Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Ha, Caro, I just had an X-Files flashback :alienblush:

Hummm, we have a nice new shiny board, old school pictures of Eric's ass :)drool:) and talks of new episodes; does it get better? Well, maybe if we get nice EC moments coming up it can.

Ha, I'm such an idiot. On Friday, we were set some project work to do and I had to complete sections C and E for my side of it. All through my diary I've got reminders to 'do E/C' and to 'finish C' then 'merge it with E' :eek:. I really am silly. Still, it made me giggle.

Hummm, I'm rather looking forward to these new episodes. They seem interesting.
To be fair here's Eric staring at Calleigh's ass.

Aww man. And we can't see it! :(

They really do the whole staring-at-each-others'-ass thing a lot. Can't say I blame 'em. I'd stare.

I know we have a cap of Calleigh staring at Eric's chest. But, out of interest, do we have one of him staring at hers? :evil:

And how do you spell staring? I'm having a serious brain freeze.
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There's a cap of Eric using a flashlight to peek down Calleigh's shirt, isn't there? :lol: :devil: Oh, that Eric... :lol:

I love these two. They're so not subtle. :lol:
Freud would have a field day with these two. I love where his right hand is positioned here:


Wow, dude, wait till you get home.
Are we talking about staring again? One of my favorite topics. If staring was the equivalent of sex, they'd both need genital transplants at this point.

Wow, the new interface is nice but I'm really not used to it. What is this having to click on "quick reply" in order to activate quick reply deal? It's impeding on my attempts at being as lazy as possible. (On a slightly more serious note, I'm a control freak and had to change the WYSIWYG thing immediately. Basic text boxes all the way. Even though they're really not *basic* boxes anymore, thereby not working with Firefox's spell check or refresh-save thing. Ah well, can't have 'em all. I'm sure many more people are very pleased with the WYSIWYG editor.)

Yay, new episode kinda soon! I can't wait.

So when I heard about Calleigh's kidnapping, I groaned. I guess we'll have to wait to see how it pans out. I'm optimistic though! Maybe the writers had a massive transformation and they'll pull it off brilliantly. I can't wait for the E/C that this episode surely will produce. A little worried or comfort scene would be excellent. That, or making out against the wall because neither can take it anymore. Yep, yep.

Um, guys, my fics are not getting written. At all. I just want to get Time Tells out of the way because I'd feel guilty if I never finished it. School has just been kicking my ass. The electrical/computer/software engineering department believes in failing 30-40% of first years (profs flaunt this statistic), so fic has kinda fallen behind on my list of priorities.

Anyway, I miss hanging around here! Hopefully the pace will pick up as new episodes air.
Only two weeks until a new episode, yay! But I don't know if I can hold out. I mean, my obsession is dwindling by the minute. I need to keep it alive and only new E/C scenes can sustain it. Please, TPTB, feed my addiction before I lose it forever and actually have to do something productive with my time; I don't even care if the episodes altogether are shitty because it's really not a far cry from the norm, just give us some glorious E/C-ness. Please.

:klingon: <--- What the hell?
:klingon: <--- What the hell?

Also: :borg: Borg! :vulcan: Vulcan! :cardie: Cardassian! :rommie: Romulan! :bolian: Bolian!
I didn't know we've not just switched servers but also fandoms...
(And yes, Leela used to be a trekkie...)

Damn, this forum is weird... I want code! CODE!

Ok, need to get on topic right?


Yes, that IS on topic!
Leela, is that Calleigh clapping coz Eric finally told her he loved her? No? Oh, well then...

On a slightly more serious note, I'm a control freak and had to change the WYSIWYG thing immediately.

You're not alone :eek:.

Um, guys, my fics are not getting written. At all.

Lucy how could you?! Well, education comes first, I suppose. I just failed my last exam :scream:. On a more positive note, I just got my edited fic back *yey*. So I'll be posting soon. We really need more fics out there... I'm running out of things to read :lol:.
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No, no, I got you ;). I was going for the more PC answer.

Don't worry. With these two, ones mind has to be in the gutter. It's the only way.
Aw, I lost my custom title, too! Oh well; that's okay. I still have...


Needs to happen immediately y/y?

Calleigh's whole kidnapping ordeal. Comfort sex for everyone!
Oh no, mind was there too. I just wasn't going to say anything. :lol: ;)

I totally get that about fics not getting written, Lucy. Trust me, I feel ya. Of course, I had an entire week off last week, and I didn't get anything written at all. Nothing EC, at least. :rolleyes: Somebody sucks at HipHugging. :lol:

I've decided that I don't care how well (or not well) the writers pull off Calleigh's kidnapping, on the following conditions: (1) Emily must get ample time and opportunity to do some seriously awesome acting. (2) Calleigh must have the final scene. NO EXCEPTIONS! 'Cause I'm still totally bitter about the ending to SYG. (3) Eric must be the first person Calleigh sees after her kidnapping. And he must be super worried and scared that he's going to lose her, aw. (4) A hug, please. A HUG! That's not too much to ask, right? It's not like I'm asking for them to make out after realizing that life is too short and that they need each other (although I'll totally take that if the writers want to give us that :D ). Whatever; the embrace from SYG totally spoiled me; now I want a complete hug, complete with a kiss to the top of Calleigh's head. :D

Hee! EC stick-figure sex!! :lol: I love it!
Jessica, me too! My week off (two weeks ago) was spent running around doing God knows what. I had totally planned on getting one chapter in at least, but that never happened. I was going to work on it this Saturday but then you had updated your fic so I went to read it (which was awesome by the way, especially because... well, you know). In conclusion, I blame you for my lack of fic production! ;)

Especially 4. Please, we totally need a hug. A full frontal hug. It's like they're teasing us with the hip hug and the ambulance hug. This episode has so much E/C potential. I wish we would see Calleigh being like, "I'm okay, Eric," trying to act all brave, and Eric just gathering her into his arms and going, "I was so scared we wouldn't find you."
But seriously, if there isn't a satisfactory ending, I'm going to write a fic. I did for SYG and it was a piece of cake because of all the missed potential at the end. Still, I hope Jessica's conditions will be met and I won't have to write an alternate ending. *crosses fingers and toes*
But seriously, if there isn't a satisfactory ending, I'm going to write a fic. I did for SYG and it was a piece of cake because of all the missed potential at the end. Still, I hope Jessica's conditions will be met and I won't have to write an alternate ending. *crosses fingers and toes*

Meh, write a fic anyway :).

... Will be amazing if met. Like you said Lucy, they are teasing us with all this 'half hugging' business. Of course, if they want to skip the hug and go for the kiss, they can. EC has never been conventional. Or both? That would be cool. Yeah, this episode will rock, I really hope they jump on the opportunities they've given themselves. I think they will, they chose Calleigh. They easily could have kidnapped Natalia (had her kidnapped, I mean:rolleyes:). Or it could just be because Emily puts their ratings up :lol:.

And I write fanfic in the strangest of places. I posted my new one, but earlier, I was at the dentist (the dentist) and I wrote a fic. In my head, of course, paper would have been inconvenient. But still... at the dentist? I confuse myself.
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