Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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His return makes all CSI:Miami fans happy? Wow. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am sure Emily will now change her words and say 'Yay, I am so excited!' and that she is no longer 'tired' because she can be left, right, front and centre of the show again together with her other half of the tag-team.

I can't believe CBS actually allowed such thing to happen, allowing them to walk in and out being so disruptive as they like.

Those who continue to watch, can continue to watch these 2 seeing eye to eye and smiling at one another the whole day, get married, have baby, then tptb will give them a 'time skip', their baby will grow up...etc....ain't going to end. Only way to end, is to stop watching now. :rolleyes:
His return makes all CSI:Miami fans happy? Wow. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Looking at a lot of the posts on this board and many CSI Miami related site, blogs and boards, I think I can safely say that not even close to ALL CSI Miami fans are happy about his. In fact a lot of them are very unhappy.

But those who have been campaigning for this are in a celebratory mood and being quite vocal right now.

And this too shall pass. :rolleyes:
Unhappy is an understatement for me.

I can't believe CBS actually allowed such thing to happen, allowing them to walk in and out being so disruptive as they like
I can't believe it either and I think it's a huge mistake.The actors are always going to have the upper hand,fair or not.
I can't believe CBS actually allowed such thing to happen, allowing them to walk in and out being so disruptive as they like.
Actually I can believe it since I already knew it was going to happen as soon as I heard about "Ugly Betty" being cancelled.

While I can accept fans signing a petition for bringing him back, I cannot accept his attitude which was everything but professional. If you leave a show because you want to explore something else and this "something else" doesn't work out, YOU CANNOT come back whining!!! And, above all, a channel like CBS cannot permit this kind of unprofessional behaviour. It already happend with Jorja Fox (another person who should have never come back after how she previously left the show)...and I truely wished CBS learned something from this bad experience. Guess CBS and some actors can't learn this kind of lesson :rolleyes:

What irks me most is that there are plenty of other talented actors in the world who can't find a job b/c CBS and other people permit these things to happen. And I won't even express how insulted I feel as a Rory Cochrane's fan to know that another actor left the show, but can come whenever he wants!!!

No way I'm gonna accept it :rolleyes:
Actually I can believe it since I already knew it was going to happen as soon as I heard about "Ugly Betty" being cancelled.

Yeah. It looks a lot like there was no one beating his door down with offers. I'd bet after "Ugly Betty" was cancelled, CSI Miami was the only game in town for him. I'll bet CBS got a damn good deal - maybe even a pay cut!

Florry86 said:
While I can accept fans signing a petition for bringing him back, I cannot accept his attitude which was everything but professional. If you leave a show because you want to explore something else and this "something else" doesn't work out, YOU CANNOT come back whining!!! And, above all, a channel like CBS cannot permit this kind of unprofessional behaviour. It already happend with Jorja Fox (another person who should have never come back after how she previously left the show)...and I truely wished CBS learned something from this bad experience. Guess CBS and some actors can't learn this kind of lesson :rolleyes:

It's sad. My perception of two actors that I used to really like has changed substantially over the last three years. I admire ambition. I don't admire selfishness. And right or wrong, "selfish" is the word that comes to mind when I think of either or both now.

Living in a protective buble and only listening to people who support what you want tends to color your judgment. But I'm sure it keeps their world "happy!"

Florry86 said:
What irks me most is that there are plenty of other talented actors in the world who can't find a job b/c CBS and other people permit these things to happen. And I won't even express how insulted I feel as a Rory Cochrane's fan to know that another actor left the show, but can come whenever he wants!!!

No way I'm gonna accept it :rolleyes:

Yeah. What I would give to see Rory come back. But that's not possible because they killed him off - after he asked them not to.

Anyone who doesn't believe that Eric is being brought back to continue the E/C "sex-romp" storyline is kidding themselves. He serves no other purpose on the show.

And anyone who is surprised that he's coming back hasn't been paying attention for the past 3.5 years. It was never, ever in doubt.
The situation with Jorja is different than the one with Adam. In Jorja's case it was TPTB who contacted her and asked her back. They asked her back because they feared the show was losing viewers with Grissom's exit and Warrick's death and Ray's entrance. Right or wrong, it was tptb who wanted her back. Her attitude about it was "sure, I'll come back for a few episodes". Then she realized that she really missed her co-workers, the show and the character... so when they asked her to stay on indefinitely, she agreed. I can kind of understand the Vegas ptb in that respect because the ratings were dropping some last season (though I wish they'd still kept Riley even with Sara's return cause I wanted from the beginning to see the two interact- oh well too late now). But Miami's ratings this season have been pretty much at the top all season long... so them having Adam back isn't because of fleeting ratings. If it were, I would definitely understand it.
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This situation reminds me more of George Eads. Didn't he quit once for the same reasons, then return after re-negotiating?

I don't see it the same as Jorja either. She really just seemed to want to do other things when she quit, there was no "I don't know what to do" nor did she encourage her fans to tell the honchos how they felt.

On one hand I can see where Adam stands, because we don't know the whole story on what originally happened (the original poor contract deal/CBS wanting to kill the character), however, it's the way he's used his twitter page that I don't care for. It seemed to be used an agenda for him to "suck up" to his fans & get them barking. I just find it very unappealing & unprofessional. I would have understood it completely had he used it as a method to get his fans to follow his career, but I rarely saw that going on. I just do not like greedy selfish people, especially when this is an ENSEMBLE cast with each castmember having thier own fanbase. TPTB's "piss on everyone else" attitude (towards other actors & thier fans) is what really get's my blood boiling more than anything.
This situation reminds me more of George Eads. Didn't he quit once for the same reasons, then return after re-negotiating?

I don't see it the same as Jorja either. She really just seemed to want to do other things when she quit, there was no "I don't know what to do" nor did she encourage her fans to tell the honchos how they felt.
Oh well I mentioned Jorja's case, because that one reminded me a person who shouldn't have come matter whether she was the one who wanted to come back or TPTB wanted it to happen. I thought it was much more similar to Adam's case since, as our Adam, she came back because of some petitions :shifty: Sorry for the misunderstanding ;)

As for the tweeter stuff oh well I've always been against tweeter and I probably will ever be, but I totally agree with you mj:thumbsup:
I'm pretty sure Jorja also just wanted some R&R -- she said as much I believe. Adam on the other hand claimed to wanting to spread his wings (didn't fly very far did he? :lol: Sorry :shifty:)

Anyhoo, I wasn't crazy about Jorja's return either. I'm one who says "moving along now" when actors make their way out, & it feels disruptive to the show when they go back & forth with thier feelings/decisions on thier roles. Though I will give Vegas the benefit of the doubt cause they really did lose a number of viewers when Billy Peterson left. Having said that, I don't see numbers improving or decreasing when it comes to Adam. He wasn't "needed" IMO, but oh well, apparently tptb think this show will survive with this decision, they might have to think again come season 9. ;)
This situation reminds me more of George Eads. Didn't he quit once for the same reasons, then return after re-negotiating?

No. George never quit. He and Jorja were both fired because they showed up late. Jorja had a doctor's note or something, so she was rehired when she showed them that or had the doctor call them or something. George simply overslept. He said he had set his alarm, but it didn't go off. I can attest to the fact that that is very possible. My brother has had the same problem many times and so have I. The alarm I had turned out had a short in it and wouldn't go off for when I had set it to and ended up going off like several hours later on occassion. :lol: George was shocked to have gotten fired and asked for them to re-instate him (on some behind the scenes thing for the Evel Kineval thing) and said that it was a big misunderstanding and that he really overslept. He said he was going to get a lot more alarm clocks and set them all for the same time so that if one doesn't go off another would. :lol: So no, it's nowhere near the same situation as Adam. George NEVER wanted to leave the show. In fact, in a recent interview he was asked did he ever want to leave like William Petersen did and he flatout said no and that he didn't understand people wanting to leave the show. I think the fans had a lot to do with George being rehired too (and probably Jorja as well). Though neither George nor Jorja asked fans to write in on their behalf. The fans did that without being asked to (as I'm sure some of Adam's fans did). I don't think George and Jorja even have a twitter... I'm not sure that Twitter even existed back then (that was a long time ago lol) anyway. But I don't think either of them have myspace accounts either. I'm pretty sure George doesn't really do much on the computer. I also think William Petersen (as one of the producers of the show) might have played a part in getting George back on the show, but I don't know that for sure.

Oh well I mentioned Jorja's case, because that one reminded me a person who shouldn't have come matter whether she was the one who wanted to come back or TPTB wanted it to happen. I thought it was much more similar to Adam's case since, as our Adam, she came back because of some petitions :shifty: Sorry for the misunderstanding ;)

Ah, okay. Well then in that respect, I guess the situations are kind of similiar. :) The only thing is that CSI was struggling a little in the ratings and ultimately Jorja's return did help the ratings. Miami hasn't been hurting in the ratings this season and as I don't have a crystal ball, I can't say for sure what the ratings will be like next season. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)

I don't mind Adam/Eric back as long as it doesn't affect others' screentime. But, I really would prefer no more e/c drama. If they put the relationship in the background more like danny/lindsay's relationship is for the most part or grissom/sara, then I could probably learn to deal (however much I am not a shipper of the pairing), but... all the will they/wont they, do they love each other/don't they love each other, break up to make up stuff needs to go. If they have to be in a relationship, make it a normal, healthy, non dramatic one. :lol:
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No. George never quit. He and Jorja were both fired because they showed up late.
Ah, ok. I had read that somewhere (that he quit). Thanks for clearing it up.

If they have to be in a relationship, make it a normal, healthy, non dramatic one. :lol:
And there lies part of the problem, it will never be normal or non-dramatic.
I couldn't ever see tptb leaving them be, or having them sit in the background. No, as long as this storyline is in play, then there will something to center around them, & yes, it will be over the top dramatic -- you can count on it.

D/L does it, but it's completely different. Lindsay is much like a background character, she rarely stands out. NY works ALOT differently than Miami does, I just couldn't see our PTB managing a functional happy couple at all times, no drama, no nothing, just peachy-keen in the background.....ain't gonna happen. :rolleyes:
And there lies part of the problem, it will never be normal or non-dramatic.
I couldn't ever see tptb leaving them be, or having them sit in the background. No, as long as this storyline is in play, then there will something to center around them, & yes, it will be over the top dramatic -- you can count on it.

And that's the problem. I don't have any opinion either way about whether Adam Rodriguez is there or not. I just don't like what he turned into over the last few seasons. I LOVED the old Delko and even write him in my fanfics that way. Can't stand the squishy, confused, mooney-eyed wuss that used to be Delko. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that's what it will turn back into if the rumors are true. Sadly I have a hunch that the old Delko went the way of the black-and-white TV.

I also remember seeing something in a website where Emily called this "my romance". Excuse me Emily dear, but it's NOT YOUR ROMANCE! It's a character you play! :scream:

I threw up a little when I read the news.

Seriously? TPTB are going to force this melodramatic, nauseating, bad soap opera romance down my throat for yet another season? Eva doesn't ever have to do anymore work for All My Children. She's already on a soap. Why not bring Susan Lucci on as a love-interest for Horatio? Then maybe the show will qualify for a daytime Emmy. Ugh.

Maybe I'm way wrong here, but I can't possibly think of anything Delko can bring to the show anymore and I know the only way I'm going to be able to watch S9 now is to be heavily medicated on Monday nights. I'm a DC fan above all else, and part of me will want to watch the show b/c of that, but the rational part of me knows that I can't choke down anymore of this flat E/C crap for another season without Valium or something. I liked (note the past tense) Calleigh and I liked Delko up until S5. But I couldn't get on board with this ship. :rolleyes: Honestly, two pieces of cardboard have more chemistry than E/C. Cardboard is more entertaining to watch too, IMHO.

It also begs the question of who's going to get the boot now? Sure no one is saying that Jesse, Walter, Ryan or Natalia are in any danger of getting the proverbial axe, but how many more people can they put on this show? Even is EP actually decides to bid the show adieu (which I am now praying for), I just don't see how TPTB can make this work. It seems to me that with AR's original departure, Jesse was kind of tagged to eventually step into a more predominant role. That should have been a consideration before TPTB rolled out the red carpet for AR's return. That or give Ryan some more screen time. Or here's an even crazier thought: Put H back in the spotlight, you know like back in the day when he was the main character?

I rant and I digress. I just feel incredibly let down by this whole thing. I was just beginning to enjoy the Jesse/Walter/Ryan dynamic and getting into the show again. Now the rug has been pulled out from under me. Thanks a bunch CBS. Coupled with the fact that my region is getting another 3 to 6 inches of snow tonight, my world officially sucks now. Boo.
I liked (note the past tense) Calleigh and I liked Delko up until S5. But I couldn't get on board with this ship. :rolleyes: Honestly, two pieces of cardboard have more chemistry than E/C.

I think you said it best, Court.

I too have liked the Three Musketeers chemistry, and I truly miss Horatio/Stetler headbutting. Something tells me that's going to be histoire now.

Well, to all you lurking E/C fangurls: Be sure you finish all your homework before you stay up for S9. I'll be investing in the dvd's of S2 and S3, when Eric and Calleigh were Eric and Calleigh.

Speaking of "up to S5", did anyone besides me notice something about S5, S6 and the first half of S7? It was exactly at the same time E/C started that forensics got sloppy, unimaginative and unbelievable. Alexx, a skilled ME and a caring mother, started to wear scrubs that were intentionally tailored to show her cleavage, and Horatio was hardly ever in the lab anymore. What originally drew me to the show was the intelligent forensics and the team chemistry. While I can accept that characters will change and sometimes forensics will be inaccurate, it seems like everything just went out the window at the same time. Born to Kill was the S5 finale, and it used to be one of my favorite eppy's, not only because it had Rick Stetler in it, but there were other characters. I tried to watch it the other night, but with the E/C vs Jake thing and Catsuit Calleigh, it was just too painful. I watched Rick's one scene and then changed the channel.
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I too have liked the Three Musketeers chemistry, and I truly miss Horatio/Stetler headbutting. Something tells me that's going to be histoire now.

Yeah. I'm going to miss the "team" element the Jesse, Walter and Ryan dynamic brought to the plate. I'm sure it's dead once Eric returns and the focus again becomes team Eric/Calleigh.

Jag Lady said:
Well, to all you lurking E/C fangurls: Be sure you finish all your homework before you stay up for S9. I'll be investing in the dvd's of S2 and S3, when Eric and Calleigh were Eric and Calleigh.

I do wish they would think about the increase in hostility all of the gloating is generating. If they truly wanted this to be better received, they'd try to be a little more generous in their "victory." It does comfirm my belief that we are talking about younger girls who live in the moment and love to get their "na, na, na, na, na, na's" in when they win a round. (Apologies to the moderators in advance. If you want to slap me, I'll understand.)

Jag Lady said:
Speaking of "up to S5", did anyone besides me notice something about S5, S6 and the first half of S7? It was exactly at the same time E/C started that forensics got sloppy, unimaginative and unbelievable. Alexx, a skilled ME and a caring mother, started to wear scrubs that were intentionally tailored to show her cleavage, and Horatio was hardly ever in the lab anymore. What originally drew me to the show was the intelligent forensics and the team chemistry. While I can accept that characters will change and sometimes forensics will be inaccurate, it seems like everything just went out the window at the same time. Born to Kill was the S5 finale, and it used to be one of my favorite eppy's, not only because it had Rick Stetler in it, but there were other characters. I tried to watch it the other night, but with the E/C vs Jake thing and Catsuit Calleigh, it was just too painful. I watched Rick's one scene and then changed the channel.

Oh, yeah. It was like someone decided from that moment on that it was going to become the "Eric Loves Calleigh Hour." And we don't even get the respect of having them try to hide that the show was now going to be a soap opera. A very bad one.

Procter wanted her character sexed up, toughened up and she wanted a romance. Well, she got every last thing she asked for and who cares if the show suffers for it. The problem is that I, and many ex-viewers I know, don't find her the least bit sexy and Cote de Palma and Mary McCormick put her to shame in the "tough" category. When Calleigh tried to act "tough" :lol: I always feel like I'm watching a comedy.

Nobody seems to care that they totally destroyed two characters and the entire premise of the show to give her want she wanted. As someone noted earlier, Procter has stated publically that this is "her romance." It's took bad that she didn't tell them that she wanted and "adult" romance. She needs to take a lot of the responsbility for what it's done to the show.

And it doesn't seem to matter to the network or TPTB that the quality of the show was lost with this story. I really saw a reason to hope this season. Things were getting better. But it's clear with the decision to bring AR back, that E/C will again be the prominent story and all progress toward "getting back to the basics" has been effectively lost.

It doesn't make me angry. Not at all. It makes me sad. As much as I love watching David, Eva, Jon, Rex, and now Eddie and Omar, with E/C again the focus I'm pretty sure, after watching this show from the first episode, I'll be moving on at the end of this season. So much for valuing the committment of the long-time viewers.

Now the E/C supporters can cheer as all those who are sick of the E/C focus finally lose patience and move on. I do want to caution them that they may want to temper their desire for everyone who doesn't like E/C to just go away and stop watching.

A lot of people just may do it and you'll live to regret it when the show is cancelled for lack of ratings. Please note that all of the tweeners boycotting the episodes without E/C had no effect on the ratings.

If enough people move on, the ratings just might reflect the mass exodus. And a whole different group of people will be celebrating! :guffaw:
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