Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Oh I just couldn't resist:

Leela, this is the absolute best birthday gift ever!! thank you, i can't stop watching it!!

OMG!! I totally started freaking out when i read about the promo! Now i can't wait for this episode!!!! I personally don't care if it is a daydream or a reconstruction because either way we win!! I like the daydream idea, especially if it is Calleigh's daydream!!! That would be awsome!! And there should definitely be a daydream where Eric is imagining kissing her!! I'm really glad that it is confirmed that they are still on the EC path, cause i was a little worried, but they have now been put to rest. Now all we need is the actually wedding.

^This is the part that confused me! 'Cause it's in black and white like the rest of the "dream" sequence, so is that supposed to be Calleigh?!


Do. Not. Want. Except, isn't he supposed to be open to the idea of a new relationship? Anyway, I just want Calleigh to see this.
Lucy are you trying to hurt my eyes? That was cruel.

But I like it...

Eric can do the whole 'ohh, hot girl' thing then realize, wait 'I love Calleigh'. Okay, maybe not that simply but you see where I'm going. And Jealous Calleigh would be fun. Emily would be good at that.

And I entered the 21st century. AOL confuses me. :wtf:

Humm. I'm excited to see this episode now, just to see how much they deceived us with the spoilers. They just like to tease us. Meanies.
While I am totally exstatic about the promo and that they are giving this to us.....I still feel like they are frickin toying with us in a way. Although it is a good foreshadowing or telling moment that the writers are even willing to throw in there and give it to us.

Hopefully this will be an opening or start to something very big for us!! :D
I can't believe what I'm watching, at first I was a little skeptical, but once I saw Calleigh in a veil and Eric, I jumped for joy. I am still a little worried about that girl Jessica, not really sure how eric and jessica is going to go down, i'll have to wait and see the episode, kind of hoping she's not going to be around too long. Ahh! can't wait
I'll bet that is Calleigh in the b&w picture of the girl moving up the aisle toward the groom...and that it is after the opening scene where the real bride is murdered, after Horatio says his corny oneliner and we get the opening sequence...come back from commercials to Eric & Calleigh at the crime scene, and Eric daydreaming about Calleigh coming up the aisle toward HIM. Or vice versa and it's Calleigh daydreaming, which is what I would prefer. I want more of Calleigh realizing her feelings for Eric, like in that scene in My Nanny.
I'm trying to be happy...I really am, but seriously, what are they doing to us? Like the kiss from last season, I spent the entire week waiting for monday, telling my roommate that I was so excited that they would finally kiss. And what was it? A fricking kiss on the cheek! I totally agree, Jackie, they're toying with us again, and when it's all said and done, it'll probably turn out to be a trick of the sun and no one is daydreaming about anything....just the illusion of Calleigh in a veil and Eric smiling at some completely random chick or something. I don't know. I'm probably being totally ridiculous, but it just seems like they're going to splatter our poor little hearts all over the pavement.

And yet...I keep watching the promo. Gosh I'm an idiot
Oookay, I think Jacks needs a pick-me-up, yes? ;)



I know I post those last two to death, but c'mon, I'm allowed; they're adorable!

I can't stop watching the promo either. SQUEE! I'm totally optimistic about this one. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it'll be good.
^^^Thanks :) I really do; it's been a rough week. Lucy, I don't know why, but your optimism does give me some hope. I hope you're right, lady!
FIC!!!! :D

And you guys had better read it, (;) ) because I spent about an hour, no joke, just fighting with my internet to let me upload and post it. I even had to open Internet Explorer (EWW! :lol:) to post it because my beloved Firefox kept hanging up on me, grr.

Anyway, it's based on last night's promo, and I'm not sure if that makes it spoilery or not. But it's pure fluff (OMG Jessica wrote fluff?!), and it's here, called For All the Days, if you'd like to read it. :D
FIC!!!! :D

And you guys had better read it, (;) ) because I spent about an hour, no joke, just fighting with my internet to let me upload and post it. I even had to open Internet Explorer (EWW! :lol:) to post it because my beloved Firefox kept hanging up on me, grr.

Anyway, it's based on last night's promo, and I'm not sure if that makes it spoilery or not. But it's pure fluff (OMG Jessica wrote fluff?!), and it's here, called For All the Days, if you'd like to read it. :D

Yes OMG you wrote fluff!!! You did it and it was great :D
When can we expect some agnst now?? ;)
awww!!! Jessica, I read the fanfic and I loved it. It was sweet and very Eric. ;)

This little daydreaming, non-existing, messing with our brains wedding we'll be getting on the show is a great preview of what you so wonderfully wrote!
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OMG! I am freaking out here! this episode is going to be BANANNAS!!!!:scream:

They really like to tease us dont they! :vulcan:

Like the CSI LV Promo for the Proposal scene between Grissom and Sara! they left that a cliffhanger in the Promo. :drool:

Now this! that is impossible and mean! OMG I am like counting down the days and going bonkers here in Vancouver! GAH this is worse than the 2010 Olympics count down out here! :eek:

OMG Hiphuggerz 4 lyfe Celina xoxo
I haven't been here in a while so this new board face confused me...and I thought that I was gone longer than I thought because this new board thingy has way more pages than the old one. And then I realized that it didn't matter what the page conversion was, I was still way behind and need to catch up! But needless to say, I finally figured it out and I'm kinda caught up.

Ok, I still haven't figured out how to do the spoilers so all I can do right now is.....WTF?!!!???!!! somebody puhlease make me an icon of the loop that Leela made! :drool:

And thanks for the pics and the (past/present/future) fanfics! Can;t wait for this ep!
First off, I would like to say that I am sooo happy with the liberal use of the drooling smiley. It makes my day :D.

Jessica, I'm fairly certain that if my grandma was run over by a reindeer, I suddenly developed leprosy, and accidentally dropped my million dollar inheritance (which doesn't actually exist. I've got about $20 to my name :)) anyway, if all of that happened and I was put in charge of taking care of poisonous snakes without protective gear, your story would still make my day. Okay...maybe that's overreacting a bit, but you get the idea ;) Plus, you have a spoiler box for your story. How cool is that?

Gosh, I hope that ep is even 1/100th as good as that
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