Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

The quality isn't the best but it'll do until the somebody uploads a clearer clip.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Wow always how did you get a clip so fast already? You are GOOD! :lol: I so badly want to check it out...but I'm gonna be a good girl :rolleyes: and wait until I get to see the eppy...which is finally in only 15 minutes...this night has dragged on, I swear! :lol:

Ash (can I call you that? :D ) I LOVE your avie, it's gorgeous! Awwwww LOVE! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Thanks Ashley, even though I'm a VIP and already got access. ;)

I don't think it's going to come to that. But I mean, it's not realistic for a guy like Eric to pine for her forever. I think the realization's good, because it puts a little more pressure on her, forces her to compare what she has now to what she could lose forever. And she didn't laugh when he said it. I think that's really important, because it could've easily been laughed off like a joke between friends, but she saw more to it because somewhere, she wanted to.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

20 minutes in...and I have a few thoughts :D

First off...can I just say as a former nanny, I'm just a bit bitter over the luck of some people...I mean I made good money, but a guest house, car, I got gyped! :lol:

Anyway...E/C moving on...right off the bat, can I just say (as I seem to every week ;) ) how amazingly gorgeous Cal looks in this eppy! Her eyes are especially dramatic with that dark eye shadow...she is SO gorgeous...and I love how we get her and Eric working together right away in this one! These two work so effortlessly together...perfection people, not only do they work well together, but they're just SO pretty together! :devil: :lol:

And I loved that scene of Cal talking to Alexx in the morgue...talking a bit about Calleigh's past...she looked about ready to tear up...awwww!

Okay it's the way, how HOT does Eric look? :devil: Yummy!!! :devil:

ETA: Oh. MY. WORD. That was SO adorable! You all said them talking about kids was totally cute and an adorable E/C scene and even expecting a great scene, I still was caught off guard with just how totally fabulous it was!! The sincerity in Eric's voice as he answered "Yeah I can!" and then Calleigh's "No I think you'd be a great dad!" her smile is so perfect...but her biting her lip after he said the "right girl"...that was perfect! Her thoughts were plain as day right there..."Me! The right girl is ME!" Her face so said that! YAY!!!! That was a fabulous E/C scene...yay, yay, yay!!!! :lol: We are so going Canon's only a matter of time, and not that much I would say...not that much at all! :D

And then the roof scene...not as big a scene as the "kids" scene at all, but still totally cute! :D Love how Cal was concerned that Eric was going out on the roof...concerned Calleigh is way too cute! Awwww LOVE!

Canon we come! :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Wow, I nearly missed the episode because of work. I'm so glad I didn't. It's funny, because today I wondered if Eric and Calleigh would talk about kids because of the case, and bam, it happened. Am I psychic?

I, too, saw Calleigh's smile fade when Eric mentioned finding the right girl. And I think he did it on purpose to mess with her head. It worked, too. That was a great ultimatum without having to give her a direct one.

Also liked her concern during the roof scene, too. Tonight's episode further convinced me that JC will die with a whimper and that Calleigh is already cheating on him emotionally with Eric.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Well I wanted to scream at Calleigh just a bit tonight when she told Eric that she thinks he be a great dad. So she trusts him with her life and thinks Eric will be a great dad. What more does she want?

Sorry if it seems like I'm attacking poor Calleigh. I love her dearly but I get frustrated sometimes.

I had to bite my tongue when Eric brought up finding the right girl.

Forgive for forgetting the episode title (I have a terrible head cold) but when Calleigh had answered Eric that he'd be a great dad all I could think of when that little girl went missing and Eric helped her off the boat and he picked her up in his arms. If only Calleigh could have seen that! :) *sigh*

midnight_tiptoes~ I love your thought of JC will die with a whimper. :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

OMG! That episode seems awesome! I need to move to America! Anyone feel like posting clips! Please! I'd love you forever!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'll put some clips up as soon as I get my greedy hands on the full episode, probably later today. Maybe Leela'll beat me to it.

Calleigh'll come around. Me likes when she gets thinky like that. It's different than the look she had when he told her he would've switch to night shift. At that time, she was kinda like, aw, this guy's pretty damn perfect, but now she's like, oh shit, this perfect guy isn't going to wait for me forever. Someone write a post-ep. Please please please?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

OMG!!!!!! :D I was so not expecting good EC scenes from this episode, and I was very, very surprised :D. Even from the beginning when they were questioning the son of the family, they are just too adorable together. But...

...the bedroom scene was just sooooo awesome :D :D!!!! We've always known Eric is a family man and will be a great dad and when they they started that conversation all I could think of was "is this really happening, are they talking about kids and family?????" :eek: :D
Plus "can you imagine raising a family without any help, I mean with the hours WE work" Notice the term WE in this sentence. I just thought it was so perfect...them two, their hours, their family :)
Then the "you'd be a great dad" where her face just lit up and of course her lip biting. (I think this biting reaction is so caused only by Eric in her life...she's been doing it quite a bit around him...BBYD when they were in the lab and he wouldn't tell her what was happening to him, she did that also.)

Anyways, I'm just going on and on but it's just that I'm so excited :D :D

And yes Eric's tone when he talked about the "right girl" was definitely on purpose and directed towards her and she knew what he did and reacted to it.

Roof scene...very cute :)

Did anyone notice when they entered the room and Calleigh was taking pictures how it seemed that the last one she took was of his face? It looked that way and seemed pretty funny :)

Loved the scene with Alexx, finally they are breaking Calleigh's shell a little and we get to know her. Loved the interaction between them and I just felt so sad for Calleigh.

Finally Jerkely is so gone in the very near future, Calleigh is soo cheating emotionally already like someone mentioned, and all of this could happen this season if the strike gets done with like now. (Even though I do support the writers)But, c'mon EC, this season....
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Thanks Leela! :D Beautiful clips. The E/C scenes were pure gold - and their inclusion slightly unexpected too. What a very pleasant surprise in the midst of yet another mediocre episode. It was good to see a little hint of Calleigh backstory too, in her scene with Alexx. :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

JC will die with a whimper and that Calleigh is already cheating on him emotionally with Eric.
Lol, I like that Caro and I totally fact I'd actually say that Calleigh has ALWAYS been cheating on Jake emotionally, and that if she were honest with herself, emotionally she has never been anyone's but Eric's! ;) Poor Jake...or yeah not really at all...buh bye sucker! :lol:

This is the kind of angst that starts to get me though...the "they are SO perfect for eachother and they both know it and can finally start to see it so now why aren't they getting together already?" type of stuff! :lol:

Still...they LOVE is SOOOOO obvious...*sigh!* :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

What a very pleasant surprise in the midst of yet another mediocre episode. was a very pleasant surprise. The roof scene was cute, but not good enough...can you imagine how the episode would have sucked if the bedroom-talking kids scene wasn't in it?! I too support the writers in the strike...but man, in terms of E/C, this strike could NOT have come at a worse time. I hope they iron things out VERY SOON.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

SHAKES FIST AT LEELA. Oops, typo. I meant to say, THANK YOU! The keys are like right next to each other.

I have caps of Calleigh's face:


"Oooh, baby Erics."


"Aaah, baby Erics."


"Hmmm, baby Erics."


Time's a wastin', Calleigh.


Realization Face #2.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

great caps somethingsdont :lol:

I love Calleigh's realization expressions. This episode and the "I would've transfer to the night shift" episode are great examples of everything she's realizing about her feelings for Eric. ;)
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