Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Boat name: I like midnight tiptoe also! or night shift... either way, I'll be boarding you're boat the first sign of black cloud! :lol:

I think Eric will keep making his feelings known by little gestures and sideway cooments but technically, the ball is in Cal's court. She has to be the one to make the next big step like slam him on the wall and have her way with him :devil:

Gah! I'll miss tonight's ep. Hopefully I won't miss much and the internet tomorrow won't be so slow so I can watch it.

T-7 days before ep.9! Yey!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ahoy there!
Midnight Tiptoe it is; Singular white sail with boom, white triangular flag, steering wheel, deck space of 4x2 yards, cushioned seats with 0.2x2 yards storage capacity under them. My mother thinks that i'm gonna stop halfway through but we'll see whose laughing when she's BEGGING to come on my boat when it floods. It's gonna take me a Looooooonnnnnnnng time though ...

I'll miss tonights episode too so I hope i won't miss anything important either.

Captain D.L.E Whittle


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't think you guys are gonna miss much tonight in terms of EC. If there are any significant EC scenes, I'll try to get some clips up by tomorrow morning.

I have this seminar thing on the 19th so I might get home late, but not late enough to miss the episode (I hope).

One scene is all I'm asking for tonight. ONE scene.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I think it would be great if Calleigh was the one to make the first move. I think after episode 9 that will naturally be where the story goes. It is going to have to be her decision to pursue a relationship with Eric.

I love their smiles!! They only smile like that with each other!! it makes me smile! :lol:

Im with you Luce, I'm hoping for at least one scene where they actually address their relationship. I was so disappointed last week when they didn't mention it at all. Hopefully they will put something in that will lead up to next weeks episode!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

The promo for next week looks SWEET. I think it is awesome that Eric is the one who asks her if she has been drinking. The thing I hope, which I highly doubt they will do, is make her out to be abusing alcohol. How cliched would that be? Considering everyhing that has happened with her dad. However, a big part of me thinks that it all leads back to Jake. I mean you can drink the night before and still have alcohol in your system in the morning...believe me I have woken up the next morning and smelt it coming out of my pours :lol: So I am really leaning towards it being something to that affect but with these writers ya never know. Urgh it would so piss me off if they decided to go the alcoholism route :mad:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'm so glad we finally have a Calleigh-centric episode. When she's all pissed off and shouting in the interrogation room, I really hope the person at the other end of the table is Jake, even though they made it seem like it was Horatio. But I guess he probably won't be able to investigate her case because of conflict of interest or whatever. Either way... Jake needs to disappear and I am convinced he will very soon. Gah! I am so excited for the golden shipper moment that awaits us. Yay.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

ARGH I FELL ASLEEP!!! Halfway through the ep and missed the promo! Hopefully it'll be on youtube or someplace I can save it. I seriously can't wait for next week. Can someone tell me what happened in the rest of the episode tonight?

And does anyone know how cold it actually gets in Miami? I've never been further south than Virginia.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Okay so there has so far been a fair amount of E/C in this eppy, nothing hugely shippy...but heck anything where these two are in the same room in an eppy makes for a happy day for me! :lol: They are both looking amazing in their savvy suits and can I just say...Calleigh, the side part to your hair, is HOT! :devil: Wow does she look gorgeous...

Star you feel asleep? :lol: :lol: Sorry that's just not sure how cold it actually gets in Miami, not too cold I'd imagine! ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'm totally not even paying attention. I'm only watching for the promo. Plus, I was asleep for the first 28 minutes. Oops. Doesn't look like I missed much, though. And only two comments from the East Coast, so I guess I'm cool.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Well it seemed like it was good, not earth shattering but then again I like Natalia, and then suddenly it was 11:30 and I was like crap.

The only reason I actually care is the promo. I'll have the episode in a few days, but I never get the promos and the CBS site crashes my computer. Maybe Leela could put it on her site or something? *looks around hopefully*

Yeah, go ahead and laugh at my expense Mo :lol: It is hilarious, especially since I'm usually up all night and sleeping during the day, but I still want my damn preview!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

StarDuquesneEMT said:
The only reason I actually care is the promo. I'll have the episode in a few days, but I never get the promos and the CBS site crashes my computer. Maybe Leela could put it on her site or something? *looks around hopefully*

Don't have it yet...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'm gonna have to wait for someone to upload the promo because CTV gets to override CBS here if it's showing the same show and they show a different (read SHITTIER) promo. I had someone summarize it for me but ugh, I wanna watch it myself. (Innertube blocks Canadian visitors and proxies don't work.)

I felt my eyes drifting during the episode. Why does this show suck dirty balls? I like how fucked up the entire family was (yay Canadians!) and why, why, why is everything on this show gang-related? WHY.

Horatio needs to stop existing right this moment. I have no doubt that he's going to go and crap all over the next episode. Step aside, please, it's Calleigh's turn. I would forgive him if he were pleasant to the eyes but he is quite the opposite, so please stop using the word "we" in every possible situation. You do NOT know what every single person and their video-playing grandmother is going through so please stop pretending like you do.

What exactly is the point of having lab techs if the CSIs are constantly running the labs? Natalia, get your dirty hands off the surface computer. That's Samantha's territory, bitch. Back off please. Oh yeah, her reaction to getting to the scene first was a nice addition, but again, Horatio had to dance in like he's Gandhi. ("He is trying to talk to us and we... are listening." STFU PLZ ^______^)

I don't understand how they could've NOT checked the goddamn elevator shaft before the brother mentioned the watch. Is you eated something you isn't supposed to eated? Yes?

There were no EC scenes to speak of, but I might try to grind one out on youtube like I did last week. Probably not. This episode isn't worth my time.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Eh it wasn't completely devoid of E/C interation...I mean they worked several scenes together, as in they were in the same room together and had eye contact at some point :rolleyes: but yeah nothing huge, or even noteworthy really! :p

Next week looks freaking awesome though! It is about dang time Calleigh had her own breakdown and it looks like we might actually really get something along the lines of her snapping...and can I just say the woman when she's mad, while scary as heck, is TOTALLY hot! :devil: :lol:

Cannot wait for next week!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

This episode was...well, blah.
Good thing: EC worked together.
Bad thing: EC ONLY worked together, nothing else happened :(

This episode looks even better than I thought!!! And that's saying a lot cause I'm soo excited about the shippy wonderful moment we will get :D But we also get really pissed Calleigh. And yeah I hope that's Jake she's screaming at :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok so I'm trying to watch the ep right now on CBS website but the connection is going mighty slow. I have to watch it again when I visit my family because they Tivo it. I'm glad I didn't miss anything but I want to see the promo!

On the side note, I love Alexx/Khandi's new hair. The soft curls look good on her.

I'm sooo ready for the next ep! The new religion will be ordained and everyone around the world will convert!
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