Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Eric has made comments to Jake though. He respects Cal too much to act in a demeaning mannor towards her, but Jake on the other hand...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

You know, I was thinking. Are they actualy ALLOWED to ban it? I mean, doesn't that infringe their Human Rights somewhat?

I can understand it being, like somethings said, descouraged, but banned?

And midnight, I hope Karm gets them BOTH good! They both deserve what they get. But hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and get each other. :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I don't think they'll break up on a technicality, since they're still together in episode 6. In which case I don't know what this whole thing is about except making Calleigh mad at Eric so that when she discovers he's been in the right all along she'll feel like a pile of shit. I think Cal might get rid of Jake in episode 9. If she doesn't, then damn, I will lose all the respect I have for this woman.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

The only time Eric said something snide to Jake was in the premiere...and Jake's time on the show since then has been fleeting probably b/c Johnny is shooting a movie. I mean when he is in an ep he is barely in the ep..which makes me happy but if the writers start making things up that happened and we didn't see them.. I will be pissed b/c that the is easy way out and they are already making this difficult on us so they better make it at least somewhat good quality wise.

I don;t think they are going to end J/C on a the end they will make it Cal's decision to kick Jake to the curb and i think that will happen in ep 609.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I can understand it being, like somethings said, descouraged, but banned?

It depends. Two cops in the same precinct are not allowed to date, because it infringes on their abilities to remain objective during a stressful situation. If two cops get romantically involved, one of them would be transfered to another precinct.

the sexual harassment excuse is bullshit. If two people are married, they may even be protected by the law. The sexual harassment thing, I'm starting to think, would even benefit EC. If they are serious about their relationship, all they'd have to do is sign a few papers and IAB wouldn't be able to do anything about it. IAB is there to protect the department, and if Calleigh and Eric agree not to sue, then there wouldn't be a problem. What Liz Devine did was great, she made up a rule to put an obstacle in their way, but it's a problem that can easily be avoided so when EC finally hook up it won't be easy for them but it won't be impossible.

the same rule would really crush a few ships. Eric and Natalia were a complete disaster together and their relationship ended up with Eric ACTUALLY making a comment to Ryan that could've gotten the department into trouble "she's cleared for landing." Also, Natalia slept with Eric and Ryan to get information about the lab. If Ryan and Calleigh ever got involved, the rule wouldn't benefit them because Ryan is kind of an idiot and you know he'd end up saying something stupid. Jake and Calleigh, Jake is a massive tool who loves to say the wrong thing because he thinks it's funny. He's also crass and insensitive and their relationship is very juvenile and volatile. It could potentially cause problems for the department. But on the other hand, Eric and Calleigh already have feelings for each other and these two characters have always been able to keep their personal problems outside the lab. I could see Horatio backing them up 100% because he knows they're better and more mature than EN and RC or JC or any other ship.

BTW, it's spelled "discouraged."
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Okay...this might not need to be in a spoiler box, but as far as losing all respect for calleigh, a quote by a wise cartoon comes to mind: "I'm not bad...I'm just drawn that way" or whatever it is Jessica Rabbit says in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Basically what I'm saying is this: Calleigh is as the writers are making her. If anything, I've lost respect for the writers!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

H will back E/C 100% but of course this new rule will just be something else Cal had hide behind for a while. Which is probably why they created the whole nonesense of it in the first place. the fact that they are prolonging E/C means they like the storyline and want it to happen...they are putting way too many things in the way of it IMO but it will be worth it for us in the end.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I like Calleigh and Eric pretty much equally, but I tend to sympathize more with Eric, especially of late because holy crap. I hope the next couple of episodes aren't as torturous as they sound. Maybe we'll get some nice EC angst because I'm a whore for that kind of stuff.

The maturity thing will play a huge role, I think. Remember that holy hierarchy thing that Skylar came up with? Yeah. Eric's grown a lot since the beginning and Calleigh's always been "mature," though I think she's going backwards with her relationship with Jake.

Jackie, I agree with the writers spending time on it because it matters. Some of the other ships are kinda going, "well, it'd be a nice surprise if _____," but we can actually look forward to some climax/conclusion because there's all this building up toward it.


I was gonna scribble around the lip but I got lazy and just uploaded the generator version. Do you know why he's sad? 'Cause he sucks in bed and his girlfriend knows it. :\
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I think if the writers made Calleigh use that excuse not to be with Eric then they would basically turn her into an idiot Meredith Grey. And I really don't want that. It's overload. What I think will happen is Calleigh will dump Jake and considering what he'll do, she'll be really hurt for a while, and she'll want to be alone. Her and Eric will be BFF again but of course the underlying feelings will still be there. After being alone for a while and realizing how good for her Eric is, and how much she loves him, she'll be ready to take the plunge. But to have Calleigh telling Eric no again and using the same 'we work together' excuse would not only be completely insensitive to Eric, but it'll make her look weak, loopy and stupid = Meredith Grey.

Heh, I love those South Park figures. They're dead on.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

This whole new rule is just to create more E/C angst! It creates immediate angst in which Cal will get pissed at Eric and it creates long term angst ie Cal can hide behind it for awhile & when they finally get together they will have to deal with it. And H will defintally back them!! He always comes through for them. He puts his team first and foremost!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

clearly I missed something! What is this new rule...sorry I've been sick and missed a big part of all this....what's the new rule and why??

New eppy tomorrow...fingers are crossed it's good!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I am very tired so i'm sorry if this post sounds lethargic. I had to get up really early for uni. They have lectures first thing in the morning. We're talking like 12 0'clock every day. I mean who's together by then. You can still taste the toothpaste ...

Anyway, I think I got this. The rule is that no one is allowed to date anyone else in the lab. I think ....

My life is really backwards at the moment. Last week, I watched the aftermath of Eric getting shot (His chat with tim), this week i'm going to watch him in the hospital just after he gets shot. Weird.

Jodie, We lost ... badly. 6:15. I had a bet on south Africa to win though so i'm still fairly pleased.

Can't wait till tommorrow night, Drommie

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That sucks about the new rule. I don't think it will stand in the way though. Honestly? I don't think there's anything that can!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Dinosaurs could. Especially velociraptors. I'm just saying.

Stetler is going to tell Eric in tomorrow's episode that there's a rule against fraternization at work because it could lead to a sexual harassment suit. Eric thinks Stetler is talking about Jake and Calleigh and sort of lets their secret out by accident. Then Calleigh will be pissed at him for a while.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Um, so was Stetler/Yelina not fraternization? What right does he have (other than him being IAB) to get in the middle of E/C/J's business? Or is this a brand new rule that's come up out of the blue? Anyway, I'm looking forward to see what this new rule means. I'm hoping that forbidding Eric and Calleigh to touch each other will only make them want each other more. :devil: And besides, Calleigh's not above breaking the rules when it comes to Eric. And when Calleigh decides she wants something, she's going to get that something. It's just all a matter of getting her to admit that she wants Eric. :D
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