WELL I JUST WANT POST WANT ADAM TWEET ABOUT E/C MESS since he getting so many tweet about it since sunday {included form me }
Can someone tweet Adam and tell him, NO!
No, we're not enjoying the rest of the episode!
And we're really fed-up with the constant "are they or aren't they together"!
And we're very frustrated to always get hit with scenes that just come out of the left field, such as the ones from Bad Seed and Sudden Death (both in the locker-room

And a lot of us are thinking to go on hiatus until things go back to "normal" with EC!
Maybe someone should also suggest that he comes and reads this thread and/or go to youtube and watch the EC scene from 9.02 just to read the comments and see how indignant fans are with the turn of events!
I rarely come to this forum anymore for several reasons, none of which are important right now. But, after tonights episode I decided to come see what people were saying, and I must say this post really saddened me.
Like all of you, I don't like what is going on between Eric & Calleigh, and the end of the last episode confused the hell out of me. But one thing you should remember is that Adam and Emily are only doing their jobs. The writers write a script and they do their job by acting out that script. They cannot help what the writers write, what their characters do or don't do. It is not up to them! The last thing they want to hear after they've done their job is that you hated the episode, you hated what Calleigh said to Eric, or vice versa. Adam even tweeted his thanks for sticking with them... and you want to tell him that you're taking a "hiatus"? Some fan. You'll be his fan and support his work only if Eric and Calleigh are together?! Same goes for Emily... you'll support her and her acting in the episode only if Calleigh and Eric are together?!
Why don't you try tweeting him to tell him what a great job he did in that episode? Tell him you'd love to see Eric & Calleigh together eventually, but no matter what happens you'll stick with him and whatever he and Emily are doing in the show. Imagine how crappy you'd feel if you got home from a long day at work only to see tweets from supposed fans complaining that they're not going to be a fan anymore if things don't go as THEY want. I imagine he feels pretty darned crappy when he sees tweets complaining about the state of Eric & Calleigh's relationship and oh yeah, that particular "fan" isn't going to watch anymore if Eric and Cal don't get back together. As if he could control that! No darned wonder Adam doesn't tweet nearly as much as he used to.
Write CBS, tell them how you feel, but do so nicely. Don't attack them. As someone else mentioned in part, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If letters or emails are read, you can be sure they'll pay more attention to the letters/emails that are nice, versus those that are mean and spiteful. Write Adam, write Emily... but be nice. Remember, they are only doing their job.
As for the state of the Eric & Calleigh relationship & the end of 9.02, I have this little fantasy in my head that it was all just a ruse... that they really are seeing each other still, but because of IAB are acting like they are apart. Whatever is going on, I do have hope that they'll end up together at the end of the season. I don't think they'd have Eric calling Calleigh "Baby" if they planned to kill the relationship for good. They've spent a lot of time in the past few years on the Eric & Calleigh realtionship, so I can't help but think they would do this only to tear it apart in the end. The producer did say they'd go on a journey, and perhaps this is the start of it. I'd like to think that when Emily comes back from maternity leave, that journey will be coming to a head... in a good way. Not much they can do on that journey while she's hiding behind desks and computer monitors.