Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Yes Derrick needs to make another appearance. The stuble, while I wasn't too fond of it was a nice touch for the evil twin!

No news on season 6 yet. We probably won't see anything begin to materialize or leak until later in the summer; like July and August. But who knows we might hear a little something by the end of this month. I think the show resumes shooting in late July or August. Believe me, I check my spoiler site everyday for tidbits; I will totally be sure to let you guys know if I hear/see anything ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

midnight_tiptoes said:
Derrick's the evil twin. He's the one we saw on season 4. You can recognize him from his evil (yet incredibly hot) stubble.
Ah, yes, didn't he appear at the same time as Robo-Calleigh? Miami has it's very own parallel universe. It was all rather surreal.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

So we have no clues as to what's gonna be happening in Seas. 6 yet? Any clues at all...overall or specifically with E/C?

I'm dying to know some kind of spoiler...any kind of spoiler at all...especially a juicy E/C spoiler...oh come on, come on PTB, please!!! :devil: :D I want my E/C smex dang it! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

We don't know anything yet :(. I hope we get something soon. Even if it's an interview with a writer or an actor, to let us know the general direction they're taking.

Is Corey taking e-mails yet? Dammit, I hate summer hiatus. Why does it have to suck so hard?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

oo _____Skylar I LOVE your icon! is so season-four-evil-twin-Derrick! its just so smexy:devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Ooh, Derrick. :D He's the one I get to keep when Calleigh finally decides she wants Eric, right? :lol: :devil:

So Rio was on tonight. The first time it was on, I spent pretty much the whole hour trying to make sense of it, so I really didn't catch how good of an episode it was for us. :D Sure, we didn't get to see Calleigh welcome Eric back like we know she did :)devil:) but the way they chatted when she called him the first time, aww. That was cute. And they smiled. And while Eric was down there, talking on the phone with Calleigh was the only time he really looked at ease...well, maybe not at ease, but it was the only time he didn't look ready to kill the next dude that looked at him funny. :lol:

And need I mention scared-to-death Calleigh when she lost Eric's signal? Aw. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Yeah, Derrick had a mohawk going there for a while. He was so badass, and awesome in bed, I bet.

Derrick is awesome in bed, but Eric is the nice one. Who would Calleigh choose?

Rio was a great E/C episode. I loved the phone conversation and how they kept smiling. We rarely saw Eric smile this season, but when we did it was often because Calleigh was around.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

*Mo walks in entirely confused...* :confused:
Okay seriously...who is Derrick? What did I miss? Please do explain this to me...cuz I'm lost and I want to know who he is...especially since he's someone y'all think is HOT and so good in bed! :devil:
Help?? :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Derrick is Eric's evil twin brother. Remember during season 4 when Eric had a stubble and weird hair and was buying pot and being all irresponsible? That was actually Derrick. He kidnapped Eric and held him hostage in his basement and took over his life. Derrick slept with Natalia and was always late for work, etc.

Every time Eric does something stupid, we blame it on Derrick. Derrick's evil, but he's also awesome in bed, though he doesn't cuddle afterwards and leaves without ever calling again. He's an asshole, but he's hot as hell.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Ohhhhhhhhh! :lol: :lol: :lol: That is freakin' awesome! I get it now...for a second there I was SO totally lost...but it's all good now...and that's brilliant by the it! :devil: And uh yeah...evil as he is...Derrick is pretty freakin' hot! :devil:

Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Here's a picture of Derrick:


Stubble and crazy hair and he always looks pissed. And he's tried to seduce Calleigh a bunch of times.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

*sees pic and passes out for a few minutes*
Okay...........I back!!!!! God he's gorgeous!!! You just have to love that stubble. Derrick is SO freakin' hot it's ridiculous!!!!!

Would you guys believe yesterday was the first time I've seen "Rio". I missed it when it first aired. Their phone conversation was cute. Cal was all worried when she lost his signal.

Damn summer hiatus!!! I'm going crazy with this waiting!!! PTB please send some type of spoilers PLEASE!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I wouldn't mind taking Derrick to bed. You know that guy probably lasts all night long. Plus, Calleigh won't try to shoot me if I get with him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Derrick's good for a fuck, but he probably ends up stealing money from you and running away with another woman. I'd still do him, though.

Man, we had this entire storyline with Eric, Derrick, and Calleigh in the Eric thread. Good times.
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