Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well the episode doesn't air for a we made need our resident EMT to get the paddles and shock her until it does!! :lol:

Personally, I wouldn't mind a nice Morphine drip from now until the ep would make what I'm seeing on screen all the more pleasurable :lol: :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

delkolover said:

to answer your question she smiles at him when he calls her name but then she suddenly realizes that the glass is actually a piece of evidence. So I think the smile she gives him is important to how she reacts. If she wasn't comfortable with it, you know Cal she would have backed away and just gone straight to evidence and totally ignored him. But she *smiles* and I think that is importaant.

So you say that she will smile? This is after the shard of glass is gone and then she realizes it's evidence? It sounds like you said Eric says Calleigh's name and she smiles and then she realizes it's evidence.Is that whatyou meant?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Awesomeness be thy name! D'you know what I like the most? It says another potentially awkward moment. I assuming that means there's another moment earlier in the script. :cool:

I'm never, ever leaving my chair again. Seriously, not even to eat or sleep. Going to the bathroom might become an issue though. On a scale of 1 to 10, how wrong would it be to pee in a cup with the Ninja Turtle Michaelangelo on the side?

My jokes get worse when I'm excited. I think I should just shut up now. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Welcome back, Ali! I can taste your happy from here.


Eric gets the shard in his finger. Calleigh rushes over and takes his hand. Eric tells her that it's fine, he can remove it himself (it kinda seems like he's nervous having her so close), but Calleigh ignores him. She removes the glass but instead of moving away, Calleigh stays there. It says their bodies are very close and there's 'something palpable in the air' that Eric senses. We don't know if Calleigh senses it. That's when Eric calls Calleigh's name. Calleigh looks up and smiles at him, and tells him the shard is clean and that now it's evidence. They continue talking about the case. It doesn't say that Calleigh moves away.

To be honest, I don't think that Calleigh is aware of their tension. I think she smiles because she discovered the shard is clean. However, that's just from that little scene. It's kinda hard to tell and maybe she does, but it seems Eric is the only one who's noticing their little moments. Also, it says this is ANOTHER awkward moment. That means there must be another moment earlier in the episode that hasn't been spoiled. So I assume Natalia tells Eric that Calleigh seems interested in him. This stays in Eric's mind and he starts obsessing over it, so much so that every single moment with Calleigh becomes awkward because he's seeing her now in a new light. Whether Calleigh sees it or not, I think it's very vague and we'll have to see until the episode airs.

If Corey did indeed say that this is going into next season, then my guess is Eric is going to fall in love with Calleigh and that's gonna drag for a while until Calleigh comes around. I have hopes for this storyline because come on, they can't possibly be thinking of making yet ANOTHER relationship fail, can they? Also, they have to realize they can't have Eric jumping from main character to main character just for the hell of it. Of course, they could have Calleigh telling him that they should just remain friends (nooo!) and drop it like a sack, but then why bring it up in the first place?

You're killing me, Donahue!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I want to hear how Eric says Calleigh's name.That could mean a whole lot and your right, Corey did say this is another awkward moment. So Eric will probably start realizing his feelings for her. But I guess no one knows how Eric is going to say her name? I can't wait any longer!!! Also, I hope this story doens't drop. The writers would be stupid to make this fail. Do you think we could have a couple that actually stays together?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm curious about how Eric says her name, too. If he whispers it... that's it for me. I'm gonna die right there. How HOT would that be?!

See, part of me thinks that if they get together, they'll stay together. CSI isn't one for doing relationship drama, and Eric has been through enough. The writers keep wanting him to grow up and mature and I think they've done that a lot. Would they really break his heart AGAIN? His sister dies, his life sucks, his parents are never around... come on, give him a break. Plus, we already had a failed relationship with Eric and Natalia. Rationally, Eric and Calleigh should stick. Rationally, though. This is CSI: Miami, after all. But yeah, I get the feeling it'll be like Grissom/Sara, very low key. That's fine with me, I certainly don't want EC scenes in every single episode. Just knowing they're together (while occasionally getting WET HOT BED SCENES! would be enough for me).
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Shoot, I want some lip smackin'! Yeah, Eric's life does suck really bad right now, all of the things that have happened to him since season 3. Too much! Calleigh will make things better... ;) If Eric were to whisper her name that would be too hot. I wouldn't mind if we get him all looking at her lustily and she doesn't notice. That would be cute to me. They'll probably do close up shots on his face or something, you know.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I really don't think they'd go for this pairing if they weren't serious about it. If they go with this, it'd be the first relationship between two of the main characters on Miami. The CSI shows don't seem to take this kind of thing lightly. They've spent years building these characters up, I don't think they'd let down the characters by doing this as just a throwaway storyline. That would be terribly damaging for both of them.

Honestly, this could go one of so many different directions. It has so many possibilities, and all of them are prety intriguing. Will this turn out well? Maybe, maybe not. But Eric's feelings for Calleigh becoming canon is surely a step in a great direction. I'm fairly confident they'd never bury our ship, I think they'd much rather keep their options open than ever do that. Whatever happens, I'm still sure things will go right in the end. Nobody can deny E/C forever, and these spoilers just prove that fact. :)

One Happy Bunny, stage center. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah and besides, Calleigh and Eric have had relationships throughout the entire series and they have all ended in heart break. So this has to be lasting and meaningful. Also, if they broke them up, it would create and even bigger gap between the characters which we definetly do not need. So this should go in a good direction in my opinion.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm optimistic because we know the E/C ship has always been really close to canon. The actors and writers admitted it's something they've always thought about. So it's not coming out of the blue, like E/N. Since they've always wanted to go somewhere with it, my guess is it's not gonna be a two-episode plot.

My guess is they're finally going canon with it because of our e-mails.

I just hope it isn't filled with melodrama. Leave that to Horatio's flings.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey guys I just want to put this little note to everyone: Corey did say any of those spoilers I posted. People keep saying Corey mentioned the awkward moment. He didn't; the script did. I don't even know if he is playing a role in writing this ep. I'm not trying to be mean...I just don't want people to get confused. The only thing Corey has really said to us is that E/C will grow "closer. So any mention of the "awkwardness" or "palpable situation" did not come from Corey. :D

I think the fact that she smiles is important. We don't know for sure if *she* realizes the tension as well; the script didn't say. And the fact that it mentions that this is the second awkward moment leads me to believe that there is something else that happens in or before this ep which makes this moment awkward and I don't think it has anything to do with what Natalia asks Eric. Although that probably gets him more sensitive to their situation.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well someone had to put that into the script. They should stick with it. :D Now, I think that the other awkward moment has nothing to do with the Eric and Nat scene, too. Do you all think that this episode will contain a lot of E/C time entirely? Is that what it's about?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

The smile in itself has so many possibilities. It all depends on the way Emily plays it. It could mean alot, if Calleigh smiles in a awkward embarrasing way, that could show she feels something too. Adversely, she could just be smiling because she knows she's cracked the case, and is totally oblivious to what Eric's feeling in the moment. Just so many possibilities, dammit!

I really don't think Calleigh is oblivious to what's going on. She might act it, but Calleigh's always been hyper-aware of everything surrounding her and Eric if you ask me. She's been known to get a little carried away, but the reason that her and Eric have never gotten anywhere just spontaneously is because she always pulls away in situations like this. I also think she's going to notice Eric's change in attitude towards her. Eric's always worn his heart on his sleeve, and Calleigh's far from naive. They both have feelings for each other, and they're both gonna know about it soon. :D

A very interesting situation is afoot, m'dears.

We need to start thinking of a new thread name. I've all but given up on trying to think of dirty-ish thread titles, the PG-13-O-Meter is just too strict these days. So unless somebody can think of something creative (don't look at me), then I guess we'll just have to go with a quote. We've had some pretty decent ones recently. Anybody got any ideas?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think we were going with 'Hey There, Hot Stuff!' but now there's so many possibilities. I don't know. I'll put my thinking cap on. We can't put anything spoilerish in the title, so.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I said earlier we should make it "Eric & Calleigh #21-- Palpable Situations" but that is just me. :D
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