Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

The writing for this episode was craptastically bad.

I liked the beginning when Calleigh was looking at Eric all dreamy when she saw him at the crime scene, but then like 50 minutes went by and there was NO Eric at all. Seriously, what was that about? And wasn't he shot in the leg? Why was there no follow up?

Anyway, Calleigh double checking Eric's work, that didn't bother me, because it shows Calleigh still has the shooting on the back of her mind. In fact, she was the only one who still seemed concerned about it, other than Eric. And I love how she kept trying to downplay his mistake. When other people make mistakes, she gets really pissed. This time, it was Eric who was pissed at himself, and Calleigh kept trying to say it was nothing. I also think Emily did a great job with Calleigh in that scene, because you could tell it was killing her having to do this to Eric. Also, nervousness that there might be something wrong with him. It was a great scene, potentially, but the writing was really bad. It should've been written better.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Have you guys got any screencaps for that ep? It's disappointing to hear that you guys didn't like it but maybe there's good pics???
OMG! I'm so glad! :D They've finally decided to start airing csi miami again here in australia. it's on sunday night (5 nights to go) and I'll finally get to see Rio!!! then there's only 14 more eps before man down! :lol: lol. I'm counting down.
So can you give me details about the (if there was any) cal/eric scenes in broken home? Why do you say it wasn't written well? :confused:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hmmm... :mad:

*disowns Krystal and makes her stand in the corner* No cookie for you today!

Okay, so the first time I watched it, I was pretty pissed off, but the second time, not so much. On second review, the stuff we got watch actually a lot better than I originally thought, and there was quite a few subtle things going on between Eric and Cal in their scenes tonight.

First, there was the dreamy smile at the crime scene. Awww! She seemed geniunely very happy to see him back. Calleigh seemed to be the only one who could muster up any emotional response to Eric's return as well. The others briefly mentioned it, but that was all. Calleigh's usually the worst when it comes to those type of things, so it was nice to see her act like that. I also liked how she spoke to Natalia about it. I was really only expecting Calleigh to mention it if somebody else brought it up, because she usually does all she can to avoid talking about this kind of thing, but this time, it was her who initiated the conversation. And with Natalia, of all people, somebody who she's never been shown to be particularly close to. So, her being so visibly elated about his return, and her feeling the need to verbalise it too, made me a happy bunny. :)

Calleigh checking up on Eric, now here's where I got pissed off. Second time around, my brain starting working and I'm actually alright with it. I don't think Calleigh meant to undermine Eric, or that she doubts his ability to do his job, I just think she was looking out for him, which she's done several times before. It wasn't a lack of trust, it was just her having his back. I actually feel that the way she handled it said something too. She caught wind of a mistake in the case, traced it back to possibly being Eric's fault, and instead of informing her supervisor like she probably should, she went ahead and investigated it herself. I get the feeling that with anybody else, she'd have told Horatio right away, and that if anybody else had been in her shoes, they'd have done the same thing. But with Eric, it's different. She wanted to be the first to know what was going on, not necessarily because of the case, but because she was looking out for Eric. I bet if there'd been some splashback from his mistake, she'd have thrown herself down on the line to protect him, and to do that she needs all the information. She's always had this overwhelming need to proctect him, and that's what this was all about. Still, she could have handled it a bit more sympathetically, but this is Calleigh, after all. :rolleyes:

I did notice that when Eric got upset that she couldn't look him in the eye. Very telling. She's clearly trying her hardest not to get emotionally involved with this. Good luck with that, hun! :lol: The writing for that scene was kinda crappy, but the acting saved it. Thank God for Emily Procter, she's always rocks the subtleties in emotional scenes like this and makes them say more than words probably ever could. :D

In the scene outside the interrogation room, Calleigh redeemed herself a bit. Her reaction to what Eric said reinforced my point that she really hadn't meant to knock his confidence at all. Eric looked so upset with himself right there, the guy needs a hug! I really wished Calleigh would have reached out and touched him right there. But still, what she said was pretty decent. I got really annoyed when she said "alright," because I thought she was just going to leave it at that. I was like 'Damn it, this is not the time to be so cold and heartless. Just stop trying to be so collected about the whole thing and confort the man. You know you want too!' But then when she added the line about not being able to make it without him, I chilled out. That was sweet, and it was the kind of reassurance I was looking for in the earlier scene. I did totally get some underlying vibes there too, that maybe Calleigh was thinking more about their relationship than that of the team when she said that. The look she gave him was pretty intense too, and it lingered for a while at the end. I wish we'd have been close on Cal's face then, and not behind her, but whatever, there was still a little hidden meaning behind that methinks. ;)

That episode was a bit hit and miss for me, but if we take a step back and look at the big picture, it was kinda really good for us. I mean, we got some continuity, and a follow-up storyline, and the best part was, Calleigh was the only one involved! Wherever they intend to go with this story, I get the feeling Calleigh's going to be right at the center of it too. :D

I'm really going to enjoy this if they keep up this vulnerable Eric and worried/protective Calleigh trying-to be-strong-for-him-yet-at-the-same-time-fighting-her-own-emotions stuff.

I'll go and rustle up some caps now. :cool:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yes, I'm glad Calleigh is the only one involved in Eric's storyline. None of the other characters seemed to give a shit about him. Poor Eric. No wonder he's such a Charlie Brown.

Any good post-Man Down fics out there?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I just finished watching the story and it was hard seeing Eric being like that. But I agree it was cool that the issue stayed between them maybe they will discuss it in bed that night!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

^You are so funny yet so right! They'll make it up later in bed or in the shower. I mean how could they not? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey, y'all, I'm new around here but I've been a Hip Hugger forever. I need someplace to obsess compulsively about the world's most perfect couple because my friends tell me to shut up and my cat looks at me funny. My puppies don't mind, but they were born deaf... :) Anyway, I'm Laura and I'm an Emergency Medical Technician. I'm writing this on my ambulance. I also write E/C fic and I'm working on post-eps for Man Down, this latest one, and Death Grip, and about 5 other stories that I haven't had the courage to post. I also make graphics which are in my LJ. But anyway, point I know I had a point here someplace *looks around* oh there it is. At the end of this latest ep, when Calleigh said we I totally heard I. I guess if you think about it, she almost died in Going Under, then got shot a few weeks later, and thenalmost lost Eric, so she's gotta be thinking about some things. I can see her refusing to let anyone else be the one to check up on Eric even though it kills her, because of their history. And she did just promise to have his back... I think that Rio especially proves that Horatio trusts her enough to leave her in charge, and added to the mole sting, Ryan and the death pool, etc, it shows that she has the autonomy to follow her instincts without checking in every second. She's basically a supervisor/lieutenant without the payscale or gold badge. She mentored Ryan, and Eric I believe when he first started, so it only makes sense that she would take that role again now, especially given her personal connection and intense protectiveness. We've always seen her shut down first and deal never, but now the feelings are so intense that she can't ignore them, given all that's happened this season. She's also proven that she will fall on the sword to protect someone she cares about, and she's there for anyone who needs a friend. With Eric especially, her reactions are intensified and I think if she admits it it scares her a little. There's been so much to deal with that it's forcing her to deal and not shut down, and she doesn't quite know how to handle the loss of control, and where she'd usually go to Eric in this situation, he's not only part of the problem but he's also fragile. It's like what do you do when the one that brings the most comfort is the one that's causing the pain? I also think when she called Horatio H in Man Down it was because she was thinking about Eric, because it was right about when she saw and stared at the blood. Am I making any sense at all or am I too sleep deprived?

A couple quick questions that I need for my fic: Not counting the hospital scene, at any time in any episode has anyone actually called her Cal? Because I'm only remembering people saying Calleigh. Also, what ep did Calleigh ask Ryan out for a beer? And what ep was the line where Eric says things could get ugly and she says when don't they and he says when I'm working with you? I saw those someplace and they go with one of the ideas I'm working on. I have to go for now, I thought I got to go home now but we just got a patient. I'll be around tomorrow, look forward to talking with everyone :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Welcome, Laura. We have another Hip Hugger who's an EMT, but she's been missing in action for a while.

Eric called Calleigh 'Cal' in MIA-NYC NonStop, too. I know Ryan has called her that as well. The 'working with you' line, however, is from a fanfic, if I'm not mistaken. One of us had it in our signature, but I can't remember who it is.

Hey, you should totally post your fics. We seriously need to represent over at All the fics are R/C or H/C. How rude!

Welcome, again. I'm sure you'll love it around here. *hands Laura a pair of hip huggers* Wear them proudly.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude, you're an EMT? They saved my life once, so kudos on that. I always thought it to be a very noble profession. :) I bet the hours are killer though. ;)

Anyway, to answer your questions, Laura (you don't mind if I call you that, right? I prefer not to use people's screenames). I'm pretty sure Eric's called her Cal before, anybody else, I'm really not sure. I would assume they have though. I think the beer scene is from 'Deviant', I can't be sure so I'll check for you. To be honest, I totally blocked out most of Season 4. I believe the quote about things getting ugly was from a fic. It definately wasn't in the show. Although, if you need help with any other E/C quotes, I pretty much know them off by heart at this point. :lol:

I totally got what you were saying, and you made some good points. Like we've concluded before, with Calleigh, it always comes back to being in control, and you're right in saying there's a lot of this that have knocked her out of her comfort zone lately. I don't think she knows how to deal with this at all, I think that's why everything with the kit checking was so awkward. When it comes to emotions, Eric and Calleigh don't know how to react around each other when it gets serious, they are fine when it's just flirting or whatnot, but anything deeper, and you see this huge awkwardness to their interaction. At the moment, emotions have skyrocketed, and she just doesn't know how to handle that. Eric is vulnerable and depressed, and she seems to really want to help, but she doesn't know how to do that without letting herself get too close and emotionally involved. Part of me think that's one of the reasons she wanted to handle Eric's mistake by herself, I think at least a tiny bit of her was happy she could help (or what she though as help :rolleyes:) him without having to step out of those walls she built around herself.

I think she's also dealing with a lot of issues herself at the moment, what with an old face showing up, Eric's shooting, her own near-death experience in the Hummer etc. Her world has pretty much been turned on it's head recently, and she's probably doing a lot of thinking a re-evaluating about her life. Trying to take on Eric's emotional baggage as well would be too much for her to handle right now. Plus, it probably doesn't help her to be around Eric like that when she's trying to make sense of their relationship in her own head. Being around him more than likely makes her feel things that she's not ready to deal with, and she doesn't trust herself around him at the best of times, but when he's all broken and helpless as he is now? I doubt she could keep control of her self for very long.

I'm hoping we get to see a lot of Calleigh's reaction throughout this, especially more stuff between her and Alexx. Alexx is very observant, and she knows what's going on. She seems to be the only one, besides Eric, that Calleigh really trusts. The moment between them at the hospital spoke volumes if you ask me, and I'd love to see more of that and Calleigh mixed emotions. Okay, now I'm rambling, but you get the gist, right?

Picture time! Calleigh's dreamy smile to Eric at the crime scene:

Did anybody else notice how she kept smiling at him when she found out he'd make the mistake? I thought that was a bit weird, and that maybe it was a comfort and reassurance thing to go alone with her adamance that it wasn't a big error on his part. But then, did you see her face drop afterwards? Those were sad smiles. Part of it probably was for his benefit, but I think she was smiling in spite of herself. Deep down, I think she was really wishing he hadn't made that mistake. Lookie here:

Smiling, happy face :D:

Smile drops, sad face :(:

See? She knew how he was going to react, and it hurt her to see him like that. I'm still loving the way she couldn't look him in the eye either. :D

Enough rambling from me now, but I am very glad lots of people are writing. On a related issue, who else has been driven close to suicide by their multi-chap fic? No? Just me? Okay, then....

(By the way, and bucketload more caps for E/C in 'Broken Home' can be found here. :))
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Thanks for the caps, sweetie! They've made me smile a little bit more. :) Loving them!

The latest episode for me was... a bit awkward, I don't know--you could tell that it killed Calleigh when she talked to Natalia about him being back... :( I've got a fic written, but I've yet to type it up. It's reeeeeally short, but would be my first E/C fanfic. It's Post-Man Down. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yay! People are writing fics!! :D That makes me happy. :D

Thanks for those caps, Ali! I missed the dreamy smile when I watched. :( How did I miss that?

Speed called her Cal once too. That, and when Eric woke up and called her Cal are the only times I remember her being called that. :) By the way, welcome, Laura! :D

On a related issue, who else has been driven close to suicide by their multi-chap fic?

ME. :lol: My three chapter Christmas fic almost killed me! Just three chapters! :lol:

Anyway, yeah. I wanted to see Calleigh talk to him once more after their last scene. I wanted maybe a locker room scene, sorta like in that one episode where Cal reassured Ryan after he froze up. Sure, what we got was good; we got "we can't make it without you" where we totally means I, but I wanted something a little more private. A little more personal, and I think it totally could've worked in the episode, especially since nobody followed up with Eric anyway except for Cal. The final scene really should've been different, and it totally should've gone to Eric and Cal...and if not both of them, then at least just Eric, because then it would've somehow come back to Calleigh anyway. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

This is amusing because I am actually wearing my favorite hip hugger jeans at the moment :lol: Doesn't have a thing about you can't use song lyrics in your posts? I'm trying to make an lj community for my icons and stories but LJ is being an ass so it might just be a second journal. But I don't know if they suck or not... I don't know about noble, but I'll tell ya, it really gives you pause when you're walking down the hall at Walter Reed Army hospital to pick up a patient and 2 decorated soldiers stop and salute you and tell you that they appreciate all you do to keep the streets safe. That was quite a moment :) The hours suck ass. Right now I'm mon-thurs 5pm-3am but I have 8am classes and I volunteer at another firehouse. And my critters like to see me sometimes too, the puppies are Katrina babies that are still working through some issues. My major is a double in Forensic Science and Paramedic with a minor in American Sign Language. I answer to Laura, Star, Hey You, EMT Girl, and my patients come up with some not so nice ones sometimes. My best friend in the world calls me Dippy.

Driven to suicide nearly by fic? Suicide, homicide, plot bunny-cide... It also sucks when I have an idea and then get a really complicated call and then totally forget what I was doing by the time I'm done. But my stories, let's see. I'm doing a post-Man Down, a post-this past week where Cal goes to Alexx and she's all "I think I broke Eric." I've also got a trilogy that kind of isn't a trilogy anymore. One is post-Hagan breakup. I was trying to make it H/C but it didn't work at all which doesn't surprise me, but I totally love how H turned out. Calleigh not so much so I have some rewriting to do. Then I've got 2 that are NCIS/CSIM crossovers, one is post-10-7, Cal runs to visit Kate and gets there to find that Kate's been killed so she goes hunting for Kate's killer with Eric's help. And I'm messing with a post-Death Grip one that's giving me major issues, probably because it was started on the back of a patient information form :lol: I have a notebook that has a page for each ep for Calleigh character info, but it's rather incomplete. If I ever get my website up it's going to have character info among other things, since I have about 2000 caps per episode... :eek:

Calleigh was totally trying to hide her feelings and failing miserably when she was checking his kit. For her to not be flipping about a mistake is huge for her, and did anyone else see her almost lose it when Eric said that about if there's a confidence issue? Because dude. She doesn't know *how* to be emotionally involved, and yet at this point she doesn't know how *not* to be and I think she's terrified. I also noticed how she's the one that goes in to check on Natalia's progress in the lab, and I think she actually is a supervisor now, or at least close to it. I think Horatio trusts her to oversee things because she does it with grace and tact, though she can be harsh when she has to.

I think her lack of eye contact is very telling, because she has always looked people in the eye. She's desperate to be seen as a competent equal. Remember the scene with Hagan telling H about the spear gun? "I just don't want you telling anyone I'm anything less than squared away on a case." Even when she's not, she can't let anyone know. Except Eric. And Alexx. I also think she's starting to let herself be friends with Natalia. I really like Talia, and she and Cal have had some great scenes. Cal is always the first to offer support, and I love seeing her in the mentoring role because she's so damn good at it. She has a very calming and reassuring presence, but with Eric all bets are off because she's afraid to feel because the feelings are so strong. And on another note, can I just say how hot it was seeing tiny Calleigh driving a Hummer in a chase and then being the one to arrest the guy? :devil: That's my girl hehehe.

Thanks for the welcome, guys :) I can tell it's gonna be fun hanging out here.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm wearing my favorite hip hugger jeans, too. :D I don't know if Cal was trying to hide her feelings, but that sounds like her and she probably was. I mean I am surprised that we didn't get tht much emotion from anyone. So just that probably blocked out everything else in the episode for me. And I've always thought that Cal and Nat liked each other, which makes me wonder...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

StarDuquesneEMT said:
...when you're walking down the hall at Walter Reed Army hospital to pick up a patient and 2 decorated soldiers stop and salute you and tell you that they appreciate all you do to keep the streets safe.

Is it wrong that I got the image of Mac and Flack in their dress blues (or rather, in the process of getting out of them :devil:) as I read that? I think the girls over at the NY board are poisoning my mind. I've got to say, that was quite a moment for me too. :lol:

Check these out. I love them:


Calleigh looks pretty emotional in those photos. There are many more of them like that too. The more times I watch this, and the more time I spent thinking about it, the better I feel about this episode. I believe it's just the first step towards something much greater. There has to be a purpose of why it was only Calleigh who reacted to Eric's return, and Calleigh that was the one following up on Eric's mistake. Add to that how much more Calleigh-oriented 'Man Down' was in terms of the team's reaction, then yeah, I don't buy that it means nothing. Too many coincidences and all that. I don't know what it is, nor whether it'll be just a big friendship moment or more (well, it kind of is always more with E/C ;)). Damn you, Corey! Part of me wishes he hadn't even mentioned the 'closer than ever' thing at all! :lol:

Calleigh was totally trying to hide her feelings and failing miserably when she was checking his kit. For her to not be flipping about a mistake is huge for her, and did anyone else see her almost lose it when Eric said that about if there's a confidence issue? Because dude. She doesn't know *how* to be emotionally involved, and yet at this point she doesn't know how *not* to be and I think she's terrified.

Good points. Calleigh, as usual, is definately internalizing all her emotions towards Eric and this event. Although, I think it might end up being too much for her to handle. Could we be about to see a big blow-up from Calleigh? It's always been in the making, this could be what finally tips her over the end. It sure would be interesting to watch, to say the very least.

As for Eric, I love the way he only gets upset about trust issues when it comes to Calleigh. He doesn't seem to have that problem with anybody else. He needs Calleigh's trust, and is constantly needing it to be reassured. I've never seem him as upset as he does when he feels Calleigh has issues or doubts with him. It plainly obvious just how much her opinion means to him. :D


Poor Eric. He looks so sad. :(

Now that you mention websites, I was thinking maybe we should put one together, sort of as the ultimate resource for this ship. I know there is a site of some sort (it's linked on the drabbles community), but it hasn't really been updated in a long while. Would anybody be interested in that? I don't think I'd be able to get it done on my own; I could probably do alot in terms of content, but I'm useless when it comes to graphics and page design. I just thought it would be a good idea, and something for us to each contribute too, since this is our ship and all. The community is very scattered, and it would be a great place to put links to everything and sort of consolidate our ship.

How would you guys feel about something like that? It's something to chew over anyway. Besides, we're going to need something to do since the entire month of March is just re-runs (!:mad:) Apart from writing a shitload of fics (which I probably will anyway), we're going to find ourselves very bored around these parts.
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