Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

*stare at the pic, glad to meet Derrick*
Even if in season 4 I supposed that Eric was so irresponsible because he had received a blow on his head or something similar, the strange case of Eric and Derrick is more interesting. :rolleyes:
If Calleigh found a way of making Eric turn into Derrick every time she want, she’d be the happiest woman in the world…She’d spend the night with Derrick and in the morning Eric would bring her the breakfast and cuddle her. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

like Jeckel and Hyde! yea that would be so cool if you can change a man whenever you want!:p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Aw, so Eric would never get laid? Plus, Eric cuddles afterwards.

I'm sure Calleigh calls Derrick when Eric has to stay at the lab all night, though. But they can't tell Eric, cause he gets jealous. He's always been jealous of Derrick's sexual powers, and Eric and Derrick have always fought over Calleigh. It's a love triangle. A sexy love triangle involving evil twins. What? It's Miami.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Anything is possible in Miami.

I could picture them having a three bedroom place. One room for her(where Eric and Derrick would climb into anytime) and the other two reserved for Eric and Derrick themselves. The only thing is that neither of the guys would even stay in their own rooms and Derrick is always out anyways.

Could you picture her birthday? Both of them at the same time in one night? ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Well, incest is kinda icky, but there's no reason why she shouldn't play tag.

Lucky bitch.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

You kidding me? I see twins laying with someone together all the time. If their used to being around each other, I am sure they don't mind. I think Derrick cares about Calleigh he just doesn't want to ruin his rep.

Didn't you write the fic where they went to Las Vegas and she shaved his stubble off?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

"Starting Hand of King and Queen" that fic was AWESOME!! :D

I wouldn't mind being Cal if I were able to have the choice between a nice Delko and a naughty Derrick! Depending on her mood that day she could choose which one she wants to sleep with that night :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

That fic sucked the life out of me. I'm still riding my porn quota. After that fic I don't think I'll have to write porn for the next 4 years.

I want Apalachicola to be updated :(
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

that Vegas fic sounds interesting:devil:
can anyone tell me where i can read it?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

the fic can be found at this website Starting Hand of King and Queen

It really is an awesome story and I can see how it would have sucked the life out of you Midnight!!

Apalachicola definately needs to be updated. I implore the author of that fic to is a great fic.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

The only reason why I finished that fic was because I lost internet power and I had nothing else to do. No internet = no distractions. I think I wrote it in like two days. It was awesome. I wish I could still write that fast. I wanna start writing humor again, too. I'm getting rusty at it.

Miranda used to post here sometimes, but then she stopped. I wonder what happened to her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Wow that fic was awesome! You guys have such an imagination!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Caro wrote E/C smex??? Yay! *Mo jumps up and down excitedly!* I've been feeling a bit lost without many new E/C ficcies...or at least ideas of where to look for this is awesome! :lol: Wohoo! (I know I'm way too excited about this...but I don't even care! E/C smex is HOT! :devil: )
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Well, that fic is like two years old, but not really lol. It's just that we used to post all our NC-17 stories over at CSI Forensics because doesn't accept porn.

But hey, if you haven't read it, it's new to you.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

It is new to me, that whole site is pretty new to me...I think I kind of knew it existed but not that makes me totally I have a whole ton of lovely new E/C smex to go and revel in! :devil: Yay! :lol:

Yeah I'm a dork...but I so don't care...rock on! :lol:
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