Hi folks!
I haven't been around here in little awhile, but I had to stop by to express my displeasure at Marc Dube's latest "inside scoop" on the future of Eric & Calleigh's romantic relationship.
So much for the "journey" we were promised at the beginning of this season. That was bad enough, and now we get this "brother/sister" crap?! :scream:
This is "Screenwriting 101" stuff, so you'd think that Dube/O'Brien and the CSIM writers would know that the term "journey" suggests some sort of step-by-step progression. But all the writers have done since "Sudden Death" is stall Eric & Calleigh altogether.
In order for 2 characters to go on an emotional journey, there has to be at least
some significant, periodic contact between them. Without that, there is no movement, and thus, no journey.
Considering that Eric & Cal are fresh off a break-up and are obviously still in love with each other, where are the loaded looks, significant little moments, double-entendres, etc., between them? Instead of this type of character-realism, all we've gotten from the CSIM writers is an abrupt and unnatural dead-end on the E/C front.
Since 9x02, Eric & Calleigh have barely had any contact at all on the show, and the few times we've seen them in the same scene, they barely acknowledged each other as friends, much less as former lovers.
Do the writers really think that they can just flip a switch and have Calleigh and Eric go back to being buddies -- while ignoring their history together and their incredible chemistry -- and on top of that, to ignoring each other
more than when they were really just friends?

How are Eric & Cal supposed to go on any type of "journey" if they don't have any real contact, much less a journey that's supposed to lead to them reuniting as a couple?
And worse yet, Dube has taken us back to square one by referring to Eric & Cal as having a "brother/sister" relationship. Really? :wtf: I don't know where his clueless behind has been for the last 8 seasons, but that "sibling" ship sailed long ago for E&C, to such an extent that trying to create a buddy/brother/sister vibe between them just seems forced and weird at this point. Plus, it just makes no sense in terms of the "journey" that we were promised.
At the end of the day, I'm not terribly worried about the future of Eric & Calleigh's romance, because I have a sixth-sense that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, and E&C will end up back together and more in love than ever.
Like some posters have suggested, this latest E/C detour is most likely the CSIM writers' lazy, inept way of dealing with the limitations of Emily's pregnancy, in terms of both action and romantic scenes. I just wish that the show-runners like Dube and O'Brien would be honest and come out and say so, instead of spouting the inconsistent and misleading B.S. that they've been putting out there lately. At the end of the day, people don't like being toyed with, and some fans who aren't as dedicated to the show and our Hiphuggers as we are will simply abandon the show altogether.

Hopefully, TPTB will wise-up before that happens.
Sorry for the somewhat long rant, but, as you can tell, I had a few things that I needed to get off my chest where our couple is concerned!