Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I can't wait for Monday, I believe we should get some E/C hopefully, because they are working together, and remember how Adam comfirmed they are building the relationship up in up coming episodes.
I would die for a scene with Calliegh running into Eric's arms, hope we get that one day!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I want a scene where Eric runs into Calleigh's arms. She's his knight in shining armor, after all.

Ugh, guys, I haven't had 5 freaking minutes to sit down and write.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yay for a new eppy on Monday...wohoo! Here's hoping for some good E/ y'all said, Adam said we're building toward let's see some building already...building chemistry, building tension...building toward smex would be best! :devil: :lol:

*Mo giggles and snaps her whip over Midi's head...* Get to writing already...come on, I need me some new E/C fanfic! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Please do the fic kissmesweet begs to be done
Oh, honey. I don't know... I've got a HUGE Creative Writing assesment dued for English really soon! :( So... but I PROMISE, I'll write something E/C. :) I wrote a short drabble Post-"Man Down", but I down it on the notes section of my mobile and I've been so lazy to type it up! :lol:

I CAN'T WAIT FOR MONDAY! WE DESERVE THAT E/C episode! They are amazing and YES, WE GOT ADAM'S SUPPORT!! Chemistry... Tension... Glances... Flirtation... It doesn't get better than that!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

You know, they should interview Emily, too. I'd love to hear what she has to say. No doubt she'll be a dork about it.

*takes her notebook to work*
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Midi (do you mind if I call you that?) I think that'd be totally fun to see, I'd be very curious what Emily had to say about E/C! See if she was as forthcoming as Adam was! Hmmmm, now I'm curious! :D Has she ever talked about them in the past?

Ohhhh Delia yeah you should totally write an E/C ficcie, seeing as how you're so very good at it! ;)

Can't wait for Monday, wohoo! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

CSI Files asked her about it once. Here's what she said,

I think it (Eric and Calleigh's sexual tension) exists. Adam and I went through training together; he was my first friend [on the show]. I think that genuine like we have for each other shows up on screen.

So I'm pretty sure she's on board.

You can call me Caro, if you like.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

If we get a hug between them I would scream!! Of course if we a get a kiss I will need an ambulance and a doctor!! :lol:

Dude Monday can't come fast enough as far as I am concerned; even if we don't get a huge E/C scene in the ep....we all know it will be coming. Plus it will just be nice to have a new ep :D

I can only imagine what Emily would say if they interviewed her and told her what Adam said in his. She would probably be like; 'Oh yes we need to get it on already!' :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


:lol: Or that's just MY imagination.
Love your imagination, midnight!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Caro...okay :D Thanks for the Emily response...yeah she's so on board! It looks like she was being a bit more coy about it than Adam, which makes me totally want to hear what she'd say now!

I'm so glad the new eppy is this Monday, I had a moment of panic where I thought it wasn't until a week from this coming Monday and I thought I'd have a heart attack from waiting forever! :lol: (drama queen anyone?! :lol: )
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

That Adam interview was ridiculously awesomely squee-inducingly wonderful! He wants a secret office romance with Calleigh, how cute!

I may pee my pants before Monday even arrives. How many episodes are left this season?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Including Monday's episode there are 6 episodes left in the season.

I *have* been peeing in my pants since I read the first spoilers about E/C in the upcoming I can't wait til we *see* what the writers have decided to do.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I can't believe this season is almost over. Didn't it just start like 3 days ago?

Good season for us, though.

Did you guys see the video Leela made? It was great!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah, can't wait for next season to see how E/C will develope, it's going to be a long summer.

I saw Leela's video, it was great, I enjoyed it soooo much, thanks!!
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