their denial before the season was over and look at the two of them finally saying something out loud about it. It's about time! So let's celebrate that!

Unfortunately Calleigh has chosen the wrong guy but I guess you always fall for the wrong guy first before realising the right guy is right in front of you. This angst is going to continue in season 6 but eventually Jake is going to screw up and Calleigh will finally be rid of him and run into the gorgeous arms of Eric.
The looks they give eachother is hot (sigh!) I'd never get sick of those longing glances between them I mean who wouldn't want those beautiful eyes of Eric's looking into yours?
Season 6, it's going to be a long wait.... DAMN IT!!!
Here are a few snippets from the official CBS synopsis of the episode that are E/C related. I found them amusing especially the part about Jake and Cal's "passionate Kiss".
I got these from on the Miami page.
"Calleigh and Delko arrive to sweep the forest area for trace evidence. Calleigh finally opens up to Delko about her feelings for Jake and Delko. She is torn as she works so closely with Delko and fears involvement. Jake is far enough removed from the CSI lab that Calleigh can deal with it easier. Delko smiles and let's the subject drop. They sweep the ground with a metal detector and get a reading: buried under dirt is the pair of handcuffs Wade was wearing. Someone cut them off for him, and when they buried the cuffs, they left a shoeprint in the dirt. It looks like a biker's boot, and Delko knows who that boot might belong to: Travis Peck." I think it's telling that they say she finally opens up about her feelings and they even know that if Eric wasn't so complicated for her, she'd be with him. He's her choice and we ALL know that.

"Calleigh finally makes a dinner date with Jake, and when he arrives at the station, Delko can only watch as the couple share a passionate kiss. They walk to the elevator and once inside Calleigh turns to meet Delko's gaze. They share a complicated emotional moment before she turns back to Jake."
That was passionate? Erm the eye sex was passionate. That kiss was uncomfortable. LOL
Well there is one thing to keep in mind... Adam and Emily are both HipHuggers, so they are bound to show us things the way we want it... So maybe that's why the kiss was not that passionate and the long look they exchanged was. It doesn't mean it was actually written that way in the script.
Same thing could be said with any EC scene we had this season.
Morning all! Okay so after a night to sleep on it...I've decided that while I'm still a bit pissed at the PTB, this is entirely their M.O. They take the "Canon" ship of the show, the one they know and even want to get together themselves, and put an obstacle in it's's classic love story stuff...every couple has to work through some hard time before finally getting together (at which point they always look back and go "why didn't we do this a long time ago" as we just sit back and say "We told you so!" :lol: ) But yeah anyway, I think them not getting together speaks more to them lasting longer in the end, cuz otherwise I'd have been afraid that the PTB were gonna be dumb and have them be an awkward slept-together-now-what type thing that E/C should NEVER be!
Okay so I'm totally rambling here I just realized...but it's before 7am so I'm allowed...anyway, all this to say...I really did enjoy this did Miami proud...and I LOVE that Call admitted her feelings to Eric, and I think he got that too cuz his smile at the end of their conversation in the park is a cute "I'll wait for you" type smile...

So yeah, I have high hopes for Seas. 6, E/C lovin' dang it! :lol:
Bloody amazing! Honestly, what we got was sheer awesomeness. I'm far from disappointed.

I'll save more in-depth analysis until later, because I'm a tad hungover (or still drunk, not quite sure), but I really don't think we could have asked for anything better.

I still can't get over the fact that Calleigh flat-out admitted, without any prompting at all, that she has feelings for Eric. Whoa! We are talking about Calleigh here, right? I don't see how anybody couldn't see her hiding behind the badge from miles away. She's still Calleigh, even with that surprising revelation.

The last scene played out really well. Calleigh didn't look at all into that kiss. Even afterwards, she just looked surprised.

Their facial expressions were right on the money:

That's an 'I fucked up' look all the way. She knows she's messed up badly, and it's hurting them both already. Brillo pads!

Eric with the kid was ridiculously cute as well. She kinda reminded me of Uma Thurman's kid in Kill Bill Vol. 2. And they played Aqualung. I love them. God, there's so many incoherent thoughts rushing through my brain. I'm off to go and harvest some fic ideas, and possibly make a new fanvid too.

Oh, and one last thing. That kiss. Was that really the best take they had? An Eric/Calleigh kiss would be so much better than that one was. :D
Okay guys I was kind of disappointed in this episode but after reading some of you guys comments it really was a pretty good finale. To be honest I wasn't really disappointed just irritated by how in every EC scene there was this hostility thing they had with each other. The park scene was pretty good. Jealous Eric is the best. I don't remember who posted it but I do agree with how Eric said it was different when she went to go see him in hospital. It did seem like he was saying you like ME and not him.

The kiss scene was just soooo wrong. She looked like uncomfortable as hell. Poor Eric though having to see that. His reaction to it was priceless. The hurt it showed let everybody and I mean EVERYBODY know that he loves her. I couldn't really get a take on Calleigh in the elevator though. Couldn't really get what she was feeling. I mean she looked up and saw Eric seeing her after she kissed Jake but what was her reaction to it. Damn it!!!!! I can't stand cliff hangers!!!! This summer is going to be brutal!!! You fanfic writers better give us something to work with. L:lol:L

Oh yeah and the scene with Eric and the kid was so adorable!!! How she jumped in his arms was so cute and so was she!!
Hip_hugga_lovah said:
Okay guys I was kind of disappointed in this episode but after reading some of you guys comments it really was a pretty good finale. To be honest I wasn't really disappointed just irritated by how in every EC scene there was this hostility thing they had with each other.

LOL the sexual tension got the best of them this time! Ha.
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