Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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^There's your plot bunny for you (sort of) :D.

I had a large project due in on Monday, so over the weekend I had a Season 1 & 2 marathon. Thanks two those two, I got a grand total of nil work done. What was I thinking! *slaps self in head*. At least it made me feel better I guess :D.
Aww, well done Caro! I think you just broke the record for swearing in a fluff fic though :lol:. Hopefully I'll be able to take part in the next challenge, I fucking hate coursework!
They're actually not hard to write at all. I mean, I put zero efford into that one, as you can clearly see. Just sat down and wrote the first things that came to mind. They're drabbles, not books.

Besides, it's fun.
Now I remember about that episode!!! It was one of the best, I mean the case, I didn't notice Calleigh worried by that time, but now I do :)

What are drabbles???? :confused:
And yet, your zero-effort drabble still puts all mine to shame. :lol: Awesome job. :D

And they are fun to write. :D
Which once again brings it back to the fact that Eric and Calleigh have such a perfect dynamic and can be written believeably in practically any genre, long or short, which makes them perfect for drabbles. :D

What are drabbles????

Basically it's just a shorter fic. There's so many vague definitions of a drabble out there that that's all I know it is, lol. I never write them differently than anything else, except for the whole word limit thing. For some places that's 1000, some places it's 500, and others keep it strictly to 100.
They're fun because you know, they're drabbles and they don't have to be good. Also, you can get away with writing fluffy stuff you otherwise wouldn't write. I hate babyfics, but I don't mind babydrabbles. It's just fun.

I think the cut-out for drabbles is like 1,000 words, right? I think that's the rule for most places. I basically consider a drabble anything that's short and probably not very substantial. Just a small little story that the author wanted to get out of his head or something. A lot of them are only a couple of sentences long.

Considering starting a Ryan/Valera one now. Any Ryan/Valera fans in here?
Yeah, I'm Ryan/Valera too!!! lately I'm multishipper I'm Cal/Ryan too!!!! :hides-from-hip-huggers:

Thanks for the answers!!!! :D

Carolina the baby drabble was very funny!!! She has no hats!!! :lol: :lol: Could you do me a favor??? Finally I found out why all of you talk about midnight tiptoes :blushes: On the couch, and no midnight tiptoes deal? How did they translate this into Spanish??? I don't remember and although I know what midnight tiptoe means I can't find a good translation :( Thanks a lot!!!! :D

I've been thinking about midnight tiptoes thing. They used to have a very strong frienship 'cause I wouldn't let a friend of mine to stay in my place if I didn't know him very well!!!!
Hee. She said no midnight tiptoe, but what she really meant was "Eric, if you don't do a little midnight tiptoe to my bed tonight I WILL shoot you!!" :devil:

Another thing. Why would Calleigh have to specifically tell him on the couch? Wouldn't he assume that anyway? Unless of course he's spent the night at her place in her bed before. Hmm... ;)
I never saw that episode in Spanish. They started showing Miami here about a year or two back, but it wasn't very popular, so they cancelled it. People here don't watch a lot of television. The only American show that has been a hit is The Simpsons, and that comes on at 4 pm.

I think that scene probably was written to set up a history between these two. I've always subscribed to the theory that Eric and Calleigh have had a relationship in the past. It seemed especially obvious during season 1 and there were a lot of clues. I always thought things just didn't work out, but Eric continued to have feelings for her, hence him asking to stay at HER place rather than Speed's or Horatio's or hell, even a motel. And he seemed really happy afterwards, when she said yes.
Hmm, I agree somewhat. I don't think they had a proper relationship in the past, but that they both have/had feelings for one another that goes beyond freindship. Whether something came of them is questionable. Maybe something did and that's why they drifted so far apart. But whatever you believe, there is definately more to this relationship than meets the eye.

Oh, and I still mantain they had comfort sex after Speed/Hagen ;).
*pops in* Hi folks! You still remember of me, right? *turns red* I... Uh... I know I haven't posted in here for ages (bad bad Hip Hugger!), but I've never stopped reading and now that it comes to comfort sex I just can't help squeeing.

Today I watched Simple Man and... Oooh, that scene! I miss those cute moments so much! *HH heart breaks*

I think I'm going to write something about this... Why they used to have such a beautiful relationship and why now they seem to have lost it all (goddess only knows how I hate robo-Calleigh).

I think I'm like in denial and need to convince myself that there's a precise and valid reason why they have been so distant recently. (if TPTB happen to read my thoughts or my soon-to-be fic, I hope they'll consider the possibility to turn it into a real ep and put an end to this crappy coldness between Mr and Mrs Hottie).
Let's dream back to the old wonderful days...


Ok, I've vented all my suprresed shipper-frustration... Feel better now. *looks at pic* much better.
My first E/C fic was about comfort sex after Speed's death. I never finished it. I think I still have it around somewhere.

Sucks that the writing on this show is terrible and they don't know a good storyline when it fucks them in the ass.

Welcome back, CalleighDuCaine. Simple Man is the Mecca.
I still find it highly improbable that they've known each other for so long, been such great friends for so long, and have been there for each other through the good and the bad, and they haven't slept together once. It seems like with these two, it'd just be something that would have to happen, you know, maybe after finishing a rough case, and neither of them wants to be alone, so they go back to one of their places with the intention of talking or watching tv or whatever, and it just happens.

And why we haven't heard about it is because Calleigh, of course, would wake up the next morning and ignore it. For the sake of their friendship and their jobs, she'd want to put it behind them, even though she enjoyed it and still wants it just as much as Eric did/does.

I think I'm going to write something about this... Why they used to have such a beautiful relationship and why now they seem to have lost it all (goddess only knows how I hate robo-Calleigh).

Yay! Go for it! I'd love to see how they really feel about the way they've gotten lately, compared with the way they were.
Definitely. It's only because Eric is such an open book that you notice.

But there's clues surrounding Calleigh, too. Her jealousy over Marisol. Calleigh seems okay with Eric's girlfriends because she knows they won't last, but the one time she sees him really serious with someone, she gets pissed.

I'm still wondering why Eric didn't want HER to know about Natalia. I mean, yeah, I know why, but you know. I wonder how Calleigh would've reacted.
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