Man, are we safe anywhere? I just went into the Calleigh/Emily thread, and clicked on two video links to the Season 7 extras - my gosh! All they talked about was E/C! They kept talking about "developing relationships" w/the team, but they were all scenes w/Eric and Cal. They try to talk about the team as a family, but it's always E/C all the time - that's what I'm tired of.
Thanks for the info,
EDIT: I know that the complaints in another thread by supporters of the nomance are that comments by those who dislike it have flowed over into other threads. But I honestly feel it is no different than the pro-E/C factions. Their love of the nomance and overwhelming, not-stop support of it, is also in every thread. I stay away from their shipper thread, and the Procter and Rodriguez threads because it's a guarantee that it will be a primary topic of conversation and it's not what I care to see.
I don't avoid the episode threads or other threads where I feel that the fans who dislike the nomance, when the subject arises and it is appropriate (which also seems to be in one's perspective), have a right to voice their opinion on the subject.
So the continued focus on E/C in season 7 even flows over into the season 7 extras!
Your warning just confirms my decision NOT to purchase anything after season 5 (and I should have left season 5 on the shelf).
If the extas include ANY discussion that eludes to a focus on the "team" or positive relationships between team, it's bunk. Pure and simple. And it's really pretty insulting when you think about it. I would hazard a guess that even some E/C supporters would agree that there is very little if any "family" feeling going on with this "team" - even if you put aside E/C and the fact that a lot of fans feel that the focus has been E/C to the exclusion of everyone else. TPTB indicating any kind of family dynamic, even a dysfunctional one, exists with these people assumes we are blind or not very bright.
They call E/C "inevitable" b/c they work side by side under such dangerous conditions - ummm - hello, they ALL do! :wtf: :brickwall: So I guess every character will end up shagging every other character by the end of the series b/c they're all in such danger together ...
Oh give me a break! :wtf: The fact that they work together and under dangerous conditions is NO excuse for Calleigh sleeping with a subordinate. Watching how that relationship has affected Eric and Calleigh's credibility, integrity and professionalism (negatively in the extreme, IMO), not to mention how it's affect the team dynamtic is exactly WHY most law enforcement agencies have, and strongly enforce, a non-fraternization rule.
They have broken more rules and used more questionable judgment since they started having sex, then ever before (though I don't believe that Delko was EVER very competent or responsible. Certainly he wasn't dependable.). This is why I believe the E/C nomance has destroyed the characters.
I think these interviews irritate me more than anything else. TPTB try to sell the fact that the team is a "family," but all they're pushing is the E/C ship, and to hell w/their relationships w/everyone else. Sure, Eric and H still have the "bro" thing, but even that was isolating. Every relationship they try to make "special" always ends up isolating the rest of the team, leaving them out. Meanwhile, the normal, naturally developing relationships are relegated to the seventh level of hell (ie: Ryan and Cal (wow, is she cold to him!) and H and Cal (don't you sometimes wish we all could talk to our bosses as infrequently as she does - like NEVER!) And that's just naming a few.) :brickwall:
In season 7, Calleigh and Horatio's relationship was no better than it had been since season 5. Their rare forced interactions were painful to watch and I'd rather they let interactions between Horatio and Calleigh die. The amazing chemistry that existed between those two characters in the first 2 seasons has long ago died. For the love of god let it rest in peace - and let those of us who mourn it's lost rest in peace.
Eric and Calleigh's treatment of Ryan in season 7 was hardly what I would consider "working on relationships", unless your definition of "working" is being mean, intolerant, judgmental and basically working to destroy whatever relationship existed. Eric has always treated Ryan badly. That, along with a plethora of other irritating things about Eric, has NEVER endeared him to me. I was happy to see Eric go and very sad to hear he would be returning. Calleigh jumped on board with Eric's treatment of Ryan as soon as she starting sleeping with Eric - althought her path to being holier than the rest and allowed to pass judgment on everyone had already begun.
While Horatio and Eric have a relationship, there has always been something about it that rubs me wrong. Maybe because I just don't like Delko. He's a wimp, IMO. Always has been. Everyone covers for him, including Horatio, but most assuredly Calleigh. I kept waiting for Eric to step and tell Horatio to butt out when he took over caring for Marisol. But, typical of Eric, he wimped out and in the end didn't man-up and assert himself. Maybe if he had we wouldn't have had to suffer through that god-awful Horatio and Marisol relationship! But like Marisol, Eric is needy, whiny and looking for someone to take care of him.
And Calliegh is the perfect woman for that task because, IMO, she comes off as making damn sure she's in charge of any relationship she's in. And I seen sufficient evidence to have me truly convinced that Eric is spinless.
So Natalia and Frank were practically non-existant in season 7. Eric and Calleigh, when they weren't in bed, spent all their time flirting or kicking the crap out of Ryan. Horatio just seems to let the whole freaking team go off however they want. That's NOT working on forming a team and cementing their relationships with each other. The only team members who were "relating" (if you want to call it that) were, of course, Eric and Calleigh. So again, you have E/C supporters cheering and those who love the characters who've been thrown into the background so that E/C can take centerstage, frustrated and wondering when they will FINALLY get the chance to see the character they care about. So nothing ever changes.
OK, I promised to try to tone things down a bit - these interviews just got me hoppin' mad again. TPTB really believe all CSI fans dig this relationship - I just don't get it.
Yeah, they are pretty deaf. It tells you that they DO NOT hear what a lot of fans are saying, and have been saying for 4 years. At this point they are simply in denial. The fans who don't like E/C have, at the very least, become much more vocal. So if they say they aren't hearing that not everyone is buying E/C, they are simply lying. Even Rodrigurez admitted we're out here. That means someone is hearing us - althought it speaks volumes about how much they care what fans think that they are just acknowledging a faction of fans who have been around since the inception of E/C.
And the interivews are usually the problem. For the most part it seems they have been geared for the past 4 years to sevice only one group of fans. Trying to get information about any character besides Eric and Calleigh is hopeless. Even when the other actors manage to get an interview, they are only asked about Eric and Calleigh - not about their own characters. Which isn't surprising when you consider the other actors really don't have anything to say regarding their characters - except to verbalize what they would love to be able to see for their characters. TPTB don't seem to remember there are other "core cast."
Makes it a little tough to buy their explanation for getting rid of Eddie. That, along with the fact that I've been lied to too many times in the past, tells me they are again blowing smoke up my ass with the "core cast" statements.