I think the problem is we are projecting too much and getting our hopes up that there will be a scene.
I mean, I know that is what I am doing and therefore am up for disappointment. So while I want and hope there will be an E/C scene on Monday, I am not going to over analyze the situation to make myself believe that there will be a scene.
I am confident we will get E/C this season and while I hate the waiting, the tv guide interview with Adam and Emily has definately inflated my hope balloon. So I am going to bear through it and if we get a scene on Monday, awesome. Of course, if we don't I will be diappointed but what can we do? The writers ARE trying to make this work in our favor.
I think that the writers are getting scared from all the attention EC is eliciting. That's all the media is talking about and I think that the writers are afraid that once they got them together, all the sexual tension will be gone and viewers will lose interest. Of course, devoted shippers, like we are, won't, but there is a chance that some people will. I mean, if there wasn't for EC, how many of us would continue watching CSI Miami? There are people who are interested in other ships, other characters, cases (I am interested in cases, but they are so stupid sometimes), but IMO EC shippers are the most numerous.
Delkolover, maybe you could ask Corey what he thinks about this?
But, being the Hiphugger that I am, I hope that writers will take a chance and do what most of the people want.