Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Leela runs her own site already, so she must be pretty good at all this.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ......No! I'm just good at pretending! ;)

Ok seriously, I'd be glad to help. I'm not a master of coding but I can do all the basic html/css stuff. But I don't wanna push myself to the fore, since Caro said she'd do it as well... ;)
I don't care actually, if nobody else wants to do the layout/coding I'd be happy to make it, but I already have a website so I won't be mad or something when somebody else is doing the E/C one ;)

I can get you the domain name though and host the site for free on my server (if there won't be too much webspace needed) :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Laura, what's your LJ? You can friend me if you want, mine's sombras_azules.

I was going to buy a domain for the website when we were thinking about starting one. I have a website myself and the company I use isn't that expensive (then again, I caught a special offer, I don't know if it's still available). But yeah, we can make it a group thing.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Why can't I see this thread in the main page? Did it get sucked into the Bermuda Triangle?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

here you are! lol I've been looking for this thread and couldn't find it for 2 days now. ;) I wanted to vent about the music vid I made and got all the way to the Save Movie File part on movie maker. My computer froze up. Ctrl alt delete and my stuff was automatically saved. So I reopened movie maker my project was there, then the computer froze up again and all was lost. Every bit of it. My work of art, just how I pictured the vid was GONE. I was so depressed. I'm doing better today, lol and I guess I'll just start over. At least I remember what I did.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I know. Did anyone else have a problem? I couldn't get on at all yesterday.

What? She gets harassed? As in Sexually? That would be great if Eric was around, but I wonder who will do it?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Calleigh doesn't get sexually harassed as far as I know. It's just this guy at the scene won't leave her alone and she thinks he is reporter so she says no comment but he keeps talking to her and she tries to ignore him until he finally tells her he has evidence of the crime she might want to see.

Man it is good to be back....I feel like I have been gone forever but in reality it was only a week!!

Hey Ali, did you miss me? :D

I know I have been gone but why is Emily's thread missing on the board? Is the site having trouble or something b/c I had a hard time even opening the main page.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I couldn't even get the entire forum yesterday and I was wondering why nobody was posting in Emily's thread.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

There was a problem with the server, that's why you guys couldn't log on. It's fixed now.

I have little hopes for the future episodes. I just don't trust the writers that they'll effectively continue Eric's storyline. In a few episodes no one in the show will probably remember what happened to him. That's sad.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well this has been Miami for a few years and we need to get used to it more often. Isn't this another one of our times when our hopes are high then crushed?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I thought it was interesting in Broken Home when he said 'he's been slow with things lately' They did the same thing with Ryan and his eye....they threw things in every now and then to remind us that he got a big ass nail in his eye and then they finally addressed the problem and it was over and done with. I'm hoping they don't necessarily totally pushed this to the back burner and it is all resolved and done with by the end of the season b/c it will be like a 'what the hell was the point in the first place' type of thing. The guy didn't need anymore drama in his life right now.

I just hope this whole ordeal brings him and Calleigh closer together. I think he really needs her right now and vice versa but I think both are too proud to admit that they 'need' the other on a deeper level. It was obvious from the episode that this is just as hard on Calleigh as it is on Eric.

If the server is fixed where the hell is Emily's thread go? What did the server do, eat it? :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I remember when Adam gave that message on myspace about going back to shooting the show. To me that is good because it means now the characters are going on with the show just as we are. Sort of. So we may get something soon. I hope in the next episode, because I am hoping(I know I'm using the word hope a lot) that in Broken Home, they just slacked off a little bit to give everything a little rest.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

While investigating Savarro’s apartment, Calleigh is harassed by Steve Stringer. He points video camera at Calleigh, telling her he catches stories live on film and then sells them to the news programs.

It's not a sexual harassment thing, I think he's just up in her face with a camera, ala 'Spring Break'. Still, I'd love for Eric to be there, he's gets so protective of Calleigh in those type of situations. He might not actually go for the guy whilst Cal's there, because he knows that'd piss her off, but the evil eye he'd be giving the guy from across the room would be priceless. Of course, if he had sexually harassed Calleigh, rambo!Eric would be all over his ass. Trouble is, by the time he got there, there wouldn't be much of the guy left. Calleigh and her trusty Beretta would already taken care of that minor annoyance. ;)

Sometimes I wish Hagen was still around, just so I could enjoy the obvious tension and dislike between him and Eric. Oh, Jake and Peter, where are you when we actually want you?

delkolover said:
If the server is fixed where the hell is Emily's thread go? What did the server do, eat it? :lol:

Quite possibly. Even when the board was back up, I couldn't find the E/C thread. It had been sucked into oblivion. Obviously, you don't need to be a genius to figure out how much of the ditherspaz that sent me in too. Caro's post fixed it though. :)

And yes, I missed you, you fool! I get pissy and upset any time the board goes down or one of you guys go missing, they're the only things that quell my neuroticism enough to make it to the next Monday. You abandoned us for a holiday in Vermont? VERMONT?! C'mon, I thought I was at least worthy of a North Dakota or a Maryland. :p

I just hope this whole ordeal brings him and Calleigh closer together. I think he really needs her right now and vice versa but I think both are too proud to admit that they 'need' the other on a deeper level. It was obvious from the episode that this is just as hard on Calleigh as it is on Eric.

Exactamundo. As for Eric's storyline, I know better than to be optimistic. They may continue it, they may not, and either way I could end up disappointed. Still, I'm fairly optimistic for Eric and Calleigh this season. I don't know where it's coming from, but it's there. Actually, it's a horrid feeling, because I'm certain deep down I'm just going to end up pissed off. I have zero faith in this show. If they do continue the storyline, then I think there's a good chance Calleigh will be involved, just like 'Broken Home' if not, then whatever. I think the writers are going to find it very hard to ignore completely, and since the writers seem to like the path of least resistance (and least effort :rolleyes:), they might explore it a little. Honestly, I don't see how anybody could expect us believe that nobody is feeling the effects of this event just because it's 'over'. Really, the actual shooting would merely be the beginning of the ordeal one would go through. Like always, we're just going to have to wait and see.

Ah, pessimism! Great to have you back old friend. I was starting to look a little bit out of place in this country hanging out with your ugly, ostracised sister.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

You abandoned us for a holiday in Vermont? VERMONT?! C'mon, I thought I was at least worthy of a North Dakota or a Maryland.

Actually I am going to Maryland next weekend to see my sister and nieces!!! :lol:

I too am beginnging to have zero faith in this show. I mean we got some good E/C scenes in "Man Down" and some ok ones in "Broken Home" I think it was significant that Calleigh was the one who confronted him about his mistake. If it were anyone else then I think he would have gotten way more defensive and stormed off but he knows deep down tht Calleigh is just looking out for him and that she has his best interests at heart and he could probably never be mad at her!

I am tempted to see how the rest of the season goes but I am no longer holding my breathe for a spectacular revelation where these two are concerned. Man, these writers really know how to rip our hearts out and stomp on them! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Eh, maybe we should stop complaining. We have faired pretty well over the past few episodes, and let's face it, we're nowhere near the crapnosity of Season 4, and we managed to stay somewhat optimistic through that. I think it's just so damn frustrating because this ship has such a legitimate shot of going canon. It's the closest of any on Miami.

Again, let's just take the positives out of it:
- There was frickin' continuity!
- Calleigh was the only one involved in Eric's ongoing problem.
- They showed that Calleigh was just as upset by the whole ordeal as Eric.
- There's always 'Man Down' :D

I was never expecting a spectacular revelation, but something of real significance. Even if they do gloss over Eric's recovery :)mad:), that doesn't mean we won't get something later. It could come from something unrelated, or maybe, they are steering away from Eric's plight since it's the main focus of the past few episodes (even though Eric wasn't the main focus :mad:), and they'll come back to it in a few episodes time. Remember, Corey said their friendship 'stronger than ever' by the end of the season, and I can't see how either of them, especially Eric, could feel like that after what happened in 'Broken Home'.

Dear God, the freakin' optimism is clawing its way back. :(

One of the worst things about being a CSI fan is the lack of spoilers. It's realy hard to get anything that doesn't pertain to the case. Hopefully, since they're back in production, we'll start getting some tidbits through the grapvine. Otherwise, March is gonna be a long-ass month! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well in the last few episodes a big event was happening and everyone got spoilers because I mean it's exciting and scary if a CSI is about to get killed off. Maybe the media and the show fail to realize there are still people out there who want more on these episodes too, but then again maybe there is nothing more to these episodes.
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