Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way once in a while. I know Eric and Calleigh are supposed to be together, but I can't help but think those writers will do whatever they want, even if it means screwing with a relationship that SHOULD happen...especially with the way the new season's starting out.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Xane, you misunderstood me. Allow me put it in simpler terms with emphasis on the parts you either missed or chose to ignore. I said, "I don't mind critical feedback that helps me become a better writer." Clearly, "your story sucks" is not the feedback I'm referring to since it does not help me become a better writer. But okay. Not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't think I could've phrased it better than I had in my previous post.

Jacks, I've learned to be wary of the writers, but I'm optimistic about EC this season. I just hope they handle it a little better than they did in the premiere.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh darling I wasn't coming back at you I was just saying that I don't think that 'your story sucks' is crucial. I read every single part of your post, and I cleary understood every single word. My post partly is a response to Jacks about rather hearing your story sucks than what to improve on. I would seriously rather have an improving response from someone. Okay you see, you were misunderstanding me. I wasn't actually talking to you I was just speaking my mind. You know how you say one thing and then say something else? It was like that.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Jacks said: Adorelo, I've never done this prompt thing, but I think it should involve a goat, honey, and a night on the town...(I don't know where that came from, but...I have faith)

Hah, Ok, I'll get on that Jacks :lol: What rating would you like, my dear?

As for all the review talk, I review every story I read, and I reply to every review I get. Always have, always will. I've never been flamed, but I have had some criticism.

I've said this before, I am critical in my reviews, but not overly so. If I think someone can improve, I will tell them. But I also tell them the parts that are good aswell and, rather thn just pointing the bad out, I offer advice and options for improvement. And I expect the same back.

One reason I don't like computers, it is impossible to tell someones tone by what they write! Haha.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I didn't see Eric checking Sam out. He was looking at the computer.

I'm pretty sure that E/C will happen. Why bring it up, otherwise? Adam said it's a storyline that the writers have been thinking about since season 1. Corey said that when he started writing for Miami, the first thing he noticed was the chemistry between Eric and Calleigh. Both characters are the writers' darlings - they wouldn't do something stupid like develop the storyline and then drop it, or make them have sex and then have them realize they're wrong for each other (they already did that with EN). E/C is IT. They started it and they can't undo it and they know it, which is why they waited 6 years to set the wheels in motion.

Jake is a complication and a bad one at that. See, the thing about Horatio, Eric, and Calleigh is that the writers idolize them so much, no one could ever be good enough for them. Eric is like, Mr. Perfect and so is Calleigh (well, Miss Perfect). That's why Jake is a complication. That's why Natalia is a big ball of stupid and crazy (and is hanging out with Ryan the red headed step child). For God's sake, they're dressing Eric in suits in every episode. What does that tell you about his "versus Jake" status? He's the better man.

Here's the Miami Holy Hierarchy

Eric ll Calleigh
Tripp ll Alexx ll Yelina
Ryan ll Natalia ll Valera ll Cooper

Horatio's at the top and can do no wrong. He can't be with a woman because no one else is at the top with him. He's like God. Eric and Calleigh aren't as holy, but they're pretty high up. It means they make weird decisions sometimes (Calleigh covering for her father, Eric buying pot for his dying sister) but their intentions are always pure, etc. They're the best CSIs. No one is good enough for them except each other. Tripp, Yelina, and Alexx are next because they're good people, who are all about their jobs, and they make mistakes sometimes but it's because they're human or life hands them a bad hand. Eric and Calleigh are human, of course, but Tripp, Yelina, and Alexx aren't as darling to the writers as Eric and Calleigh are. Ryan, Natalia, Cooper, and Valera are at the bottom. They're always screwing up, they're kinda dumb sometimes, they provide comic relief, etc. Ryan could be with Natalia or Valera (or Natalia with Valera, if that's what rocks your boat); they're at the same level and they get each other like that because they screw up a lot, they make mistakes, they come out of the bathroom with toilet paper hanging off their pants, etc. Sometimes their intentions are kinda shifty, even though they're nice people. They're the most fallible, I guess.

E/N didn't work, because they weren't at the same level. Horatio/Yelina works, of course, because Yelina is in the "she's the way she is because her life kinda sucks, not because it's in her nature" category (same reason why Horatio/Alexx could work). Ryan/Calleigh? No, she's so high up that she can't deal with his constant screw ups. Same with Cooper/Calleigh. Eric/Valera? She's like the Phoebe Buffay of the show and again, screws up sometimes.

The Holy Hierarchy doesn't lie.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Xane, I really, really, really was not going to push this, because e-arguments are so 2002, but wow. Jacks said, "As a writer, I would honestly rather someone tell me that my story (or chapter) sucked and I could improve it by doing _____ ______ and ______, you know?" Alternatively, you said, "My post partly is a response to Jacks about rather hearing your story sucks than what to improve on." She meant she'd rather have the negative review with the criticism than never knowing that her story sucked. You're making it out to seem like she'd prefer being told her story sucked, rather than getting pointers on what could be improved. So you understood my post and misunderstood hers?

I'm not trying to personally attack you, by any means. I just don't think anybody was really saying it was acceptable to leave a review saying only "your story sucks," because of course it's not.

Editing your post was a nice touch, by the way. ;)

Anyway, since I'm not personally attacking you and you're not personally attacking me, I think we can just call it a miscommunication and get on with the EC.

Skylar, I like the Holy Hierarchy. I like Eric in suits. I like hot EC baby-making. Oh, wait, you didn't mention that last one. Well, I like it anyway. Nice new icon, by the way!

Here's a gift made by Pusher, sent to my PM box after I mentioned something about how I missed Eric's package. (Linked because it's an animation and might lag the page on 56K. And if she already posted it well, there's always a need to see it again.)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That animation is made of win. I love how it keeps walking towards the camera. I bet Adam's package is in the union of actors. I hope it got a good, hefty paycheck for that close up :D

I like my new icon, too. I got it here. I think the icon maker is at LJ but I can't find her.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

It definitely should be a part of the union. If I were a producer, I'd hire it.

I just registered at that forum. Is it worth sticking around?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I haven't been there that long, but the first ever E/C thread was started there (by Caro). So it's got a long history. It is a fun place, not as strict as CSI Files, and you can visit message boards from other fandoms. I'm also in the House board and the Doctor Who board.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I suck at making icons but I love when other people do. With fics, I like constructive criticism but I don't think it's fair to put someone down for no reason at all. The holy heirachy is so true and Jodie! Make with the challenge!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

There is no doubt in my mind that that heirachy exists...just watch the episodes :lol:

E/C will happen b/c the writers seem to be constantly contradicting themselves. While Adam said last season that E/C had been a thought for a long time (which we all know is obvious from early eps) the writers have said that they didn't think about E/C until Man Down...You'd think they would get their stories straight at this point. :lol:

While the actors aren't always privvy to what the writers do and decide; it is pretty obvious that this has been thrown around for a while and finally decided to use on the show. Why else would Adam get the idea that the writers had thought about if he himself probably didn't ask in the past?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I think Corey meant they didn't decide to go ahead and start that storyline until Man Down. Like, "okay, this is the perfect moment to start getting them together."

And I love them so much for it.

And I can't wait for the time they decide, "okay, this is the perfect moment to get them naked."
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

You know what? Forget this somethingsdont. My post was really not about this whole your story sucks thing. It was more about previous posts from a long, long time ago and I now have to admit that since you are really nailing me down.

Now don't get the wrong idea about this post. I am not mad at you nor attacking you I am just seriously confused. You are missing me entirely. Have I left out something in my posts?

I kind of understand what you were saying, but it was a big mistake, okay? Please do not be mad at me. I did not intend for an arguement but I feel really dissappointed at the moment.

God I need to stop getting into forums.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Gah, stop editing your post. I write out a reply to the first one, refresh, and there's something different. I already said I'm okay with just dropping this, so dropped, forgotten. I'm not mad. That's just how I argue my point. I'm sorry if you thought I was mad at you or wanted to start shit with you, because I'm not and I don't. If you're really confused, we can work it out in PMs or something. If not, great. Moving on.

CBS is being stupid and not letting me watch Dangerous Son on their site because I'm outside the States. What happened to "friendly neighbors to the North"?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

American's are greedy? Other than that I can't really offer an explanation.

I'm looking forward to the "Hey, let's have Eric and Calleigh do it" epiphany too. It's coming, I can feel it, ya'll can feel it, Adam's package can feel it. The pheromones are in the air.
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