Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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THE STRIKE IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think you guys know how happy I am right now. While I am happy CSI:Miami is returning with a possible 9 eps, I'm also happy the writers were able to get what they wanted. It can't be easy writing hit shows and not getting what you deserve for it. Now bring on the EC!!!! Do you guys think that they are gonna get together this season?
More updates from TVGuide:

CSI Miami is expected to shoot 8 new episodes to begin airing on March 24.

Miami so far has the most ep to shoot among CSIs(vegas 6 and ny 7). What happened to 9? But hey, I'm not complaining. We have a date to look forward to! I love it!
Wow, March!!! Not even April, MARCH. That's great!! Even if it isn't 9 episodes and they did only one, it's one more than I expected! Cause I really thought we were not gonna get new episodes this season.
8 episodes, I'm not surprised. It's not like they put much effort into their writing, anyway. They could probably write a whole season in two weeks. But I'm glad it's coming back, in a pseudo-masochistic way.
Hey 8 is much better than just 4!! A happy medium ;)

Caro is right though; they could probably write a whole season in few weeks if they wanted to but I will take what we are getting b/c it is better than nothing! And actually with these new 8 eps we will only be 3 eps shy of having a full season so I think it is pretty good considering being off for 3 months.

Nice to know that come the end of next month we will have new eps to watch....I am actually giddy :lol:
I meant to post something witty and smart here, but - alas - turns out you have to BE witty and smart to do that...
And I'm not drunk enough to be funny. Damn!
So... The fact that we'll get new eps made me actually open Photoshop and put lots of layers on top of each other...


A kiss now please! A KISS! KissKissKiss!
Aaahh! New eps! And eight of them! Oh, wonderful, wonderful times. Maybe they'll come back better than ever?

Maybe I'm just naiive.

But seriously, yeah, they've had some craptastic episodes. However, they've also had some good ones. And they must be doing something right because it's the number one show or whatever and we're all in here talking about it :D.

I think if they lay off the whole Horatio-centric thing a wee bit and try not to be so 'cutting edge' or whatever, it would be better. I actually really liked season five, and as far as this season goes, the vaporizor was strange, and many of the Horatio-centered eps were slow...or Horatio/Kyle centered (the kyle thing was kind of a bad move on their part, IMO) Other than that, I've really enjoyed the EC interaction and some of the story lines.

**Edited because someone needs to learn to write more coherently coughjackiecough**
Leela, that pic is HOT! :devil: I agree, we need to build to a kiss now! And that's just for starters!

While I agree that some (ok, for the past couple of seasons, there are more than some) eps that are really crappy and forgettable but the EC stuff that they throw in for us is so worth the watch. Now, I still don't understand why Miami is the only CSI show that doesn't show their homes but since Calleigh is too professional to be touchy-feely with Eric at work, they really need to come up with an ep where these two are not in the lab or crime scene so they could get it on! :devil: Eric's truck would be a great place to start...
^^^It'll happen eventually...I hope. Remember, we went to Yelena's house once (granted, it was because there was a crime) but we'll get more home visits. Especially when Calleigh and Eric get together.
Leela said:
I meant to post something witty and smart here, but - alas - turns out you have to BE witty and smart to do that...
And I'm not drunk enough to be funny. Damn!
So... The fact that we'll get new eps made me actually open Photoshop and put lots of layers on top of each other...


A kiss now please! A KISS! KissKissKiss!

That is very hot image of them! Well done. What I have is not quite as good but is from a moment that fans of this ship go a little crazy. And its the closest to what Leela was wanting or hoping (I think).


I'd like to think that the reason the kiss me heart on Eric is a bit torn lets say (not a perfect heart) b/c what viewers unfortunately never got to see was that Calleigh had that sticker on her first. And after Eric kissed her he took it off but got a bit torn, & then Calleigh kissed him. Realllllllly kissed him.:devil: ;) :p :devil: But TPTB are evil teasers so they re-did the shot and they showed this version! *sigh*

And a big WOOOOOHOOOOO for the strike being over! :D :D :D Lets hope TPTB decide not to tease us too much longer and that we have some really awesome E/C moments! :devil: :D ;)

Oh, and cant forget HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to Eric & Calleigh and to all of you too! :D
8 episodes, I'm not surprised. It's not like they put much effort into their writing, anyway. They could probably write a whole season in two weeks
They write a whole episode in almost two days. I bought the CSI:Miami magazine (yes I'm a dork) and they had an interview with the writers and one of them said that they have a week to get it through all of the departments and such. Since they're on a time crunch, maybe that's why some of the episodes come out crappy sometimes.

YAYNESS for the strike being over!! I can't wait for the new episodes and that hopefully they haven't forgotten about Eric and Calleigh.
Those vids were great! Cheesy is what Valentines day is all about ;)

CBS put out an announcement today saying that all three CSI's have been renewed for next year, along with Without A Trace, Cold Case, NCIS, Ghost Whisperer, Two and a Half Men and Big Bang Theory...I think I am missing two but I am doing it from memory so be proud I even remembered those :lol:
Hey, guys! I hope everyone's having a happy Valentine's Day. I feel like I've missed so much. The strike is over, whoo hoo! When will we get the first spoilers? It feels good being away and disconnected from this, but then I get back here and again I'm nervous about Cake again. Blah. We shall overcome, I guess. I guess?

I finished my V-Day fic and it's being beta'ed. I don't know if that means I made the deadline? Well, I tried anyway
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