Prime Suspect
Thanks for the pics from episode 8.23, hiphugger17.
Chap. 8 of my fic, "A Dozen Years of 'Almosts': an E/C Retrospective," is up @
I'm not too worried about what I'm seeing so far in these spoiler photos. To me, it looks like Eric and Calleigh are having a strictly professional disagreement. The scenario that ec4evr proposed sounds like a real possibility for what this argument might be about. IMO, Calleigh and Eric will most likely be butting heads over her concern for his safety if he stays with the S.A.'s office; or over his investigation of the CSI Unit regarding the jewelry heist and upcoming Horatio-betrayal. Either way, I think that whatever they end up fighting over will be, at most, only indirectly connected to their relationship. Calleigh doesn't seem like the type to get into a public screaming match with Eric about their romance ... she's too private about her personal life for that sort of thing. I don't like seeing my Hiphuggers arguing , but if it's about something work-related, then I'll be able to stomach it.
Chap. 8 of my fic, "A Dozen Years of 'Almosts': an E/C Retrospective," is up @