Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

To get this done they have probably tied her up and put her in a closet somwhere for the remainder of the season :lol:

I really would like to hear what she has to say b/c she would probably be like a politician and avoid the question or change the subject altogether. either that or she would just groan :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

You know what I love about that interview? When he talks about Eric/Natalia, he describes it at "flirting." But when he talks about Eric/Calleigh he uses the words "love" and "romance."
Me too. Adam knows that Eric/Calleigh are the real deal no matter what and it's too awesome! :) They've known each other since forever and they know each other inside out. He trusts her with every fiber of his being and we know--duh!--their chemistry is hot, hot, hot. :) Besides, I think it's great when two people who really trust each other begin a new journey with each other, commiting themselves to each other. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Ohhhhh, I would LOVE to see the bloopers! I love bloopers of any kind, but the romantic scenario ones are the best ever! :D They should totally show them to us, show us, show us!! :lol:

And yeah I like that Adam recognizes it was just "flirting" with Natalia but with Cal it's LOVE! Yay, that makes me happy! :D Can't wait to see how they play this out...I really really want some good development of their relationship! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I HATE how we never get bloopers. I WANT THEM TOO! Especially EC ones to keep me happy!:) No CSI releases have ever had them. We get some on Entertainment Tonight and I think on AXN too when I stayed in Hong Kong. I remember there was one of the NY cast while filming the episode of 'Heroes'. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

midnight_tiptoes said:
Welcome back, Kate! We were wondering where you'd gone. Want your Hip Huggers jacket back?

Ooo I'd LOOVVEEE the jacket back! Hehehe... Is it sad that, while telling my friends about Eric and Calleigh on the bus, I couldn't contain my excitement and squeeled like a pig... I SQUEELED LIKE A PIG! That's how excited I am... I'm squeeling like animals on public transport... hmm... I need a life...

I'm a little apprehensive about these said 'complications' that have been discussed... I really hope that they don't screw us over or I'll have to do a sneaky swap of the scripts when they're not watching and replace the original with a very smutty E/C filled script where the whole 'crime' side of it gets solved in 5 minutes and the rest of it is Eric and Cal getting it on! :p Now THAT is my kind of episode!

*random squee* :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Well Corey was usual vague self, although I will say he did give me a small tidbit :D

We're doing 24 episodes this season. And as for Eric/Calleigh, I still can't say anything, but I'll just give you this tidbit - there will be no immediate resolution this season. Is that vague enough? :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Kate, to get your jacket back you'll have to post continuously for a month and every day do the chicken dance and feed the homeless and get a Hip Hugger tattoo on your ass.

I knew it'd go into next season. Yay! Me excited. But it's worrying because lots of things can happen during the summer. I hope they don't change their minds.

Okay, guys, are you ready for the summer? I don't mean the wait, the wait will be the least annoying thing, the worst thing will be all the other ships banning against us and the 2945095894209547842091 fanfics in which "Eric and Calleigh have been together a while when the lab finds out Eric has been abusing her. Can Horatio/Ryan/Cooper/Speed/Dracula save her? Plz read and review lol."

That's the worst part about going canon. The worst! I remember when Luka and Abby got together on ER, back in season 7, it was great, but all the other ships were so nasty about it. They kept writing fics in which Luka was beating Abby and then Carter would come in and save her with his love. So annoying. I hope Miami shippers are more mature than that. Jesus Christ, like Eric would ever hit Calleigh.

Oh, and I can't wait to read all the fics in which he cheats on her. I bet there'll be at least 10 by the time the season is over. Then Horatio/Ryan/Cooper/Speed/Cookie Monster saves her from the evil clutches of Eric.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

the worst thing will be all the other ships banning against us and the 2945095894209547842091 fanfics in which "Eric and Calleigh have been together a while when the lab finds out Eric has been abusing her. Can Horatio/Ryan/Cooper/Speed/Dracula save her? Plz read and review lol."

Wait...I thought ffnet was pretty much all like that already. :lol: :rolleyes:

I don't know how I feel about this thing heading into next season with "no resolution," as Corey put it. No resolution almost sounds negative. And then there's all those summer months where the writers can either put together the beautiful, clandestine-for-awhile-because-it'll-get-more-mileage romance that Adam so obviously wants...or they can use the summer months to make lists of all the ways Eric and Calleigh will break up and be awkward around each other forevermore. Ugh. These are going to be the longest three/four/however many months of our lives, lol.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think he meant there won't be a resolution this season, but next season for sure, which is good. And I think the resolution would have to be some good ole BOOTY!

Otherwise, why bother to write it?

Like I told Jackie a while back, I doubt the writers care much about what we think. No matter how much the fans whine, they continue to watch, and that's all they care about. I've checked a lot of message boards and most people seem to be okay with the possibility of E/C. I think it's because Horatio is mostly universally hated, and some people complain that Ryan is turning into a bit of an ass, but everyone loves Eric and Calleigh. I think they're the most liked characters, so I know the majority of the audience will be okay if they hook up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah I gotta say I love the fics where Eric cheats or beats on Cal. Let's be realistic that would never happen. They need to just accept it and move on. You don't see us writing fics like that about the other characters on the show.

the wait is going to be the worst part as Jessica said b/c it will give the wirters the opportunity to do a total 360 on this or find ways for this to go away totally. I just think if they wanted to start this they should have started it sooner this season b/c I don't find this as being one of those season finale cliffhangers if there is no physical contact etc. Usually with something like that you get a date or a kiss and then you wait til next season to see if the writers are going to make something of it or not; it doesn't seem like we are even going to get an aknowledgment of this on either of their parts when the season ends. These writers know how to drive you up a wall :mad:

You are right Midnight...but sometimes it is just hard to accept that espcially with how frustrating things can be with these writers :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Wow, I was just kidding. To those fics really exist? Scary, scary world.

The thing is, from all the guys on the show Eric is the most likable. For fuck's sake, he's gotten himself beaten up several times for helping women in need. He spends his time out of work helping people. He's sweet and funny and yeah, HOT. Brain injury and all, he's managed to solve the bulk of the cases post-shooting. What's not to love?

And from all the characters, he's the only one who really knows Calleigh. He knows how to deal with her (and you need a freaking doctorate to figure this out), so this ship makes the most sense to me. I don't really ship based on looks or self-insertion, and unless they bring out some guy who's two or three Erics put together, I think Eric is the guy for Cal. She'll probably figure this out pretty soon, too.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

It is scary and I can't remember where I once read them in my travels over the net.

Eric is the most likable and he does know Cal the best; so if anyone can break down her walls it is himl; I am really just curious as to how they plan to do this???

Sometimes the best friends makes the best lovers....although other times it can be just frickin awkward as hell. Let's hope the writers don't decide to take the latter path....otherwise it won't be pretty :devil:

BTW Midnight is that fic coming along? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah, how's that fic coming along? :p
I want fic! Need it! And I'm also entitled to get fic, because I just posted a new E/C video I made over at the LJ community! Haha!
And... I've still got that muffin lying in my kitchen, waiting to get shipped to the first person who writes a 'Death Grip' post-ep... Still.... that muffin's already got a funny color though...
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Those abusive fics are only out of desperateness to make them feel better. You'd probably do the same if it was the other way around. So we know what their all thinking. :rolleyes:

With no resolution until next season sounds like it could go either way. I hope it means that something will happen in the very last episode (like they are going out for something to drink) and then next season they express their feelings or make us clue in on their relationship status. Like they start going out regularly. At least they'd give us anything good.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

xanessa said:
Those abusive fics are only out of desperateness to make them feel better.

No, I wouldn't write those fics. If my ships don't pan out, I just move on. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Okay, my cousin is visiting, so I haven't had much time to write. But he's going with my sister tonight, so hopefully I'll be able to get some writing time in. Chapter one is like 2 paragraphs away from being finished, I just haven't had much time to sit down and actually do it.

And I want that muffin <
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