Is it just me or does anyone else have a nervous feeling that maybe Calleigh is hiding something and involved in the betrayal that is supposed to be so explosive at the end of the season?? I don't know why but I just have a bad feeling about it, like maybe she won't be back next year and maybe that will be the "closure that will define their relationship for the rest of the series" as Barry O'Brien put it a few months back?? Maybe just cause we have never got a happy ending, we always get good teasers then they take it away. I'm just scared to watch the next few episodes.....
I had the same feeling. Adam mentioned in his interview something about someone that's been on the show for a long time not coming back or not getting up after the "All fall down" thing. I had a very distinct feeling that would be Cal. My theory is very extreme and would be the total assasination of Calleigh's very loved character, so I don't think they would go down that road, but I can't shake the feeling. Here it goes: Maybe she was involved in the stolen diamonds thing along with Jake. Right now they are each other alibis and I don't know why Jake would need to go to the hospital to get checked out. I have no idea why Jake was involved in this particular episode because it could've gone down with any other unknown character, I don't see why they had to bring Jake especifically. I really think that we've not seen the end of him yet. Her being involved in this would be a total betrayal to Horatio's trust, a very sharp, horrible betrayal to Eric, and well to the lab as a whole. Because it would be so extreme, painful, and total assasination of Calleigh's character I don't think they would do it. I do think that TPTB know how much Calleigh is loved as a character and how important it is to the show. The thing is that it would make sense because of how things line up. Especially if Emily decided to leave.
Though I find something confusing: I thought that Horatio's betrayal thing would be wrapped up before the finale. There are pics from the finale with the whole team around the table sorting evidence. So if the person is already discovered, would that mean none of the team is involved? Or are we to find out who the person is next season? Cause Calleigh is in those pics.
I don't think so. From the spoilers that I have found, Calleigh is not the one who frames Ryan or anything. I have asked other people who it is and they have messaged me with the real culprit. And I can tell you that is truly is shocking and you would have never expected it. But for the finale, I really hope Calleigh isn't on the chopping block. She is the only reason I really watch the show, so I think that if CBS did get rid of her, it would be a huge mistake. It would probably be an even bigger mistake than getting rid of Adam Rodriguez.
know who it is that frames Ryan, is that the same person who betrays Horatio?? I thought they were different people. And yeah I know my theory is way out there and not probable, but I guess I like to expect the worse so I'll be pleasantly surprise when it's not that bad :lol:. If the person who betrays is not the same as the person who frames Ryan can someone pretty please PM me with the name, thanks :thumbsup:
I really think that if Calleigh is on the chopping block it'll be ONLY because Emily decided to leave. TPTB know how important Calleigh is to the show and how much she is loved so it would be a very unwise decision to kill her. Plus it'll leave them with only one female CSI and a huge male cast.