Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I agree; I do find it hard to believe that if TPTB honestly didn't want or didn't care about the E/C chemistry, that they would keep letting Adam and Emily play it like that. :D

How do you actually want Eric and Calleigh to get together?

a) Soon, with very possible/probable angsty break-up.
b) Wait until the end and have a 'happily ever after' deal.

...Can I have A and B? :D I mean, we'd get what we wanted sooner and later, heh. They could get together, and for awhile it's all great. And then something happens. And then Adam and Emily could act the hell out of an angsty break-up and the subsequent tension. But their attraction never goes away and if anything, the sexual tension gets even stronger, even though they spend all their time pretending to be mad (well, Calleigh tries to keep up the anger facade, but Eric gets tired of it after awhile, and he tries a few times to talk to her. But it doesn't work.). And of course, we all know what their never-dying attraction + anger equals... :devil: A hot, angry encounter or two in the ballistics lab, maybe?

And then in the end they can realize that hey, they never got over each other. And then they can find their happily ever after. :D Angst before fluff, y'all. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't know if I want them to hook up so soon. The show is about drama now, and who knows for how long, so the writers would probably make a whole story about their relationship which would leave them seperated. Unless they make it like Calleigh and Eric are there for each other and realize all the drama is crap. I think Eric doesn't wanna be apart of all this mess. He's a good guy, he deserves way better.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

...and I was right. :D Jess, I said the exact same thing. I'd love for them to get together in about a season's time, have them totally happy for a while, only for them to break up. You know Calleigh's going to run the first time there's any trouble. Then of course, there's the angsty, awkward 'I still have feelings for you' stage which Adam and Emily would totally act the pants off of. Seriously, I must watch their scene from 'Nailed' on almost a daily basis and I can't get over how great they were. All the subtle looks and such, I mean, they weren't really saying that much to each other, at least not something emotionally deep yet it felt like a big deal. The feelings they portrayed were fanatastic, they didn't even need a big event or deep, meaningful lines to make that scene awesome. But yeah, in the end they'd get back together and be happy, the way it should be. Honestly, can you think of two people who deserve it more? Then we all get our flangst, and everyone is happy :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

You guys are taking a risk here. I'd cry my eyeballs out to ever see them break up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I too would like A & B. I want them together but I don't want it to be all lovey dovey and happily ever after on the first try. Maybe get them together for a while and something happens and they break up and after some angstiness they realize they do belong together. The best of this idea would be the process of them coming back would totally be angsty and dramatic and Adam & Emily would do a great job with it!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I want them together but I don't want it to be all lovey dovey and happily ever after on the first try.

Exactly. Number one, it'd be quite unrealistic for them to kiss and then be just completely on cloud nine. We know Calleigh; she's gonna have reservations. Eric I could see being nothing but happy, but Calleigh, no. She's gonna want to analyze every little thing that happens between them at first, and yeah, at the first sign of something troubling, regardless of how she honestly feels about Eric, her first instinct is gonna be to get out of there, given what she's been through in the past.

And second, I feel like making Eric and Calleigh all happily ever after from the start would be quite the waste of Adam and Emily's talent. Sure, I wanna see them in happy scenes and all, but we know they can be cute, flirty, and happy together. But give them angst together, and they'd blow it out of the water.

I so want to see this storyline.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah, I'd probably bawl my eyes out too, but I'd recover if safe in the knowledge that it was going to be a great, drawn out storyline with tons of fantastic scenes for Adam and Emily. And of course that they would get back together eventually. :D ger

I agree with Jess, Calleigh's definately going to have trouble getting used to being in that kind of relationship. They'd would be happy though, something would go awry, or maybe one of them (again, probably Calleigh) would become afraid of how deep her feelings are and look for any reason to pull away and get out of there. I could see this happening, especially if they get together the first time without any declarations of love; they can save that for the end.

I want this storyline badly too, in fact, I think I need it. Just thinking of the awesomeness it would be sends me into spasms. Come on PTB, Make. It. Happen. It would definately be the best thing ever from a CSI show. No, scratch that, it's Eric and Calleigh, it would be the best thing on TV ever!

By the way, new E/C Music Video on youtube. PM me if you want the link, but I'm pretty sure it'll pop up if you make a search.

EDIT: Put the link as my homepage. Get it through my profile. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well to me the writers wouldn't know what they were doing if they made Eric and Calleigh split. It would be something totally different from planned.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude, I have some more to say about that subject and a whole bunch of other stuff but I can barely keep my eyes open so I'll be brief. Who's watching the show tonight? Be sure to come back and tell us of any E/C interaction won't you, it sucks living in a country that's so far behind. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh my God!! Who's watching this?! Did y'all hear what I heard?

Calleigh with her gorgeous, curly hair that Eric loves so much comes out of the elevator or through a door or something, and sees Eric standing there, in a suit...and she loves it, of course. :D

Calleigh says, "Hey, hot stuff!" :eek: :D

Maybe it's not huge, but I am happy for the night. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That was pretty kick ass. She was practically undressing him with her eyes. They were flirting like crazy.

Hey, people, I'm back! And I survived the festivities. They were an absolute hell, but also kinda fun at the same time. Still, I'm really, really exhausted. It's gonna take me a week to get over it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yay, Caro's back! :D

Calleigh: "Is there anything I can do?" Aww! Calleigh, always looking out for him. She was genuinely concerned about him there. I love it; I love it so much! :D

Eric says something about having to take on extra shifts or whatever (I don't know what he said; I can't get over the fact that we even got this scene), and Calleigh says "I've got your back." Aww. God, they're so amazing together. :D
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