That's definitely good news about the strike. *fingers crossed*
I usually don't multi ship. I tend to choose one and stick by it unless it's other characters other than the ones in my ship
Yeah, I'm completely the opposite. For some reason I don't ship anybody on Miami
unless I've got the same character all across the board, in this case Calleigh.

:lol: The good news though, is that I can't ship Eric with anybody else. For me, he belongs exclusively to Calleigh. Unless Calleigh decides she doesn't want him, in which case
I get him.

An EC wedding would be so freaking adorable, aww! I want one, please. (See, I like
some fluff. :lol

Calleigh would look so gorgeous in a wedding gown. And she would so glow as she walked down the aisle, her eyes on Eric alone. And sexy Eric in a handsome tux... God, he would look so yummy. :devil: And the sight of Calleigh walking toward him would make him fall in love with her all over again.

That would have to be the prettiest wedding ever, heh. The whole idea though makes me wish Tim was still around 'cause I have the feeling Eric would've chosen him as his best man.

Man, there are just so many reasons why EC should've gotten married
years ago! :lol:
I mean, think about it. By now, they could've had one beautiful daughter getting ready to start preschool, and another baby on the way. Aww.