Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber...Of Her Panties

hi guys, I am new, and I'm a big fan of E/C. I even emailed Corey about it. I haven't had a response yet, but we'll see.

Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber...Of Her Panties

Welcome to our HipHugger thread Carolina!!!

Awww, bye Carol!!! I'll be counting the days until you get back!*sniff*

Hmmm, that Invasion scene really gets to me...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber...Of Her Panties

Anyone else find it hilarious that the day after one Carolina goes on a ship vacation, we gain another? :lol:

Anyway, welcome to the E/C thread, carolinam91! Emailing Corey Miller already makes you awesome in my book, I'm so glad people are doing that *hint to all the other lazy folk I know still haven't* ;)

How's about a welcome gift from me, and since we just mentioned 'Invasion' this and this seems the most appropriate thing I have to offer. Aww, the cuteness. Oh, and I'll post this too:


Just 'cause I can. :cool:

Okay, just making sure I'm all clued up on my spoilers. 'Throwing Heat' is next, airing on Monday, and all we know so far is that Eric is going to help Calleigh :D, and end up getting sued for his troubles. That, and Frank stepping on a landmind *headdesk*. From an E/C perspective, the next few episodes are still looking extremely promising. I got an email from a friend who got a side of the script where Calleigh is at the hospital trying to give blood. I think somebody already posted that, but I wanted to bring it up again in case anybody here had read it too. Any more information you have, pass it on to me right now, I'm dying over here!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber...Of Her Panties

Ummm, I try to email Corey but I never get anything in return or it doesn't go all the way through. I'm just gonna have to get help.

I love those pics, too and Eric is soooo hot in that Invasion one. The big pic in your post, Ali, what eppy is that from?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

CSI_Ali said:
Dude, I was here, but you all ran away whilst I went to write porn. You let the thread slip to page two, how dare you! I almost feel like not giving you the porn because of it, but I will, because it's not very good anyway. :lol: Seriously, somewhere in the middle it became a story and not just pointless smut. WTF?

Anyway, now as I come to post this I realise I can't remember the rules about posting over PG-13 material. I had a quick look through the FAQ, but couldn't find anything about it. My brain is telling me it's okay as long as it's not a direct link, so that's what I'll be doing. If I'm wrong, a mod is free to spank me. :D

I posted it at the E/C LJ community, because we neglect that place and it needs more traffic. Ah, E/C porn. All is right in the world. Who's turn is it next? :p

Edited to remove link to LJ containing NC-17 fics.

It's against board rules to link to fanfic or LJ's that contain fanfic rated above PG-13.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That makes you even cooler! Seriously, it's hard to ship anybody else once these two drag you in.
:lol: Yes, Ali! I do rock! :D I know... I need to change my signature banner soon and include a picture of Eric/Calleigh instead of Horatio/Calleigh. :lol:

I'm thinking of writing a short Eric/Calleigh oneshot. Anybody got any ideas? It's to celebrate my newly-discovered OTP!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

The pic Ali posted is from the ep "Broken" which I thought was a great episode. I love that scene between the two of them when she puts the gel on her hands to get the guys print...ahhh those were the days :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Thannks for telling me, I just find it funny how they are smiling at each other. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay, my bad. If anybody still wants to read the smut fic, ask and I'll PM you the link. :)

I've got a few more caps from 'Broken':
Calleigh hand porn
Which Eric is clearly enjoying far too much
All smiles

I love that episode, it's possibly one of my favourites. Totally creepy, but great, and having that scene makes it all the more awesome. I love how giggly and pathetic they get around each other, it's like they can't help but smile in each others presence.

kissmesweet said:
I'm thinking of writing a short Eric/Calleigh oneshot. Anybody got any ideas? It's to celebrate my newly-discovered OTP!!

Well, Leela was offering muffins to whoever would write a post Death Grip fic. It's a good idea, especially if you're hungry, although I've got a feeling those may have gone stale by now. :lol: You could go with that, or of course, the one scene that every E/C writer has written something about *cough*nomidnighttiptoe*cough* :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

^^ :lol: Yes, I think I might be a little more original than that. I'm actually thinking of a specific plot instead of a post-whatever-ep-fic. Yes, I'm a little picky... but hey! E/C deserve the very best now, don't they?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

CSI_Ali said:
Well, Leela was offering muffins to whoever would write a post Death Grip fic. It's a good idea, especially if you're hungry, although I've got a feeling those may have gone stale by now.

They're not stale! I didn't bake them yet! I'll wait for someone to write that fic and then I'll deliver them as fresh as possible! :)

Btw, Ali. Was that a tiny part of a BJ that you threw into your fic? It was very tiny tiny, but I'd be willing to bake you a muffin for that thought... and because we haven't had new E/C porn in ages!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

kissmesweet said:
^^ :lol: Yes, I think I might be a little more original than that. I'm actually thinking of a specific plot instead of a post-whatever-ep-fic. Yes, I'm a little picky... but hey! E/C deserve the very best now, don't they?

Yeah, they do, but all my plot bunnies ran away when I tried to write the smut. Just go with whatever your gut says, even if it's the most horrible story ever (which I doubt it will be :)), it'll still be great because it's E/C. Talk about turning trash into gold, no wonder it's the only pairing I write. :lol:

Leela, to be honest, I can't even remember what I wrote! Seriously, my attention span barely rivals that of a small sparrow. But, I'm starving, so I'll take those muffins to go, especially if you ice some dirty words on top for me. :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yes any fic featuring E/C is great no matter how it is written. The fact that it is E/C just warms my little heart to pieces :D

kissmesweet are you looking for ideas cuz I'm sure I could come with some :devil: I think it is great you want to be original and do an actual plot fic. No offense to anyone out there who has written a post ep's just we need something fresh out there. Ya know a little action, some angst and of course a whole lot of loving! I was just over at and things are looking blah for E/C stories.

I'm tired of seeing CarWash stories all over the place!! We have to unite people :lol:
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