Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

So was the hug our only E/C moment? Not that I'm gonna complain but at the same time, I kinda was thinking we'd get more! And how was pissy Cal? And yeah I thought this was the "Cal gets royally pissed, at Jake and everyone but Eric and C/J is finally over!" but no? :p
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok so..
Jerkly defintely does not run out of excuses for his actions. Cal's accountability was in question because the receipt from their brunch showed that there were 6 memosas purchased but she only had 2...guess who had the other 4 whom she couldn't disclose the i.d.? That's right, Jerkly. So Cal made it clear that she had a problem with his drinking considering that her dad was an alcoholic. Then Eric, after getting a bullet that clears Calleigh on another accusation told her that it was Jerkly who asked him for help and saw the evidence first. Gah! Although, the upside of that scene was that before Calleigh approached Eric, she watched him for a while when he was know, the look that says "aww, he'd do anything for me"...Jerkly needs to be gone now!

So I don't know if you can decipher my spoiler post...but there ya go!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

How the fuck did Emily get less screen time than Caruso in an episode that was supposed to be about her? Aside from the hug, there was nothing redeeming about this episode. The case was not clever, the whole episode pretty much had Calleigh isolated from the rest of the team. My advice? Watch the first 15 minutes and turn it off. You won't miss much. There's an EC scene near the end but they somehow managed to make it about Jake. Speaking of Jake, he's an insensitive moron who needs to learn some decency. First he lies to Calleigh, then he says, "I'm not like your old man." Are you fucking kidding me? Why the hell is Calleigh taking his shit? Ugh, so much hype for nothing. Maybe I'll change my mind after watching it again, but I doubt it. Probably just cut the hug out and have it on replay for an hour.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

That was fabulous. :D
I kept scaring the dogs because I kept jumping up screaming. Emily deserves a fucking award nomination for that ep, she was phenomenal. The only gripe I have actually is how it ended. DAMN YOU HO for stealing what could have been an awesome wrapup scene. And something tells me this is the first she found out that Jake is screwing around with her, and she has no patience for that shit. When she called it in at the beginning, I was shocked with how flustered she was, to allow herself to be seen as anything less than completely in control is like damn. I also loved her telling Stetler how humiliating it all was. And yay for holding on to Eric like a lifeline. As soon as I transfer the ep into the right format, I'll have probably around 1500 caps of this.

I'm all warm and fuzzy now :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

y'all are right!
Horray for the team for trying to clear Calleigh and all but I was wondering the same thing, there wasn't much of Emily as I thought there would be since supposedly this is her much awaited time to "shine." Her performance was phenomenal but doesn't cover up the fact that the ridiculous H had more airtime and that his ending is ridculous. Could've been better with Cal walking on slow mo out of the lab. Did I mention that jerkly needs to be gone now?! Like right now!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

The hug scene was awesome, the Calleigh/Eric stuff was great. I loved seeing her tell Stetler off and I loved seeing her tell Jake she knew he was lying.
What was up with Horatio though? Just because it's about kids doesn't mean H hasn't feature the whole frakking episode! Stupid. And that ending, I was like erm, where's Calliegh, isn't this ep about her?? Where's the closure? And poor Eric, he's too nice. I heart him though.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Sab, I heart Eric too :D

Ok, apparently I'm eligible to put up an avatar has anyone made an avatar using 'the hug'? Because that's gonna be the logo of this new religion ;) If anyone has made one, may I please use it since I lack any artistic talent to do one my self? Thanks!

Horatio must disappear...Jerkly must disappear...and may EC live and love forevermore. Amen.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

You guys are not alone in your feeling about the ending. I watched with my husband and the 1st words out of my mouth at the end were WTF! This was a Calleigh episode, with Jerkly outright lying to her about the drinks and there is no closure to that?! NONE?! No scene with Calleigh telling Jake they were done, that she couldn't be with a guy that would lie to her?! No closure with Calleigh getting to tell Stetler off?! I would have given my right arm to see ANYONE tell Stetler off (except Horatio for obvious reasons). For the love of all that is Holy, someone please tell me why oh why do the episodes have to end with Savior Horatio?! There he is to save the day and protect the innocent. Like no one else in the whole MDPD are capable of doing that. I'm sure Tripp could protect the innocent and kick some serious ass in the process. I would have been completely happy with a scene where Horatio talks to Calleigh about what happened, about Jake, etc, but instead we get Savior Horatio. His phone must ring off the hook with all the people he's given his business card to over the past 6 years calling him for help. WTF!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Thanks for all the spoilers y'all! :D :D It sucks to be on the West Coast and not be able to see the eppy until way later...but at least the spoilers help tide me over! :D

1 hour 30 minutes...sweet! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey all - I'm jumping into unchartered waters here, but I was reading posts about the episode and just had to comment:

I was wondering why the show ended with Horatio, too. Personally, I thought there needed to be some kind of resolution between Jake and Cal, and maybe Eric, but it never happened b/c we had to get H in the last shot - totally sucked (they could've had H confront Cal about Jake but nooo...anyway that's not relevant in the E/C shipper thread lol). Anyhow, I thought the hug was cute, even though I'm not an E/C shipper per say. From the looks of it, Jake has one foot out the door, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating on Calleigh and those drinks weren't just for him. I also thought Eric came off very well - the way he told her the truth about Jake finding the bullet, etc. I think Eric's the real stand-up guy between the two ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

hiphugaholic said:
Horatio must disappear...Jerkly must disappear...and may EC live and love forevermore. Amen.

That is now my new nightly prayer. I'm serious. And I may even say it before each meal. E/C is such a perfect religion... as long as we don't launch any crusades I think it's going to catch on well.

It was so fantastic. You could just sense the strength and trust between them. Yayness! And as for the E/C scene near the end... Eric is such a good guy it's freaking unbelievable. Calleigh, please, on the behalf of all of us, tap that.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey miamirocks, now that you mention it, I think Stand Your Ground's meant for Calleigh and Eric :D (Ok so you said stand-up guy but that's how I got the idea).

The title might have been made for two reasons: Cal standing her ground from what she knows as the truth to what happened on the street while Eric letting Cal know that he'll be there for Calleigh and would not be moved from her side no matter what.

Don't know if that needed spoiler box but I put it in one just in case. And I apologize if my post doesn't make sense. I should go to bed now, I guess.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Gahhhhh this last hour and a half or so are going SOOOO slow! I want to see this eppy already...come on West Coast time, speed up already...geez!!

I can't wait to see Cal be tough...tough chicks are SO hot! :devil: No wonder Eric is madly in love with her! :D

1 hour 9 minutes...geez this is going slow! :lol: Caro where are you? You going nuts yet...or you just ignoring the time? ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey hiphugaholic - glad I could be of some inspiration ;)

Yea, Eric was definitely sweet in this one - I could see the title having a double meaning like that. I wouldn't worry too much about Jake - this is definitely the beginning of the end - no way Cal's gonna stay with an alcoholic, and, worse than that,he lied to her. I'm just really confused about the ring - I don't get it - they should be more careful if that was just a "woops" on Emily Procter's part. Anway, I guess if my ship can't sail (umm, H and Cal haven't interacted in 26 episodes, so count your blessings, hiphuggers;) ), I could see her with Eric, and I hope he kicks Jake's ass in a future episode...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

there is NO WAY that Cal will stay with an alcoholic not with her history...that would be completely against everything that is Calleigh...PTB take note, seriously Cal would NOT stay with someone like anything that Jake is not something she'd do! And wait...ring?? What ring???
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