Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

That's the clip that Jackie and I fabricated... Traveled quite far, didn't it? ;)
And I love it when people get randomly credited for nothing... */snarkmode off*

Anyway, rules say you can't link to clips if they're not on official sites or whatever...

Ok, so.... *cough*

Calleigh checking Wetsuit-Eric out:


..and she likes what she sees:

Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Sorry patluver144, but I have had to remove your link as we aren't allowed to post links to clips from episodes. This is due to possible copyright infringement (unless the clips are from a CBS approved site).
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Oh that's fine I totally understand so when are starting the porn-a-thon and Halloween fics?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I can't blame Calleigh for staring at wetsuit Eric! I always stare at wetsuit Eric! :devil:

I really hope that we see him back in the water at some point next season. Not just for the westuit but the whole diving thing adding a nice aspect to the show.

Of course with everything that is going on between E/C I would love to see Cal's reaction if Eric surfaced and took the top of his wetsuit off; ya know before he puts the t-shirt on? Ok, so mainly I just want that for myself! :lol: But it would be interesting ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

delkolover said:

Of course with everything that is going on between E/C I would love to see Cal's reaction if Eric surfaced and took the top of his wetsuit off; ya know before he puts the t-shirt on?

She'd push him back in the water and they'd have ocean sex. And Jake would see them and start crying but they wouldn't care and would keep going at it.

What I really want is for them to re-visit the whole "bullet in the head" storyline. They made such a big deal about it. "There are still fragments of the bullet in his head!" it would be a shame if they didn't do anything with that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

*pictures shirtless Eric and tries to come round*
It’s obvious, Calleigh has dreamed to see shirtless Eric since she started working with him, so I think that she would gape at him for a moment and than take him into the hummer or behind a bush by hook or by crook. :devil: In any case I’m sure that she wouldn’t need to insist to convince him to follow her.

midnight_tiptoes said:
She'd push him back in the water and they'd have ocean sex. And Jake would see them and start crying but they wouldn't care and would keep going at it.
Caro, I would pay to see Jake’s face after a scene like this. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Here ya go:


I think they haven't shown us shirtless Eric cause they know half the population would drop dead right there.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I think they haven't shown us shirtless Eric cause they know half the population would drop dead right there.

Well I just did!!!! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I'm sorry. I'd send Eric over to give you CPR, but if Calleigh found out she'd shoot you :(
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Hey guys. I'm still not home yet so I am on a sloooooooow ass computer and I can't see the beautiful pics, but I do have to tell you that for the rest of this summer I will be directing a porn-a-thon in which Adam and Emily star in. So stay in tuned!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

xanessa just tell us when you are starting because we are all ready!
God shirtless Eric is so hottttt!!!!!
So heavenly!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

That's some great pics you guys!!!! Shirtless Eric..............................I think I just had a mild stroke :lol:!!! I'm ready for him to back in underwater recovery too!!! That wet suite fit him SO right :devil:!!! I envy Calleigh!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Aye, it's been a long time since we last saw the Wetsuit of Hotness. So dejected. I think it's even more powerful than the Sunglasses of Justice, sorry to say.

It pisses me off every time Eric's wearing it on land. Those things are so freaking hot, there's no way he'd leave it on. They're purposely depriving us of shirtlessness :(
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Well it's like you said, a large portion of their audience would drop dead at the sight. They can't have that. Dead people don't buy season DVDs. So until they come of for a cure for SDS (Shirtless Delko Syndrome) we'll have to make due with that snug-fitting wetsuit...not that I'm complaining.

Oh and patluver you can have either a written siggy or a pic, not both.
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