Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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There were spoilers about a shooting at a wedding, and at one point Calleigh does meet Eric while he's standing at the altar...and I bet that gets one of their minds dreaming, and thus the b&w scene in the promo. As for the girl pushing Eric up against something, wasn't there a spoiler about her pushing him up against a pool table, and he then spots a piece of evidence, before or after she gets off of him? This is the one where there's some kind of connection between Eric and the girl (Eric helps her out) and he recognizes that (damn it). Wouldn't that be something if Eric is all realizing a connection with that girl, and its CALLEIGH that dreams of the wedding! Jealous Calleigh possibly!
Hey the page looks great! Now to more important things... :thumbsup:

What the crap!!!!:eek: :eek: I was gone for one day and there's Calleigh in a wedding dress and somebody daydreaming, and new promo, and Eric smiling, and Leela just making me squeal with the animation ahhhhh!!!!!!! It's just too much!!! I hate how this show messes with our brain and our emotions!!

Ok and I just saw the promo on You Tube so I'll try to post the link here:
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Hey the page looks great! Now to more important things... :thumbsup:

What the crap!!!!:eek: :eek: I was gone for one day and there's Calleigh in a wedding dress and somebody daydreaming, and new promo, and Eric smiling, and Leela just making me squeal with the animation ahhhhh!!!!!!! It's just too much!!! I hate how this show messes with our brain and our emotions!!

Oh yeah seriously......
Yeah I was definately like WTF!! and then I was like....ok they are sooooooooo toying with us the bas***ds:lol: b/c lets face it, it can't be that easy!!!

Oh for those of you who missed it....Hcrazy posted a link for the entire promo in the season 6 spoiler thread, which is over at for those of you who wish to torture yourself over and over (like I have already) can go check it out ;)

I can see Eric standing at the altar investigating the scene and he looks up to see Cal coming down the aisle towards him with her flashlight or kit, also investigating and Eric's mind wanders to what it would be like to see Cal walking down the aisle toward him on their wedding day. Which mind you, I think would be totally hot and sweet.
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Dude, I freaked out about that promo all night long. :lol: I'm so glad somebody caught it and youtube'd it. And aw, before that I stared at those caps, Leela, for the longest time. Calleigh's so pretty. And hah! I knew I just saw a veil! :lol: And aww, how totally smitten does Eric look? :D Can they get married for real now? Pretty pretty please???

If Eric can daydream about marrying Calleigh, then why can't he daydream about actually kissing her? Because, aw. Now that's what I want to see, even if it is just a daydream. :D

The more I think about this, the more I just keep grinning like a total maniac. :lol:
OMG! Okay, so *thank you so much* for writing this into the ep!!! It's so great to see them daydreaming. Oh, and Jessica, yup yup yup. I wanna see them dreaming up kisses too. I really hope they're gonna kiss this season for real. I'm all jazzed now. What spoilers to come back to! I think this new server is all for EC.:lol:
If Eric can daydream about marrying Calleigh, then why can't he daydream about actually kissing her? Because, aw. Now that's what I want to see, even if it is just a daydream. :D

That's what's been going through my mind all day! Would TPTB actually go that far and end his hallucination with a wedding kiss? Would they? I'm sure they won't, but GAH! imagine that!
Say Eric is daydreaming, I really want Calleigh to tease him about it and/or try to find out what it was about when he gets majorly embarrassed. The other way around works, too. Maybe it's actually Calleigh who's daydreaming. At this point, is she supposed to still be with Jake? If she is, wouldn't it be awesome if she's daydreaming about getting married and then it's Eric standing there? Hello, your subconscious called.
Eric can just daydream about having sex with Calleigh against many arbitrary surfaces! I think I'd prefer that over anything else.
Two weeks is going to be torture. It better be worth it, hmph.
Glad I wasn't the only one confussled (and, random, I found a new word today: discombobulate).

Okay, I wonder (don't shoot me) could it be Calleigh 'becoming' the victim for a reconstruction, and the special effect guys making her into the victim for clarity purposes? Maybe? Bah, I hope not but... I gotta ask. Like when she slowed down the bullets, or when they 'watch' the victims in slow motion. Maybe she stepped into her place whilst talking through it with Eric. I really hope not... but that would make sense. Oh course, they could have EC doing anything at this point and put it down to the bullet in Eric's head. I hope they don't do that. Have him hallucinate a kiss that never happened. Though that would make for some good angst...

It's very discombobulating. :guffaw:

But how prefect does that clip look? *sniff* I smell fanfic...
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Oh really? I outlined a little fluffy ficlet during my speech class today (that class is so pointless...:lol:), and now I just have to find the time to actually write it. :D

It's totally based on that promo, except for one difference - there's no daydream/hallucination/whatever. Mine's real. :D But anyway, now that you mention it, Lucy, how awesome would that be if it was a Calleigh daydream? That would be a total wake-up call from her subconscious. :D Maybe I'm wrong, and just totally giddy over the clips and caps, but I'm feeling optimistic that the writers can't screw this one up. What else matters besides Calleigh in a wedding dress walking towards Eric? Even if it is a dream! :D
Glad I wasn't the only one confussled (and, random, I found a new word today: discombobulate).

Okay, I wonder (don't shoot me) could it be Calleigh 'becoming' the victim for a reconstruction, and the special effect guys making her into the victim for clarity purposes? Maybe? Bah, I hope not but... I gotta ask. Like when she slowed down the bullets, or when they 'watch' the victims in slow motion. Maybe she stepped into her place whilst talking through it with Eric. I really hope not... but that would make sense. Oh course, they could have EC doing anything at this point and put it down to the bullet in Eric's head. I hope they don't do that. Have him hallucinate a kiss that never happened. Though that would make for some good angst...

It's very discombobulating. :guffaw:

But how prefect does that clip look? *sniff* I smell fanfic...

That's a good theory! I hadn't thought about it that way and it seems pretty plausible to me. I'm sure that for the next few days there are going to be tons of theories floating around. I'm not even sure which one I'm hoping for, I'm still kind of in shock. This is most definitely unexpected. If it were real (which it isn't) that would be fucking rad. But I guess the next best thing would be a daydream. Anyway... only 13 days!
I was thinking that even though we know it's not happening for real, the whole wedding thing, it's still a VERY GOOD sign for us since we know that the writers still have EC on mind. To be honest I was getting a bit worried ever since I read about the episode were Eric helps out this girl, Jessica I think was her name. Plus we have no idea what's going on with Jake so my mind just started wondering. But I'm really happy the writers remembered after the strike. ;)
Whoohoo, fic from Jessica. Which means I don't have to write any for a while. ;)

the random girl pushing Eric against the counter and Calleigh witnessing it all? :D
The thing that threw me off was the black and white deal. So I'm pretty sure it's somebody making it up. Unless the promo department decided to fuck with us again, which ya know, I wouldn't be surprised.

I agree that it's a great sign for E/C in general. There's no doubt in my mind that they're heading there. It's all about the wait now.
Could be a dream, or could be them reconstructing the crime scene...but I think if it was them just reconstructing the crime scene, it wouldn't be in black & white, it would be in color, just like in BBYD. So...I'm thinking daydream...

This is the episode with the girl Jessica (not sure if that is her name either) and if I remember correctly, that scene where she pushes him onto the pool table happens after Calleigh meets Eric at the altar (and thus the daydream), and in one of the final scenes of this episode is where Eric ponders his connection wtih that THAT has me a little worried. But just a little, because we do get that daydream.
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I can hardly believe it! I was freaking out so much when I saw what you had posted, I thought it was real for a sec :lol:
Now I obv realize that its not real, and honestly I'm not bothered by that at all, it would be a little too much too soon if it was real, I'm sure ;)
I'm thinking that its a daydream and not a reconstruction...I mean, in the reconstructions isn't it usually that the ppl are a bit transparent and they move much more quickly, but here its not transparent..only B&W so I'm thinking it must be a daydream. My money's on Eric, like he's processing something and then he looks up and his mind wanders to what it would be like to marry Cal..AWWW! its so cute!
If it is Calleigh dreaming then thats even better IMO, she needs a wake-up call :devil:

I seriously can't wait for this ep! And I'll be in USA at the time as well so I'l get to see it live which is even better!
Could be a dream, or could be them reconstructing the crime scene...but I think if it was them just reconstructing the crime scene, it wouldn't be in black & white, it would be in color, just like in BBYD. So...I'm thinking daydream...

This is the episode with the girl Jessica (not sure if that is her name either) and if I remember correctly, that scene where she pushes him onto the pool table happens after Calleigh meets Eric at the altar (and thus the daydream), and in one of the final scenes of this episode is where Eric ponders his connection wtih that THAT has me a little worried. But just a little, because we do get that daydream.

To answer your question....YES. It is that episode.
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