Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Well I'm French so for me, my country is not particularly romantic :rolleyes: Italy definitely sounds better or even Spain :D They both speak Spanish it would be a great place to visit.

I long didn't want to ship any couple on the CSI franchise... Then NY got me with M&M and I thought what the hell let's come clean with my favorite ships on every show :lol: Eric and Calleigh has always been so very obvious to me, because they make such a striking couple and their interactions were also so flirty and funny :D You've just got to love that.

We definitely need to write more fics about them... I don't mind the other ships, I simply ignore them :lol:
it's good to see that some people are back here and show their support for E/C.

And darn I hope my stupid internet access is going to work soon. I feel like killing the Telecom guy for taking so long. Wonder if our local CSIs could find out I did it? :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I could see the two of them vacationing in a place like Hawaii....very exotic and hot!!! Also Spain or the Carribean. Just b/c they live in an warm climate doesn't mean they would automatically want to go someplace cold. I also have a hard time picturing Eric on a pair of skis :lol:

This ship has been the one true ship of Miami. I never really watched the show and then there was a marathon on and I totally got into and this pairing immediately caught my eye. They just seem to fit together both physically and emotionally.

I absolutely love those flirty lines from Bunk's opening scenes.....ahhh those were the days :) Here's to hoping we get those scenes back real soon :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

My reasoning is that they would go somewhere hot just because they could wear less clothes. :lol: :devil: Not that they couldn't wear less clothing somewhere's just they'd be confined to the indoors (again, not that that's a bad thing...not at all! :devil:), but seriously. Think about it; a sunny, tropical beach somewhere, with shirtless Eric and Calleigh in a bikini...that's what I'm talking about. :lol: And then if they could find themselves a private beach...:devil: :D

And besides, I'm sure Calleigh would rather see Eric shirtless than bundled up in seventeen layers of sweaters or something. ;)

...I know we'd rather see Eric shirtless than all bundled up. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I definately woulnd't mind seeing Eric shirtless and all oiled up on a beach somewehre :devil: All sweaty and glistening from the heat :devil: Come to think it, Cal probably wouln't mind either :lol:

As for Eric, I think the less clothes he sees on Cal the happier he will be :lol: :devil:

Oh the things they could and would do if they found a private beach :devil: Someone should do a fic like that :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

^^ Oh God, I wouldn't mind that... and YES, Calleigh would be happy to see that! Whoa, I'm sure he feels the same about Calleigh! Say seductive black lingerie, would work like a charm!

A private beach... hmmm, I might work on a fic delkolover! :D:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

We have a nude beach down here. Just saying. I could take my camera.

God, when's the new episode airing? It's been forever.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

The new eps kick off on this coming Monday. We get new eps until the season finale on May 14th. It really feels like it has been forever considering we had repeats Triple Threat and then two weeks of repeats.

Well then Eric and Cal should definately head on down to Puerto Rico for their vacation :lol: :devil:

Australia has topless beaches so maybe they can go there too. Remember the JAG ep where Mac decides "when in Rome?" and goes topless...Cal could do the same and really throw Eric for a I would love to see his reaction to that :lol:

Please do the fic kissmesweet begs to be done :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Next Monday? That was sooner than I thought. Yay!

I don't think it matters where they go. What matters is they'll be horizontal the whole time. Giggity giggity gee!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah, maybe Eric and Calleigh like the beach scene???

The Down Under's pretty hot. Maybe they should go surfing. Then they could help each other on the board and even if they don't go surfing they'll have fun in the water! Perfect activities. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Monday's episode preview seems very interesting. If you get the chance you should definately check it out at

the coming attractions show Cal and Eric working the case together and at one point both have their guns drawn. In one cut scene Cal has this strange look on her face and the voice over says something about friends turning into enemies; I can't really remember too much about this ep as to why the voice over would say that but IMO I don't think it has too much to do with E/C. Those promos are sooo misleading.

I can't wait for Monday b/c finally everything we have been waiting for these last few weeks are about to start happening. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Wonderful how we will get them working together! I hope we'll see some building up even in this episode.

About what turned me on about Eric and Calleigh, I said it before so I'll go through it again. Well I first started watching the show (somewhere around the 2nd season) I didin't even look at pairings. I just liked characters and my faves were Eric and Calleigh. Then I started loving how they interacted together. They were sweet and humorous and Eric seemed to have a different posture around Cal. I not only think they are hot together, I think they understand each other and are great coworkers. They are satyrical.

Now, I think that since they are interracial, that is a plus. That's not the biggest reason why I like them. I think it is completely sexy and unique that they are, but I'm not all just about the cultural backgrounds. I love how their personalities interact and how well they can respect each other yet be good friends, but I think their backgrounds could create amazing storylines. It really could! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think their different backgrounds help make them a more dynamic pairing. The two obviously different cultures and beliefs are a great blend espdcially behind the personalities of these two characters.

Bunk was a great example of that. While it wasn't the very thing that drew me to this couple it was a small added bonus coming from an interracial couple myself :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

You know a lot of people talk about in that episode. Care to share some examples, because I saw the episode very few times. :(
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

In the beginning of Bunk when Eric and Cal show up at the retirement community they are talking about their grandmothers.

Cal says she wants her grandmother last days to be sipping mamosa's thinking everyday is New Years and driving the men crazy

Eric says he wants his grandmother last days to be in her home with their priest surrounded by family.

Then of course you get the line
Calleigh: Cuban
Eric: Southern

It really shows how different their upbringing and religious backgrounds are...even if it is for a moment in the beginning of the ep.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Okay, now it all came back to me. Thank you for my reviving my brain. :D

I wish that if they do focus on their backgrounds, it would be of humorous tint. Angst wouldn't go well in my opinion because there needs to be humor in that. :D

So, I was watching CSI:New York and Mac and(can't believe I forgot her name!) were hugging each other and she had a tear in her eye. So whether you like this couple or not(sorry if someone doesn't and I'm only using it as an example) they showed a great way Eric and Calleigh could interact. Only Eric and Calleigh would be hotter! :D Could you imagine if something happened and Cal goes running into Eric's arms? :D
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