Lab Technician
This is the Cheat Tweet for Episode 18- Law & Disorder
Will Calleigh's BIG life decision give her a 2nd chance w/ Delko? 3/25 10pm ET/PT #CSIMiami http://bit.ly/zhS6Vi
I guess Episode 18 will be the episode where Eric & Calleigh will be back together.:luvlove: Finally, after almost 2 years of waiting! I am excited to see how they'll go about it. I was expecting this thread to be alive and rejoicing again but I guess a lot of hiphuggers just gave up. I definitely would want to have at least another season of CSI Miami and the onlyway that will happen in my opinion is to continue supporting the show.
Well, I haven't given up. I just wasn't posting here or anywhere for some time - there was no spoilers that were worth it...
I really hope that Cal and Delko will be back together soon, I don't blame hiphuggers for abandoning this ship...It's been so long when anything happened...
Looking forward to the new episodes!