Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't post much here because of school and track that I have after school. I feel much tired after the practice.

I'll try to write the fic but I promise you that its not going to be the greatest thing and I'm probably going to write it the day before its due. And I'm moving so I'm not even sure if I'm going to have time to write it.

Send me horse porn and slap me in the bed if I don't write it. :rolleyes:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Heather, great vid! And I love how you put the dialogues :)

I was so tired last night from being up for more than 24 hours that I didn't even turn my tv on when I got in. Please don't send horse porn because even if I had turned on my tv I don't have Lifetime channel, anyway.

Oh, xmas fic writing. It's been well over 5 years since I've written a fanfic (JAG) so I'm extremely rusty but I'll do my best. Don't throw tomatoes if my fic royally suck.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

We really need to finish this thread like 3 days ago.

So yeah, the rules. Pretty simple, really. 100 words minimum, you can go as long as you want. Everything's allowed from PG to NC-17. All the elements must be included. Other characters and pairings are allowed but please concentrate on EC. When you're done, you can post it at or the EC fanfic community. You don't have to wait till the deadline to post - just go ahead and publish when it's finished but make sure you mention this is your challenge answer and list the elements you used.

Deadline is Dec 25. If you're writing a work in progress, then post the first chapter at least by Dec 25th.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

WARNING: Before you read this post, please note that I am in kind of a strange mood. I don't know why or where it came from, but here it is...

Guys, It's snowing like mad here! Everything is fluffy and white and wonderful (though you'd think people have never driven in snow before...sheesh)

Anyway, that was totally and completely off topic, and for that I am terribly sorry. Let's try a few prompt questions, shall we?

1. We've said before that we like Eric and Calleigh together, but what are some things (specifically) set them apart? If there's one thing I've learned from the divorce rate in America, it's that love isn't the only thing you need for a relationship...
2. If Eric were to burst into song, would he be a tenor or a bass, and why? (feel free to ask the same of Calleigh: soprano or alto).
3. How do you think Calleigh's mom and brothers would react to Eric?
4. Eric is Catholic, so would they follow any of the traditions of the church in their relationship and with their children?
5. Who will initiate the first kiss? Why?

Am I allowed to ask questions like that? I hope so because I had fun coming up with them :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

...I can't drive in snow. :lol: But then again, in the years I've been driving, it's snowed more than an inch maybe once here. ;) And that's why I love the South. :D

Interesting questions, Jacks. For some reason, I feel like Eric would sing off-key. :lol: But that may be just me, heh. I just have a hard time seeing him singing anything. As for Calleigh, I don't know, but I think it would be terribly cute for Eric to catch her singing while doing trivial chores around their house or something. :D He would smirk, and she would be adorably embarrassed... :D

First this point, I feel like it has to be Calleigh that initiates it. The ball's in her court. Eric's feelings are in the open; it's Calleigh's turn to deal with hers. I want to see her make the first move, and I think at this point, Eric is very willing to wait for that. Calleigh wasn't shy about kissing him on the cheek. I think if the moment strikes perfectly, then she's not going to hesitate to kiss him. And that's what I want to see. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

True, but many of the people here have driven their entire lives in snow ( 6 months of every year for their entire lives).

You know, Eric probably would sing off-key, and it would be wonderful. I personally think Eric would sing bass (whether he would sing it well is another matter). I would like to say I have a good reason for saying he'd sing bass, but it's basically just that I think basses are incredibly sexy, and every time I hear a good bass, it makes me happy. Yup...not a good reason.

Anyway...Calleigh would be a cute chore singer! Yet another idea that would make an adorable fan fiction story.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jacks said:

1. We've said before that we like Eric and Calleigh together, but what are some things (specifically) set them apart? If there's one thing I've learned from the divorce rate in America, it's that love isn't the only thing you need for a relationship...
2. If Eric were to burst into song, would he be a tenor or a bass, and why? (feel free to ask the same of Calleigh: soprano or alto).
3. How do you think Calleigh's mom and brothers would react to Eric?
4. Eric is Catholic, so would they follow any of the traditions of the church in their relationship and with their children?
5. Who will initiate the first kiss? Why?

1.) I think what set them apart (mainly) are their familial background and religion. Eric has a solid, loving family and Calleigh grew up in a divorced home. This I think, is not a big problem because Eric can hold Calleigh's hand and let her know that it's possible to be a big, happy family. We know that Eric is catholic but I don't know if Calleigh practices any religion. She doesn't strike me as one to be involved in organized religion but still believe in higher power. My explanation on this one would be on answer #5 :)

2) I think Eric would be singing in bass because it's sexy and definitely seductive if he's half whispering the song on Cal's ear. Cal would be alto (I still have 'Santa Baby' song in my head) and I can see her singing to Eric when she's nursing him if he's sick, or to their kids to lull them to sleep.

3) I think Cal's mom would fuss all over Eric and since she's Cal's 'friend' she'll be very frank but sweet to Eric. Cal's brothers (she has some? how many? how come I didn't know about this?) would size Eric up, invite him for a park football and decide that he's a keeper.

4) This is a good question. I think they would go on compromise. I don't know if Cal would convert (if she's not catholic) but if she decided not to, I'm thinking that they would do what my friends did. They would go to church as a family on Sundays and when the kids are old enough to understand their parents' religion, they could choose what they want to practice.

5) Because Eric is such a gentleman and doesn't take big risks when it comes to Cal, I think it would be her who would initiate the kiss. I think it would be her way of saying she's ready to be with him :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ohhhh good I have time to post my ficcie...I was afraid if I didn't show up with it in tow like NOW I'd be tarred and feathered...well not really since y'all are way too nice in here! ;) Heehee! In place of my fic I do bring another muse struck at work today, just not in written form...I got the song from the Disney Hercules "I Won't Say I'm in Love" that the heroine sings, stuck in my head today...and so I decided to make an E/C vid to first ever E/C vid! I think it turned out pretty well and it's uploading to Youtube as I type! ;) So check it out and let me know what y'all think! ;) My "name" on their's the same as here...Moriel21 :D

Ohhhh and I want to chime in on a few of these questions...just time for a couple...I think Eric's mom and sisters will LOVE Calleigh! I think they will take her under their wings and totally turn her into their long lost sister/daughter and she'll finally have that close family she always wanted as a girl! :D As for Calleigh's mom and brothers....mmmm I dunno, that's different...I'm not sure really, I'll have to ponder that! :lol:

And yeah I think Calleigh will be the one to initiate the first kiss...just because Eric is the one doing the waiting and so he is going to want Calleigh to make that move to prove he is not pushing her or moving too quickly! I personally am WAY excited for that and really hope we get a scene where she just gets fed up and grabs him and kisses him! :devil: :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

ooohh good questions! :) ok...

1. I think religion would play a big issue since Eric is very serious about it and Call maybe not so much.

2. Eric singing... I don't know why but I hear him off key also. Maybe a scene were he is singing and it sounds really badly and he doesn't know Calleigh is listening and he gets all embarased. Of course Calleigh would think everything is just soo cute and she would be smiling to herself through the whole thing.

3.Calleigh's mom would probably make a fuss about him because she's more of a friend so probably will not be so defensive when Call brings him home. And yeah the brothers will probably take him outback and play some football and be great buddies. In Eric's family I agree that Calleigh will find that motherly figure she never had and she'll learn and enjoy all the dinamics of a stable family. She'll have the thanksgiving dinner saying grace and all that and things that maybe she never had in her home.

4.They will probably follow some traditions since this is very important to Eric and CAlleigh will probably want to please him and make him happy.

5. Calleigh should initiate the first kiss because of all the things that have already been said and mainly because will all know she's dying to do it. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

my muse struck at work today, just not in written form...I got the song from the Disney Hercules "I Won't Say I'm in Love" that the heroine sings, stuck in my head today...and so I decided to make an E/C vid to it...
She's called Meg. That is my favourite disney song ever and it describes Calleighs feelings so perfectly....

size Eric up, invite him for a park football and decide that he's a keeper.
Is that how brothers decide if a boyfriend is suitable in America? My fiancee would be stuffed then....


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I love that song!! And it is perfect to describe how Calleigh is feeling!!

So I wrote long answers for all of the questions and then my computer went retarded and lost it all when I tried to post so here's the summary.

1. Eric and Calleigh trust each other, they communicate really well, both care about their relationship enough to put in the work it takes, and they are first and foremost best friends which is essintial to a good relationship.

2. I think Eric would be an off key bass and Calleigh could go either way.

3. Cal's mom would cozy up to him and try and be his friend. And her brothers would like him after they got to know him and saw how much Calleigh loves him.

4. I think Cal would respect Eric's religious beliefs without giving up what she believes. And as for their children they will probably grow up being Catholic, but would still learn Calleigh's beleifs as well.

5. Calleigh's going to have to initiate it. Eric's feelings are out in the open and being the guy he is he doesn't want to push her so she's going to have to make the first move. and I can't wait to see it!! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

FluffyBlonde said:Is that how brothers decide if a boyfriend is suitable in America? My fiancee would be stuffed then....

Goodness no! As a general rule, I'd say girls should stay away from having their brothers okay their boyfriends. I really do wish we could meet more of their families...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mo, you have a fic? *glances round* where? :lol:

1) Not sure religion will be an issue. I don't see Calleigh as overly religious, maybe she'd just go along with whatever.

2) Just Eric singing makes me smile. I can't imagine his serenading her, but a cute whisper of a few song lines in her ear would be sweet.

3) I see Eric's family being warm and a little overbearing to Calleigh, who's not used to such a close group of people. I can see Calleigh's family being ambivalent towards Eric.

4) Calleigh. She must. If Eric does, he can be held accountable. If Calleigh does it, she's made the move and can't deny it or say it was a mistake.

Okay, I let you off somethings, exams are exams. Good Luck with them doll, you'll pass with flying colors or ying-yang E/C-ness. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I would really like for them to present Eric's mom. Although if we didn't see her when Marisol got married,died, or when Eric got shot, I don't know what needs to be done for her to appear! :rolleyes: Calleigh's mom would also be interesting to meet, see how Calleigh is around her.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

adorelo said:
2) Just Eric singing makes me smile. I can't imagine his serenading her, but a cute whisper of a few song lines in her ear would be sweet.

Amen! A few whispered lines would definitely be his thing (and oh so sexy!) I don't know if any of you have heard Josh Turner's "Your Man," but if you haven't, you should listen to it. I'll tell you right off the bat that it's very country (I'm not a huge fan of country music...but oh. my. goodness!) That was actually the reason I decided to ask about whether Eric would be tenor or bass. Honestly, it's not one of those 'oh this would work so well as an e/c song' but it is cute and very bass-y.

Anyway...definitely a few whispered lines in her ear...doesn't matter where or when he does it, it would be freaking adorable!
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