Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I guess some people get embarrassed. Oh well. Nobody I know in real life would ever find mine, anyway.

The porn fic-a-thon, everyone wanted to read the porn, but no one wanted to write it, so. I guess challenges + this fandom don't mix.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Hey Jodie remember I gave you a challenge ages ago? I don't remember what it was but I know I gave you one and you gave me one (which I also don't remember). We should do them now as soon as you remember what they are. Lol.

I've deleted a story before. I got flamed fr it so many times that I just deleted it so people would leave me alone. I suppose if people aren't happy with their work or if the readers aren't happy that would do it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Whoa, people actually flame stories? If I don't like what I'm reading I just stop reading. Crazy.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Okay, I have got to stop being a bad shipper and come around more often. Last time I looked we still needed 40 somthing posts to finish the old thread and here ya'll are 47 posts into the new one. Yeesh.

People who flame generally have nothing better to do with their time. And they're usually cowards since nine times out of ten, they leave the review anonymous in stead of being man/woman enough to stand by their opinions.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Hi everyone!

Firstly, thank you for all the good birthday wishes and in answer to you're question I was 21 yesterday! (I'm not usually one for alcohol but ... damn. :D)

Secondly, thank you for all the info on the new episode and thank you if you read and/or reviewed my FanFic. If you haven't, here's the link :

Thirdly, Yes you are very welcome to call me whatever you like (Within reason :rolleyes:!) But I prefer Drommie. :)

Fourthly (Is that a word?), What's flaming? :confused:

Got a sore throat now, Andromeda :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

_____Skylar said:
The porn fic-a-thon, everyone wanted to read the porn, but no one wanted to write it, so. I guess challenges + this fandom don't mix.

I'm still writting the porn :devil:
There is another one on the way soon, im 1/2 way through so it shouldn't be to long
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

NEW THREAD!!!!!!! We fly through these things!! :lol:

Anyway Heather i love your porn fics!!! :devil: I just read two of them!

Cooper gets fired?? how did I miss that? I thought we were just gettin a new tech. But I think if Sam flirted with Eric but he didn't return it and Calleigh saw them would be good. I don't want to see Eric flirting with anyone right now. Im liking the jealous Eric and I love jealous Calleigh!!!!!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Back in the good ole days (season 2) the Eric/Calleigh thread used to be the longest thread in the entire CSI Files message board, no joke. It had more posts than the GSR thread. More than 10,000. Imagine a thread with more than 10,000 posts. It was crazy fun. But then they created the shipper forum and we lost it. Boo. Good times, though.
I have been here long enough to remember that! Good times indeed. :)

Congrats on the new thread. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Jeez, I don't pop in here for one day and it takes me a day and a half to catch up. Friday's like the only day I have to myself. Then of course I have to wake up with a semi-headache Saturday morning and avoid my parents until the afternoon. Anyone want to swap parental characteristics with me?! Maybe ones who tolerate legal alcohol consumption? Drinking age here is 18, for crying out loud.

Drommie, happy belated birthday! And flamers are people who leave nasty reviews that basically go, "i h8 ur storiez i hop u dy."

A solution would be to disable anonymous reviews, but then again, there are a lot of people who read or want to review without signing in.

I don't really care if my friends find my fics (except maybe the NC-17 ones). They all know I watch Miami and my closer friends know I write/love writing (the only reason the other ones don't is because it never came up; not like I can announce it randomly). If they really put two and two together, they'd figure I write fan fics. Plus, my username is the same as my email, so really, I shouldn't be all too hard to find. Maybe they know already! I'm okay with that. I doubt they'd care. I don't see why they'd have reason to.

If I write when I have PMS, all my characters end up bitching at each other, so generally, I try to avoid that.

I've been pushing for jealous Calleigh this whole time. I think Eric deserves a girlfriend (even if it makes the situation slightly cliche), because that man cannot possibly stay single for so long. He'd have to be rejecting advances left and right, but now that Calleigh seems to have made her "choice," there's no reason for him to keep pining. He has to make her come (hehe, wouldn't it be great if the sentence stopped now?) to the realization that she's with the wrong guy, and I think a new girlfriend/flirt buddy would help that along. The scene where she confronts him about Marisol was so tense and loaded. I'd love for another.

Or she could just throw him against a wall. I'm all for that.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

And flamers are people who leave nasty reviews that basically go, "i h8 ur storiez i hop u dy."

I've actually gotten a flame quite similar to that before. :lol: I couldn't help but laugh.

A little bit of jealous Calleigh right now would be awesome. Eric is naturally flirty; remember the way he grinned/looked at that random chick at the ATM in Urban Hellraisers? Imagine, if this new lab tech girl said something cutesy to Eric, and Eric grinned, therefore making the new lab tech grin (because who can resist grinning when Eric grins at you like that? Exactly.). There are chuckles, giggles, and subtle flirting; imagine how Calleigh would react to that. Damn; I wouldn't want to be that lab tech. :lol:

And that's what I'd love to see - Calleigh seems happy with Jake, but what happens when and if Eric starts to *supposedly* move on? Is Calleigh going to be okay with that? The answer to that would answer everything. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

While I like getting reviews at; I look at my stats alot. If there are alot of hits on my story at least it means people are reading. I may not always be constructive in the reviews that I leave but I always try to encourage the author to continue with their story. Basically I just let them know I like the story and want to read more. Most of the time that is all I am looking for from people who review...a compliment letting me know to continue but most of the time you don't get anything.

I like jealous Cal but I don't want Cal to become the type of person who would get jealous b/c Eric has seemingly moved on; that is a little cliched, even for this show. That would make things a little too dramatic and Cal really isn't that type of person to do something like that. Although anything is possible with this it will be interesting to see if something like that were to happen how Cal would react.

Like I said in an earlier post, Sam making a comment to Cal about Eric being cute would be cool b/c Cal's reaction would be something to see. I think her reaction to it would give a lot away.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

One thing I noticed looking at the hits of my fics is that not a lot of people read Miami fanfiction. I wrote a NY fic that has more than 1,000 hits but my Miami fics only have 200-300. I think that's so weird. The Miami fandom is pretty weird overall.

You know what, a year ago I said, "Calleigh is the type of woman who wouldn't fall into a relationship with a man she knows is unrealiable," and she did. So I wouldn't put it past the writers to make her jealous while she's with Jake because Eric is seeing someone. In fact, I'm sort of expecting it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

^True. Eric will win out in the end. It is just a matter of seeing how these writers play it out and we all know how unpredictable they can who knows what the hell we will get in the middle before we get to the end.

The hits thing is weird b/c I have over 3,000 hits on my story "Sins of the Father" and 10,000 on "Acts of Kindness" so things tend to be all over the place.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Belated happy bday Drommie!
Cooper's getting fired? I missed the memo! I wonder if he got another job somewhere like movies or tv show. Anyhow, as much as I like to see jelous Calleigh I'd rather not have Sam flirt would Eric at all. What I want to see is how Sam would comment on Eric and Calleigh as a couple like, "were you guys ever together?" or "you make a good team. too bad you're not together, you'd make a great couple" or "you two look good together. if you were together you'd make cute babies"...something like that. I'd rather have Sam do some little comments like that or play a little bit of cupid (now that's more cliche) than have some flirtation goin on.
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