Lab Technician
This is the Cheat Tweet for Episode 18- Law & Disorder
Will Calleigh's BIG life decision give her a 2nd chance w/ Delko? 3/25 10pm ET/PT #CSIMiami http://bit.ly/zhS6Vi
I guess Episode 18 will be the episode where Eric & Calleigh will be back together.:luvlove: Finally, after almost 2 years of waiting! I am excited to see how they'll go about it. I was expecting this thread to be alive and rejoicing again but I guess a lot of hiphuggers just gave up.I definitely would want to have at least another season of CSI Miami and the onlyway that will happen in my opinion is to continue supporting the show.
Well, I haven't given up. I just wasn't posting here or anywhere for some time - there was no spoilers that were worth it...
I really hope that Cal and Delko will be back together soon, I don't blame hiphuggers for abandoning this ship...It's been so long when anything happened...
Looking forward to the new episodes!